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Station Post # 23 Kor'Kang

Posted on Sat Jan 20th, 2024 @ 7:06pm by Commander Kehlani
Edited on on Mon Jan 22nd, 2024 @ 5:34pm

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Kor'Kang Colony
Timeline: current



Matriarch Kehlani was available to be viewed across the colony, and High City, the Klingon metropolis that was continuing to grow and populate with regularity. Not all residents of the colony were from her House, which was to be expected, but all those who were paid their tribute and kept the House strong out of duty, honor, and loyalty. The few business owners who were not a part of House Kehlani knew to tread carefully because any hint of 'stealing' from House Kehlani would result in severe punishments. Up to, and including, entire households being slaughtered and made an example of. Klingon laws and traditions were harsh but effective. Now, standing on the steps of the great House Hall, Kehlani gave her speech. As was her way when speaking eloquently, Kehlani paced back and forth with her hands clasped behind her back, her Klingon swagger readily apparent. She stopped, faced the courtyard of the Hall and raised her right fist into the air. "tlhIngan maH! (We are Klingons!)" She shouted. That elicited a roar from the crowd present, and all across the city and the colony as they observed her on monitors and holographic comm displays. When the crowd settled she continued her pacing and speaking.

"You have chosen to embark on a quest of discovery, of expansion. Building a colony is no easy undertaking, but as Klingons we welcome challenges that test our mettle. The basic foundations are already in place, with this great hall and the surrounding town that continues to expand through the mountain passes and the valley below. We are a race of warriors, driven to conquest and victory in battle, but we understand and appreciate the value of trusted allies. This includes welcoming them to our home, our colony. After much thought as Matriarch of House Kehlani I have decided on a name for not only this star system, but this planet as a whole for a colony. We shall call it Kor'Kang. This honors two of the greatest Dahar masters from our past, and ushers in a way of thinking from both of their points of view!" Again, her right fist was raised and she gave a triumphant howl with it. It was followed and repeated by thousands across the colony.

"This colony is now the beating heart of House Kehlani," Kehlani continued. "Kor'Kang will be both respected and feared by those we call neighbors. Respect from allies, fear from those who choose to test our...patience." The crowds all around Kor'Kang gave chuckles and laughter to themselves and others at the meaning behind those words. "Contrary to popular belief, we are not simply a race of warriors. Being Klingons, of course, military strength will always be a primary focus of our people. However, no civilization can exist without scientists, doctors, engineers, and even artists. Just as we forge weapons of war, so too will we shape the minds of our youth through science and technology, as well as literature and philosophy."

Kehlani came to a standstill, her hands no longer clasped behind her back as she gestured while speaking, facing the courtyard for the Hall. "We are a proud and boisterous people. House Kehlani is not reticent about interacting with other species unless they choose to test us. We are an island of Klingon culture in an area that is, technically, Federation territory. But, anything within our five light years of claimed space around this star system is OURS! No one crosses our border without express permission from Kor'Kang. To do so will bring about a swift response, no matter how violent that response may be." More cheers and jeers went out among the crowds. "We are who we are. We cherish our heritage and will vigorously defend it against those who would bring it dishonor; however, we also are increasingly willing to share our culture with those willing to understand our ways." Again the crowds cheered.

"Qapla'!" She shouted one last time, her fist jammed into the air as high as she could thrust it. Every Klingon viewing the comm feeds, and those seeing it first hand, matched her gesture and repeated; "Qapla'!"

There it was. The Klingon colony world Kor'Kang was founded and had a name. It was the seat of power for House Kehlani, and a port of call for all Klingon ships in the region. Instead of always stopping at M-69, and dealing with the Federation and Starfleet, Klingons now had a port where they would feel at home around their own people and cultural norms.

Today would be a good day to die, thought Kehlani as she spun on her heel and went back inside the Hall.



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