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Station Post # 24 " Sweet Home Vulcan "

Posted on Mon Jan 22nd, 2024 @ 5:34pm by Commodore Sureth & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Suban Silesh

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Vulcan
Timeline: Concurrent


== ShiKahr ==

Sureth had accomplished his goal and it was four days into the vacation. Awaiting the return of the others his last check in was with big brother Thon.

Isabelle arrived back at the meeting place she and John had arranged with Sureth. As they approached she looked at John somewhat unhappily, "So much for getting to meet family, I didn't even get to go with."

" I am sure they had their reasons Isabella. We have a few hours where to now?" John asked

"I'd like to find out where my father is headed next" Isabelle offered a disappointed glance. "I'm sorry! I was just looking forward to meeting family that I've never met before, my father hasn't even given it a thought."

" Isabella he is very busy. Such an intense man always. Hell that is why we are even here." John replied.

A few minutes later 2 children and a male Vulcan turned a corner and they were joined by a tall Vulcan man and Suban Silesh, Isabella's half sister.

" Isabella you are a hard one to find. We went to your room but they told me you had gone for the day. Allow me to introduce Uncle Thon, father's older brother. " Suban introduced.

" It is agreeable to meet you, again Isabella." greeted Thon.

Isabelle smiled feeling happier now she had family to meet. "It's nice to see you again as well Thon, I didn't thank you properly for helping me before so Thank you." She smiled as she looked at Suban. "It's good to see you again Suban, and who might this gentleman and these 2 young people be?"

" This is my...our brother Suran, his son Serol and daughter Saline." Suban introduces.

Suran extended his v shaped hand.
" Forgive our lateness. I prepared you a gift and the children decorated it." Suran said handing Isabella a palm sized sun dial. " Now which ever planet you visit you will always know the time of day on that planet. Provided it has a sun."

Isabelle gave the sun dial a wonderous look. "This is...amazing! thank you so much!" she smiled the biggest smile yet. "It's an honour to meet all of you, I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you better from now on."

" Father seems convinced we will." Suran replied.

"I'll admit I've taken my time getting to this poing, but family is important to me." Isabelle smiled warmly at Suran.

" Your career is similar to that of Suban minus the religious component. How do you manage to deal with other races mental faculties?" Suran asked .

"To be honest it can be tricky at times" Isabelle offered a warm smile. "Being half Betazoid my empathic abilities come in useful. What I don't know I do my best to learn, I tend to spend a lot of time researching what I can."

" Isabella would you want to experience a genuine Vulcan Katra ritual?" Suban asked.

Isabelle looked at Suban in surprise. “I think that would be fascinating and educational, yes please Suban.”

Suran looked to Thon and then rolled his eyes at the mention of the ritual. Harboured fillings concerning his mother's death rekindled in his mind but this time he felt peace as he realized Suban had carried his mother's katra for a week until she was able to deliver it to the monestary at Selaya.

" I will check today's schedule." Suban replied as she checked her itinerary.

" T'Got in Vulcan City is soon to decease. Can you leave now?" Suban asked.

Isabelle looked at John, he’d have to look after their son whilst she was gone. “Do you think I’d have time?”

" Sureth just called. He and the Doctor have completed their visit. So probably not. " Dallas replied.

Isabelle nodded. “That’s a shame.”

Suban then added " There will be other deaths to attend. Live Long and Prosper Isabella."

Isabelle nodded. “Live Long and Prosper Suban, and the same goes for all of you. I hope to visit again soon.”


Sureth went in search of Doctor Williams but along the way he paused at a building he was most familiar. His home with his late wife.

After returning the rented Shuttle, Ramvek decided to take a walk through a rather nice residential area. The architecture was quite familiar, since growing up on Vulcan, and seeing the buildings brought back fond memories of his childhood. Walking by one of the residences Ramvek saw a familiar face standing in front of a rather nice looking house "Sureth, I am surprised to see you here in this area" he commented with a grin; of course not expecting one in return.

" This is...was home for me Doctor. I hope your family are well? I do not think I knew them as I had moved away." Sureth replied.

"My Parents are doing well; thank you for asking. I do not think you knew my family either; I mentioned your name and Father did not seem to recognize it" Ramvek replied.

" We are half way through this vacation. Have you completed your visit?" Sureth asked.

"Actually yes; as much as I enjoyed seeing my Parents, it was time for me to be on my way" Ramvek explained.

" I concer. I will recall the others and we can be on our way. " Sureth replied. He then tapped his Comm badge to call Isabella and John.

After Sureth heard back from John he then walked back with the Dr Williams to the Oppenheimer.


John Dallas arrived and fired up the yacht while Sureth and Williams took their seats. Suban and Suran both walked with Isabella and paused outside the yacht.

" We would each like to join with you Isabella in a mind meld. In order to keep you in our thoughts and us in yours." Suran stated.

Isabelle nodded as she handed her son over to John to hold. “I would like that.”

Suban began but the Suran took over as he pulled both into a head hug of three. This was observed by Sureth who wanted to join but resisted as he had been through one recently.

Subans faith was present as she seriously hoped to help those she aided. Suran was not as charming but wholesome as he was an honest,logical being. Last they could feel Isabella's Betazoid beliefs and their own fathers presence in her katra. Isabella was their half sister but she was half Vulcan and that was enough for them.



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