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Station Post# 32 Flash Back

Posted on Thu Feb 1st, 2024 @ 7:30pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Before and After Returning


< 72 Hours Ago >

The yacht raced back like crazy to Starbase M-69 but like all vacations the ride home seemed to take forever.

While Sureth caught some sleep while he did so his mind returned to the meld with Suran and Suban and the unresolved anger at Sureth’s leaving Vulcan following their mother's death.

Isabelle was lying staring at the ceiling, her mind meld with Suran and Suban had opened her up to the troubles of her father. It had also left her mind open and sensitive to Sureth, her mind connecting with his as he slept.

~ Dreamscape ~

Isabelle appeared at Sureth’s side. * Hello father, it seems my sensitivity to the mind meld has brought our minds together.*

*Isabella you are here...but how. Please don't go any further in my is private.

Isabelle nodded. * I know what it is you’re feeling father. I saw events from our family’s past when I joined in the mind meld with Suran and Suban.*

* They blame me for leaving before she died. My command insisted I take the Bohr to the Vutab station or lose the medicine for the colonist. When the mission was over my wife had died. *

* I’m sorry father, that must have been difficult.* Isabelle paused. * I didn’t know her, but I wish I could have been there for you at that time. At least I’m here now. *

Sureth smiled and in his mind hugged Isabella as a human father held his child.
* I have always needed to do this. *

Isabelle returned the mental hug, with one of her own. * All I ever wanted was to be the daughter you needed father. *

* I have been and ever shall be proud of you Isabella. I have made peace with Suran and Suban and now You and I are forever connected with this meld*

Isabelle smiled. * Thank you father, I love you.*

Sureth stood with Captain Callaghan talking to a new general but his mind reflected back to Isabella and their meld.

“Is everything alright Sir?” Shauna looked at Sureth noting he seemed distracted.

" Just lag. The trip was long from Vulcan. "

Shauna nodded. “Of course Sir, if you’d like to rest I’m sure I can manage here.”

" No let's meet this guy." Sureth replied.



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