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Peel Post #4 "New Arrival"

Posted on Sat Feb 24th, 2024 @ 5:46pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant JG Sayvek

Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Concurrent To Peel Post #1


The swoosh from the runabout Clinch transporter left Lieutenant junior grade Sayvek's stomach in his throat as he materialised aboard the USS Peel.

Walking briskly but not rushing Sayvek hasted to get to the bridge to greet the Captain.


Captain O'Connell had just concluded a Ship-wide announcement waiting to get underway to the Lagoon Nebula as he was conferring with his Command Staff. A few minutes later Jamie heard the Lift doors swoosh open as he noticed someone exiting the Lift he had not seen aboard the Peel before. Standing Jamie looked at the young Vulcan "Hello, you must be Lieutenant JG Sayvek; we've been expecting you" he stated with a smile.

" Fascinating I can say that I have never been eagerly expected before. Non the less Lieutenant junior grade Sayvek reporting for duty."

The Captain couldn't help but grin at the Lieutenants remark as he turned to Angel "Commander you have the Conn; please get us underway while Mr. Sayvek and I adjourn to my Ready Room" he ordered as the Commander did as ordered. Looking at Sayvek "Please follow me" as they left the Bridge.

Walking into the Ready Room Jamie turned "Please have a seat; would you like something to drink" he inquired.

" Not really sir I am on duty. I understand my transfer is not permanent but I will endeavor to give you my best work Captain." Sayvek replied.

"That was my understanding as well; your transfer being temporary" he agreed "In the meantime this will give you an opportunity to get some experience on a Saber Class ship; being quite a smaller ship with a much smaller Crew than some of the other classes of Ships. I have no doubt you will perform your duties to the best of your ability. Are you finding your Quarters acceptable?"

" Very adequate. I prefer the bridge and my station as I only require minimal rest. " Sayvek replied.

The Captain grinned "Yes, as I recall Vulcans don't require as much rest as do other species" he commented "Do you have any questions or concerns at this time Lieutenant."

" I am understandingly curious about what is out there. " Sayvek replied.

"I guess that's the cornerstone of Star Fleet.....curious about the unknown" O'Connell answered "Although you know what they say about curiosity and the cat don't you" wondering if this young Vulcan had ever heard the old Earth's saying.

" I am familiar with feline lore. I had a pet sehlat once and they do not make good domesticated pets." Sayvek replied.

"No I suppose they don't" Jamie replied with a grin then stood "Lieutenant JG Sayvek welcome aboard the Peel and I hope your stay with us is an educational one. Now if you'd come with me I'll introduce you to the rest of the Bridge Crew; at least you'll know some of your peers"

Walking back onto the Bridge Jamie introduced Sayvek to his Crew-mates as he received a warm welcome from each and everyone of them; of course the Captain would expect nothing less from his fine Crew.


Lieutenant J.G. Seyvek
Science Officer

Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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