Peel Post # 5 "Listening Conclusion"
Posted on Tue Feb 27th, 2024 @ 11:35am by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Lieutenant JG Sayvek
Edited on on Tue Feb 27th, 2024 @ 1:18pm
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current
~Deck 1~
A few minutes passed in real time before something changed.
" Commander It appears the anomali is moving in our direction." Sayvek reported.
End Snip.
That wasn't what Angel wanted to hear right now especially with the Captain and Counselor off the Bridge at the moment "Yellow Alert!! Helm standby for possible evasive maneuvers" the Commander ordered as she walked closer to the view-screen. Mr Sayvek keep me apprised of the anomalies movement. Angel heard 'aye Commander' from both her officers; now they would wait.
Shortly Lieutenant Albo returned to his Station on the Bridge followed by the Captain and the Counselor, when Jamie turned to Sarissa in a low voice "Counselor if you would like to return to your Quarters to rest for a bit, considering what you've just been through, please feel free. The last thing I want is for you to be overtaxed."
Sarissa shook her head. “I’m fine Sir, besides my brief connection with that creature might just be what’s making it come this way.”
Walking to the Conn "Commander report" he ordered seeing that they were on 'Yellow Alert'.
Angel rose from the Center Seat looking at Jamie "Sir the anomaly seems to be closer to our position, that's the reason for the Alert" she replied as she sat in her normal seat.
"Lieutenant Sayvek report" the Captain ordered wanting to know if that thing had moved any closer in the past few minutes.
But Sayvek's reply came slowly as the anomaly seemed to engulf the Peel rendering its time slow down effects to all aboard. Simple thoughts became as sleep as the Peel was engulfed inside the anomaly.
" We...must...think...about....our
This time Sarissa experiences everything just the same as everyone else. Time slowed to a crawl. She closed her eyes trying to relay friendly thoughts, and emotions, just incase the creature was picking up on her telepathically.
Unlike the Kirk anomaly of the 23rd century this one seemed bent on another purpose. Reaching out to Sarissa's mind the anomaly attempted to find its answers.
~ home~
Sarissa felt the impression, a longing for home that was particularly strong. Was this...creature, trying to get home?"
The time stealer recoiled away leaving behind the Peels retardant crew .
After several minutes the effects of the anomaly wore off the Crew leaving the Captain somewhat in shock after having been engulfed inside this thing. Jamie was trying his best to shake off the effects so he could resume being Captain knowing the Crew would be looking to him soon for directions and some answers.
Finally Jamie spoke up "Stand down Yellow Alert! Is everyone ok, do any of you need to report to Sick Bay" he inquired looking around the Bridge. Seeing no one leaving their Stations Jamie was confident that no real harm had come to his Crew. "Ensign, have you made any progress in trying to enable us to communicate with this being."
"Almost Captain; I should have a rudimentary language complied within the hour" than she paused turning looking at Jamie "Sir you'll need to speak in short sentences and only use enough words to convey your message; like I said this will be a basic language."
"Understood Ensign, I think I can manage that well enough" O'Connell replied with a grin.
Looking at Angel " You alright" Jamie asked in a low voice since she was second in command and he wanted to be sure he had backup if needed.
"Yes Captain, I'm fine now that the effects have worn off" she replied in the same manner.
Turning to his left "Counselor were you able to sense anything further on this anomaly" Jamie inquired looking for some sort of concrete answers.
Sarissa nodded. “Home, Captain. It wants to go home. Wherever that happens to be. Either that or it considers us to be invading its home, either way the sense of a longing for home was very strong.”
After mulling over Sarissa's statement, Jamie was eager more than ever to communicate with this being "It would seem that if you're sensing a longing for home from this creature, it must not be where it considers home yet" he stated with some certainty.
Before the Counselor could respond Comms chimed in "Excuse me Captain, but I have a basic language all set to go" the Ensign stated being rather proud of herself "I just hope it works Sir."
"We'll find out soon enough" Jamie replied "Point the deflector dish towards the being and send what I'm about to say through communications, please."
"Aye Captain but me may need to move the Ship slightly for the maximum effect" the Ensign replied.
"Send the coordinates to Helm for the adjustment. Helm reposition the Ship to those coordinates" came the orders as 'Ayes' were heard from both officers.
After a few minutes "Captain I'm ready whenever you are Sir" Comms stated with both hands on her console.
Jamie stood and walked forward somewhat "Being in the Nebula, we mean you no harm. Can we help" he commented with fingers crossed.
"The message was sent Captain but it may take a few minutes before you get a reply. Jamie just nodded in response. "Sir I'm getting a something from inside the Nebula" Comms informed command.
"On speaker Ensign."
[] then moments later []
Finally some progress which was a welcome relief as the Captain answered in the same fashion "We no hurt you" he stated then continued "Where is home."
[Mutara....Mutara....Mutara....Mutara] the being replied repeatedly [No....way....there.]
Jamie gave the Comms Officer the signal to end the transmission then called out "Lieutenant Albo how far away is the Mutara Nebula."
Johan brought up a star map searching for what was requested "It's some lights years away. I estimate at warp five it'll take about two days travel from our current position Captain" he replied.
"Good, thank you Mr. Albo. Comms re-establish contact with the being if you would please" Jamie ordered. Moments later Jamie received a nod from Comms.
"Can take you there; follow us?" Jamie inquired hoping for the best.
As everyone heard a whimper of joy coming forth [Yes....can. When....leave] the being replied.
"We move, follow" Jamie answered with some hope of a resolution to this situation which could be heard in his voice.
[ follow] the being stated being glad to finally be finding home which was the longing of his heart.
After Comms cut the transmission the entire Bridge broke into a round of applause over their success.The Captain addressed his Crew "Well done everyone. We'll be departing momentarily. Helm plot in a course for the Mutara Nebula." "Aye Captain, plotting course now" came the reply.
Senior Staff
USS Peel