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Station Post #4. " Always on Call "

Posted on Fri Mar 1st, 2024 @ 2:52pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas
Edited on on Wed Mar 27th, 2024 @ 8:47pm

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


< Dallas Family Quarters>

John played zoomey ships with young Connor as he awaited for his wife Isabella to get off duty from OPS. Between his promotion and all the stations hustle and bustle neither had seen the other since their vacation on Vulcan.

" Tractor beam activated control." John said pretending to land the craft on the bed.

Walking into their quarters Isabelle stepped out of her shoes glad to get them off at the end of a long shift. "Hi honey, I'm home!" she grinned as she saw John and Cal playing together, John was proving himself to be a very good father.

" Hey Sweetness. I have some news, big news. There is a marine general aboard. He called me to his office and promoted me to Second Lieutenant. He also moved me out of Security and made me a pilot. Valkyrie 7." John explained to his wife.

Isabelle paused giving her husband a surprised look. "Congratulations! that's amazing!" she offered a smile, but there was also a look of worry on her face. "A pilot? I didn't know you wanted to be a pilot. I can't say it doesn't worry me a little."

" I have flown shuttles since I made Warrant Officer. I have been taking tactical flight training for over a year. I guess the General sees potential. " John replied.

"Ohh I'm not doubting you!" Isabelle offered an apologetic smile. "I'm just worried that, if we ever face combat, you'll be out there on the front line defending the station. Just call it me being a worrier!"

" I face that threat everyday. This time I will be able to head it off before it gets to the station. I would have had to attend two years of school to get promoted in Starfleet. General Shaw sees my potential." John defended.

"Then I'm happy for you" Isabelle offered a warm smile. "Just don't be surprised if I'm standing waiting for you when you get back!" she grinned.

" Of that I am sure. I am just going to miss our missions together. " John replied as he grabbed Isabella for a kiss. Pulling her into the bed with himself and Cal.

" Mommy will you play zoomey ships with me and Daddy," John pretended to say

Isabelle couldn’t help but grin as John gave Cal a little voice besides his babbles. “Why of course I will, I love playing Zoomy ships!”

A chirp on John's com badge signaled and he immediately responded by kissing Isabella as he darted out the door. The General had signaled for an alert as he hoped it was only a drill.

Isabelle sighed as the door closed behind John. “So much for family time after shift eh Cal?” She smiled as her son babbled at her reaching for the toy lying beside him. “My thoughts exactly little man!”

John returned and sought out his family only to find they had moved on with the day.
=/\= John Dallas to Lt Isabella Dallas =/\=

Isabelle was sitting in the Arboretum, her back against a tree whilst Cal slept in his pram. =/\= Go ahead John =/\=

=/\= I will meet you in the Arboretum. =/\=

=/\= Then it’s a good job I’m already here! =/\= Isabelle smiled to herself.

< Arboretum >

John could smell pine and other trees as he entered the room.

" Is my boy in here?"

Isabelle peered around a tree. “Of course.” She motioned John over. “I thought we’d go for a little walk, but Cal decided a nap would be good instead.” She motioned to their sleeping son.

John Smiled " I passed the General's inspection . Valkyrie 7 is my new fighter. Now all I need is a call sign."

“Hmmm a call sign...” Isabelle was trying to think of something suitable. “Got anything in mind?”

" I used to be Gunny, then it was Mister Dallas now I only have these butter bars to make me distinguished. I need a name like Ace, or Maverick..." John replied.

“Erm...” Isabelle paused to think. “What about Stallion?, or maybe Cowboy...after the Dallas Cowboys?” She shrugged her shoulders. “I have no idea.”

" You think I am a Stallion huh? Stallion it is then." John Smiled. He hated the cowboys as he was more of a Titans fan.

Isabelle grinned. “Ohh you are most definitely a stallion!” She motioned for John to sit down by her. “I’m sorry if I didn’t seem too enthusiastic earlier, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

" I do have feelings too you know. I should have discussed this with you. I hope Sureth doesn't get mad. Shaw seems to think he is in charge now." John replied.

“Don’t worry my father will deal with Shaw if he has to. I’m sure he’s already keeping a close eye on things.” Isabelle offered a brief smile as she checked on their son, who was still soundly asleep.

Taking out a laser scalpel from his bombers hacket John began to carve into a tree a heart and the words John/Isabella.

“You old romantic you!” Isabelle couldn’t help but smile as she watched.

" This way I don't kill a tree. Let's go back to our quarters and tuck him in." John added as he was also getting tired.

Isabelle nodded as she got to her feet. “I guess it would be nice to have some time to ourselves, though I suspect you’ll be asleep before me tonight.”

" Not me I am a top gun now." John replied as he carried their son back home.

Once settled in John put on his boxers and just wore his jacket to their bed room.

" Oh wife time to play zoomey ships again."

"Zoomey ships?" Isabelle couldn't help but grin. "Aiming to fly your ship into my docking port huh?"

" Isabella such imagination." John smiled as he dimmed the lights



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