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Peel Post # 6 "Long Way Home"

Posted on Sat Mar 2nd, 2024 @ 2:32pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Lieutenant JG Sayvek

Location: Various
Timeline: Current



Helm plot in a course for the Mutara Nebula." "Aye Captain, plotting course now" came the reply.

~End Snip~

{Deck 1 - Bridge}

Looking towards Comms "Ensign, please get M-69 on the horn; I need to speak to Captain Callaghan" Jamie requested. "Certainly Sir" and moments later "All set Captain" Comms stated.

Straightening his tunic Jamie walked towards the View Screen just before seeing a friendly face "Captain Callaghan I wanted to bring you up to speed on our progress. We've made contact with the entity inside the Nebula. Long story short we will be leaving momentarily for the Mutara Nebula escorting the entity home. It'll take about four days round trip so please be advised we'll be unavailable for that time" he explained with a smile.

Shauna smiled as she heard the news. “I’m glad you’ve managed to make successful contact with the entity. Take as long as you need, there’s no immediate rush to be back.”

"Thank you Captain; barring any unforeseen circumstances we should be back to the Base in four days. When we return I'll send you and Captain Travis a full report, O'Connell out." Jamie replied as the Screen went back to a view of the space in front of them.

"Helm bring us about, full impulse while we pull away from the Nebula" came the order.

"Aye Captain, coming about, engaging full impulse now" Helm replied.

"Tactical keep close watch of the entity to make sure it's keeping up with us" Jamie stated.

"As you wish Captain" Maria replied keeping her eyes glued to her Screen.

Minutes later "Captain the entity has cleared the Nebula and is keeping up without any problems" Ms. SanChez informed her Captain.

"Excellent! Helm take us to warp three please" Jamie ordered. "Aye Sir going to warp three."

"Lieutenant how's our friend doing back there" Jamie inquired.

"Keeping up just fine Sir" Maria replied.

Sarissa offered Jamie a smile as she looked towards him. "From what I'm sensing our friend is happy to be going home after so long."

The Captain grinned "Counselor, you must have read my mind. I was just about to ask you if you were able to get a read on the entity" he commented with a smile.

Sarissa grinned. “I must be learning to preempt your questions Sir.”

"It would appear so" as he gave a light chuckle "Lieutenant Sayvek see if you can find a good entry point into the Nebula for our guest" Jamie ordered "Preferably an area with a cluster of stars."

" Concerning this nebula. Are you familiar with the history of this sector and this nebula Captain?" Sayvek replied.

Jamie just grinned "We learned that at the Academy but that is longer ago than I care to admit; maybe you could refresh my memory" he replied not being afraid to admit something that he wasn't all that familiar with while empowering his Crew at the same time.

Sarissa gave Jamie a smile. “If memory serves, and correct me if I’m wrong Sayvek, the Mutara Nebula no longer exists. It was turned into a planet after the detonation of the Genesis Device by Kahn Noonien Singh.”

" Correct. Given the proximity of this nebula to that of the Lagoon it is quite surprising that the entity came from this system. Perhaps our calculations or math was in error?" Sayvek added.

Jamie sat listening to both Officers as some of his Academy days came back to him "Counselor, now that you mention it. I do recall hearing about that whole situation and the Genesis Device" Looking towards Sayvek "Anythings possible" then he paused a moment "But you heard the entity as well as I did and it seemed very sure of where it was supposed to be" Jamie commented "I'm open to suggestions people."

" The Gola that Kirk encountered was spawned in the heart of a star. It is theoretical to conjecture that the explosion from the Genesis Device might have created this thing similarly. Like Salmon on earth perhaps it was just trying to find its creator, which in this case was a genetic anti matter bomb." Sayvek replied.

"If your hypothesis is correct Mr. Sayvek, then this Gola would be truly coming home and back to its origin. Would that be a safe assumption then."

" That is correct." Sayvek replied.

Angel spoke up after listening to the conversation "What Mr. Sayvek was suggesting certainly makes sense considering the Nebula has turned into a planet after the Device was set off. As far as to why the Gola was so insistent on coming to this particular place then I would say Captain your assumption stands to reason. The question now is what is the Gola's next move going to be" she concluded with some concern in her voice.

"And that is what's making me a little uneasy.....what exactly is the entity going to do when it discovers the Nebula has been replaced by a Planet" Jamie replied with his mind trying to think of all the different scenarios.

" I theorise this being was created before the enormous Genesis wave. Probably when the Mutara sun exploded.The planet is essentially dead but given the
compositions and unknown energies perhaps returning to Mutara may be its way of going home to die." Sayvek replied.

"That would make sense to some degree I suppose given various species do have different ideas about death and where they want to take their last breathes" the Captain replied but still wasn't sold on the idea.

" Temporal mechanics is not my most efficient subject but I do theorise that creatures like this are possibly not unlike the Nexus Ribbon that you may have heard about. I would recommend allowing it to enter the system." Sayvek replied.

"I totally agree; we pledged to escort the being to the Nebula, now a Planet, and I full well intend to keep my promise" Jamie answered "Helm when do we arrive at our destination." "We should be at the Nebula about zero ten hundred tomorrow Captain."

"Excellent. Ms SanChez how's our followers doing" Jamie inquired. "Good Sir, it's keeping up with no problem" Maria replied.

O'Connell addressed the Bridge "Beta shift should be coming on soon so please fill your replacement in on all that has transpired today so they're up to speed on everything. I will see you all back here at zero eight hundred and we'll get our friend home."

While waiting for Lieutenant Mercer to relieve him from Command, Jamie turned to Angel "If you don't have any plans for this evening would you like to stop by my Quarters for dinner around seventeen hundred" he asked in a low voice.

Angel grinned "Yes, I'm always up for one of your delicious home cooked meals" she replied.

The Crew did as instructed by the Captain bringing up their replacements up to speed as they walked onto the Bridge. Tomorrow would be another day.


Senior Staff
USS Peel


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