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Peel Post # 7 "Dinner Time"

Posted on Mon Mar 4th, 2024 @ 11:58pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe

Location: Deck 2 - Captain's Quarters
Timeline: Current


After a long day Jamie returned to his quarters for a nice hot shower. Afterwards he dressed in some casual clothes then set to making dinner for Angel and himself. He grabbed a small pot with a cover, opened a container of primavera sauce, and placed it on the plasma stove on a low heat. Next he grabbed two large pots with covers and filled both with water, one of which was salted. Next came the broccoli from the stasis cabinet sitting on the counter; this was cutup into florets and tossed in the unsalted pot of water with the heat cranked up to a boil. Then Jamie grabbed some homemade fettuccini he had prepared the day before and set it aside for now. Grabbing a bottle of Picard wine he pulled the cork allowing it to breathe. Next came the glasses, table settings along with some parmesan cheese.

Shortly Jamie heard his door chime go off "Come" he said in a loud voice as Angel walked in looking as lovely as ever. Jamie smiled "Would you care for some wine while dinner is cooking."

"You read my mind Jamie" she replied returning the smile. After pouring each of them a glass of wine Jamie checked the broccoli, which was cooked, so he turned down the heat before dropping the pasta in the pot of boiling salted water. Turning towards his quest "Dinner will be ready in a few minutes" before sipping his wine. Shortly the pasta was cooked and drained then the sauce was added mixing it with the pasta. Next the broccoli was mixed in as well. Grabbing two plates Jamie dished out a generous amount of food for them both.

Turning he set one plate in front of Angel as he sat across from her "There is salt, pepper, and cheese to top off your pasta if you wish."

"Thank you Jamie, this smells amazing" she replied as she dressed her pasta. Taking a taste "Boy, you're getting really good at this....this is delicious" as she continued to enjoy her meal.

"Glad you like it and thanks for the compliment" Jamie answered as he also started enjoying his meal.

During dinner they chatted about different things avoiding anything work related at all costs. When dinner was finished Jamie got up and started clearing the island table when Angel stood as well "Here let me help you clean up" she stated.

"You don't have to help; after all you are my guest" he replied with a grin.

Smiling "I think I'm way past the guest status after all the meals we've shared here" she replied then continued "Actually I'd like very much to take you out for dinner and maybe dancing when we get back to the Base" as she placed her hand on her navel with the other arm extended side stepping and wiggling across the floor.

Jamie laughed "Well you certainly have the moves for it" he commented rather enjoying seeing her sexy wiggle. He almost thought she was flirting with him.

"You haven't seen anything yet.....besides I think we could use a night off the Ship" Angel stated with a smile.

"Sounds like fun and I think everyone could use a night off the Ship; maybe some shore leave is in order when we get back if only if it's a couple of days" Jamie replied.

"Now that sounds like a plan" Angel replied with a grin. The two grabbed another glass of wine each, when everything was cleaned up, went and sat on the couch.

After sipping their wine for a few moments Jamie figured he may as well get this over with "Angel being that you're my Number One and second in command of the Ship, there is something you should know about" Jamie stated.

"'s sounds serious" Angel replied wondering what was going on.

"Remember when the entity made time slow down.....well Sarissa saw a vision.....everyone on the bridge was either dead or dying and the Stations were in a shambles" he explained, took another sip of wine then continued "Now she's not sure if it was a warning, a vision of future events, or if this thing was just tying to scare the crap out of here thereby getting her attention."

Angel sat in silence for a few moments before speaking "Well one things for sure, it got her attention" then she paused to sip her wine "So how valid do you think theses visions are."

"I'm not sure but the one thing I do know is I'm not going to worry about it or let it dictate my actions on the Bridge. Now there is only Sarissa, Johan, myself, and now you that know about this and I'd like to keep it that way. No sense of spreading mass hysteria on the Ship" Jamie commented making it sound like an order which was unusual for him to do when off duty.

"I understand Jamie and I agree with you whole heartedly so rest assured my lips are sealed" Angel replied hoping this never happened especially when it came to Jamie; they had become very good friends and quite close over the past several months.

"Thank you Angel and as always I knew could count on you" he commented "Ok it's time to change the how good of a dancer are you really"

Angel stood with a smile "There's only one way to find out" she stated "Computer play Earth's twentieth century slow jazz" The music started as she held out her hand towards Jamie "Shall we" as he stood and taking Angel in his arms they began to dance.

After a few minutes Jamie looked into Angel's beautiful eyes "I'd say you're a very good dancer."

"Why thank're not so bad yourself" she commented looking deep into his eyes "You know I have this strong urge to give you a kiss right now."

Jamie smiled "You mean like this" as he leaned in and they shared a very tender kiss for a few moments "Mmm.....just like that" as Angel put her head on his shoulder and they continued to dance until the music stopped.

Afterwards Angel looked up "I should probably be going and let you get some sleep. Thank you for a nice dinner and some rather interesting conversation" she commented with a grin "And a very nice kiss."

"You are welcome on all counts and yes that was a very, very nice kiss" he replied as Angel stepped in for one last kiss "Sleep well Captain" as she smiled.

"You too Commander" he replied with a grin as Angel winked at him then left for her own quarters before she changed her mind and did something stupid.


Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer

Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer


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