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CD Post: Hunting pt.1

Posted on Sun Mar 17th, 2024 @ 8:14pm by Commander Kehlani
Edited on on Wed Mar 27th, 2024 @ 8:49pm

Mission: Character Development
Location: Kor'Kang Colony
Timeline: current


Kehlani, now a Commander, was shoulder to shoulder with two of her crew. Ch'tang and Omar, with the former to her right. A morning rain had passed over and dumped on the forest, leaving Kehlani drenched, some strands of her braided hair clinging to her face as a few other strands hung down before her face and dripped with moisture. The same could be said of the men, but all of them were fine with weather conditions during a hunt. The Rohba, a large beast with succulent meat and useable organic materials was the chosen prey.

The Rohba was as large as an Asian elephant from Earth, the closest approximation kehlani could make having spent years on Earth. However, that was where that similarity ended and another began. The animal was a dark, golden buckskin color, and had a mane very much like the Bison of earth, and their general build was much the same. A powerful animal that knew its strength and used it well, and far quicker and more agile than most would believe with its size. It was a great beast worth hunting. But, on Kor'kang, hunting these beasts was done only one way. Melee. Spears and blades. Energy weapons of any kind were not allowed on Rohba hunts.

Through her boots Kehlani could feel the ground begin to give a slight vibrating rumble. The others had obviously felt it too as they tightened up their own stances and waited for the right moment to attack. Feeling her heart begin to beat faster, Kehlani held her spear upright as she stood against a tree, peeking around to see where the rohba were coming from. Her right hand held the spear up, clenching and unclenching subconsciously as her body began to feel the way of the warrior coursing through her. Any moment now...



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