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Peel Post # 8 "Battle Of The Mind"

Posted on Sat Mar 16th, 2024 @ 6:05pm by Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran

Location: Quarters
Timeline: Current


{Deck 2}

It had been a very long day, especially after the vision that the temporal creature had given her. Walking into her quarters Sarissa flopped down onto the sofa, lying down she simply laid there staring at the ceiling.

Johan walked into their shared quarters sometime later exhausted from everything that had transpired that day; he had been playing Sarrisa's explanation about her visions in his mind over and over all afternoon trying to make sense out of them. Seeing her laying on the couch just starring at the ceiling Johan walked over, knelt down beside her, and taking her by the hand " Those visions are disturbing you aren't they? he inquired with a smile.

Sarissa nodded her head as she turned and looked at Johan, giving him the best smile she could manage. “It’s hard to get what I saw out of my mind. It’s everyone’s greatest fear, but I don’t know if it was a future event, or if the creature was just trying to frighten me away!”

For the first time since he had known Sarissa, Johan could see the trepidation on her face and hear it in her voice "I have been thinking about what you saw all afternoon. You may never know if it's a future event until it happens or just a scare tactic" he replied hating seeing her this way "But there is one constant truth that I do know.....and it's this" looking deeply into her gorgeous eyes "I love you Sarissa Aloran and I mean to spend the rest of my days with it many or not so many and I intend to cherish every moment we are together" hoping his words would make her feel better.

Sarissa’s serious face soon melted away into a watery eyed smile as she looked into Johan’s eyes. “I can’t ask for more than that. I treasure every moment with you, and I plan to be your side no matter what!”

Hearing her words put a big smile on Johan's face knowing she meant every word of it and also seeing her mood lighten considerably "We'll just take it one day at a time" he commented then leaned in for a nice kiss.

Sarissa returned Johan's kiss before giving him a curious look. "Why do you always say that? About taking things one day at a time? We're happy together aren't we? I'm not asking you to run away with me and get married or anything, I just need to know that you don't have any doubts about us."

Johan could see she was irritated by his response " I guess that's the way I've always lived my life, 'one day at a time' so It's going to take some time to change my thinking. The bottom line is this, yes I am very happy being with you....matter of fact it's the happiest I've ever been and I don't intend for that to change" he stated then continued "I'm not going anywhere without you my sweet Sarissa and there are absolutely no doubts in my mind whatsoever about us being together....none" he explained hoping to set her mind at ease about their future together.

Sarissa smiled feeling more relaxed at Johan’s response. “I’m sorry, after what I saw...” she paused. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you!”

"Like I said, I don't plan on going anywhere" as he leaned in giving Sarissa another kiss "Ok enough of this 'gloom and doom' stuff. They recently opened a new Eatery in the Promenade called 'Old Time Pizza' and they'll deliver anywhere on the Base. How about we order us a pizza and cheese sticks to go with it; that way we can have some real food to eat" Johan stated with a smile.

Sarissa nodded. “That sounds wonderful.” She sat up on the sofa feeling somewhat better with Johan at her side. “Thank you for helping me to feel better.”

Johan ginned "Anytime Sweetheart" he replied "Now for the pizza; I'm starving" as he got up off the couch and went to the Terminal. He proceeded to order a large thin crust pizza with sauce, pepperoni, mozzarella cheese, peppers, and something called bacon; even though he had no idea what that was it sounded good. Returning to Sarissa "It will be here in about an hour" as he sat and held her hand then smiled looking into her beautiful eyes "We're going to be ok, you and I."

Sarissa nodded as she held onto Johan’s hand. “I know, I have faith in you, and I believe you.” She leant in closer giving him a loving kiss.

What Sarissa had just said meant so much to was the first time a women had ever said anything like that to him....ever. All he could do was smile just before returning her kiss in kind "Thank you....hearing you say that means so much to me and just reaffirms my thoughts....we are meant to be together no matter what."

Sarissa nodded. “We’re bonded Imzadi, Betazoid’s don’t just bond with anyone. We bond with the person that we’re going to spend the rest of our lives with, for me that person is you.” She smiled. “I will dedicate myself to you for the rest of my life.”

Kissing the back of her hand "And I to you" as he smiled the door chime went off "Looks like dinner's here" Johan commented then rose and walked to the door. He opened it and paid the young man the cost of their food along with a generous tip. Returning to the couch he grabbed two plates, napkins, and a beverage for each of them. Opening the box the tantalizing smell made his mouth water as he grabbed each of them a slice and handing one to his beloved "Try this on for size" then proceeded to take a bite "Oh, man this tastes so good. This bacon stuff is amazing" as he continued to enjoy something he hadn't had in a very long time.

Sarissa politely tucked into her piece of pizza, not having had it much before she was surprised just how good it actually was. “Mmmm...delicious!” She smiled as she took another bite savouring the flavour.

"I thought you might like it; it's something different for a change and it's real food too" he replied while polishing off his slice before grabbing another. The couple sat enjoying their unique meal together until the box was completely empty. Johan sat back against the couch "Now that was delicious but boy am I stuffed; I may even skip a day eating after that" he stated knowing full well that probably would not happen.

“You? Skip food? Never!” Sarissa grinned. “This is a wonderful change though. We’ll have to do this more often.”

"Guilty as charged and yes pizza once in awhile would be a nice change of pace" Johan responded with a grin "How about some music. Computer play Earth's twentieth century easy listening music" he requested as the music filled the room. Taking Sarissa's hand they sat enjoying the music "Now this is the life" he commented being very happy to have found this gorgeous women to be in his life.


Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran
ACMO/Chief Counselor

Lieutenant JG Johan Albo
Operations/Science Officer
USS Peel


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