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StationPost #9. " Heavens Gate part 1"

Posted on Tue Mar 26th, 2024 @ 5:14pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas) & Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant
Edited on on Wed Mar 27th, 2024 @ 8:49pm

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent



Sureth was very serious as he headed down to the Hanger deck and prepared the runabout Clinch for their trek.

Once he had done that Sureth returned to OPS and found Captain Shauna Callaghan.
" Number One are you okay with my heading this away mission? It has been sometime since I headed a science expedition. " Sureth asked.

“If I thought it was going to be dangerous I’d say no” Shauna smiled. “But as it is, I hope you have a nice time Sir.”

As they spoke a red alert sounded from Transporter Room one.
=/\= Captain Callaghan we have an intruder alert in Transporter room 1=/\= a voice reported.

Sureth looked to Shauna and both raced to the transporter room.

The tech held a phaser at the humanoid on the platform which was ironically very familiar to them.

" Please do not shoot me. It is I Harus of Hadah. She sent me here to bring you to our home Commodore Sureth." Harus stated.

Ellie has been stood waiting for Sureth’s arrival, Harus’ arrival had come as something of a surprise.

“Looks like you’ve been extended an invitation Sir” Shauna looked at Sureth.

Sureth wad unhappy as this transpired on the eve of going to the planet.

" How did he get here?"

" By transporter Sir. The circuits just came alive and then he appeared." replied the tech.

" Lieutenant Odac please take Mister...Harus to sickbay. I want a complete work up. After he is cleared then we will discuss our plan to go to this planet." Sureth then ordered.

" Oh wonderful I get to visit with The Doctor Ramvek Williams again." Harus smiled.

Doctor Williams had just finished up with a patient when he saw a familiar face entering the area. With a smile he walked over extending his hand "Harus my old friend so nice to see you once again" he commented "Is there something I can do for you or is this a social call."

" Doctor Ramvek Williams I am here for you. Hadah brought me here to escort you back to the great temple for your inauguration as Presept." Harus said bowing.

Sureth watched from behind and raised an eyebrow as he heard this.

" Doctor did you perhaps leave anything out of your report?" Sureth asked.

Ramvek just stood for a moment first looking at Haras then looking towards Sureth as he answered " don't believe so Commodore" he replied still in shock at the news. Walking closer to Sureth, Ramvek stated in a low voice "Sir this Presept thing is a total surprise to me as well. I...mean....I had no idea" then he thought for a moment "I did know they named a valley after me and that I did include in my report."

" The Precept is our hero. My culture values great heroes. You vanquished the pirates." Haras replied.

Williams looked at Haras choosing his next words very carefully not wanting to upset or insult him "I am humbled by this great honor you and your people wish to bestow upon me" then he paused for a moment "My commitment is to Star Fleet and this Base first and foremost" as he paused once again "However if being a Precept does not infringe on all of this" as he made a circular gesture "Then I will gladly accompany you back to your home."

Suddenly the station shook and alarms sounded all around.

=/\= All Senior Staff to OPS=/\= yelled the voice of junior Lieutenant Nic Covenant.

" Report?" Sureth replied.

=/\= Sir a spacial anomali has just appeared off our port bow.=/\=

Harus smiled " Hadah has opened the telestial gate."

Ellie was as surprised as everyone else, but a sudden sense of calm washed over her. “Sir, I don’t think we have to fear anything. Something is telling me that we’ll be okay.” She looked to Harus. “May I accompany you both Harus?”

The Doctor let out a long sigh realizing things were becoming quite complicated very quickly; hopefully this wasn't his fault.....maybe he should have put a stop to all this recognition stuff from the start the last time he was on their planet. Sadly it was too late for that now.

" All are welcome for the coronation of the Precept." Harus smiled.

" Conclude Mister Harus physical Doctor then I want a meeting of us all in the ready room." Sureth replied as he exited the room.

Ellie watched Sureth go, but decided to wait for Harus and Ramvek. “Will Hadah be there? I would very much like to meet her.”

"Ok my friend, lay down on this bed and I'll give you a once over as the Commodore has requested" Ramvek instructed his patient. Grabbing his scanning device Ramvek went over Harus from head to toe while watching the monitor on the wall at the head of the bed "Well you seem to be in fine shape."

" Doctor Ramvek Williams will you give me your blessing when you become Precept. I wish to serve as your attendant . I am not a perfect being but my love for Hadah and her Precept is unmatched." Harus begged.

"Of course, it would be my honor to have you as my attendant" Ramvek answered touched by Harus' commitment.

< Ready Room >

Sureth was not pleased by the events and pulled no punches as he awaited for the arrival from the senior staff.

His plan to go to the planet at the behest of another Federation department had pleased him but having those plans augmented by the will of a so called deity did not make him feel right.

Doctor Williams walked in first seeing Sureth looking out the viewport, decided just to take a seat not having a good feeling about this meeting.

" Doctor Williams I have great concerns. I wanted to return to that planet and extend a hand of friendship from the Federation not coronation a new Pope."

Letting out a long sigh "Apologies Commodore, it was not my intention to cause any problems....I was attempting only to further our relations with these people" then he paused "As commander of this facility, if you would rather that I decline the honor I will of course follow your orders to their completion" Ramvek stated with sincerity and respect.

" No we can not risk upsetting this culture or deity. Do you remember Captain Sisco and his role in the Bajoran faith? He was their Emissary. And now they appear to be able to open a stable worm hole inside the Lagoon Nebula. As a scientist I have to pursue this. Are you willing to do so as well?" Sureth asked.

"As you wish Commodore; I'll do whatever is asked of me" Ramvek replied a little bewildered by Sureth's logic.

" We leave tomorrow Doctor." Sureth replied.

"I'll be ready Sir" Ramvek answered thinking he'd have to make some shift adjustments.

Sureth turned and looked out the window at the massive worm hole that seemed to be calling to them all.

" Sureth to Captain Callaghan. Launch a probe into that worm hole and have it programmed to return once it has reached the exodus."

“Understood Commodore” Shauna looked at the Officer at Ops. “You heard the man Lieutenant, launch a probe.”

A class one probe launched as Ltjg Covenant ordered and quickly approached the mouth of the worm hole only to vanish moments later from visual and tactical displays.

" Captain we have lost all contact with probe A57." Nic reported.

“Why am I not surprised?” Shauna sighed and returned to the comms. “Commodore our probe has been lost on the other side, it seems they don’t want us prying.”

" It would seem. The worm hole just appeared as we were planning a trip to an alien world. Harus seemed convinced it is from Hadah. What do you think?" Sureth asked Shauna.

“Who am I to doubt Harus’ beliefs?” Shauna offered. “I guess there’s only one way we’ll truly find out.”

" You are right we will launch tomorrow. Do you care to join us Captain?" Sureth invited.

“As much as I would love to Sir, one of us needs to be on the station. I don’t think having both members of the Command team off station together would be looked on very favourably by Starfleet.”

" Number One very soon you will host this base. On that day I will admit to being proud." Sureth admitted.

Shauna smiled. “Hopefully not for a while yet Sir, I’m quite enjoying learning from you. I will make you proud.”



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