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Peel Post # 9 Interference

Posted on Tue Mar 26th, 2024 @ 6:23pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Lieutenant JG Sayvek

Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current


It was zero nine hundred with the entire Bridge Crew at their Stations doing their usual masterful jobs. The Captain was conferring with his First Officer trying to figure out what was going to happen once they reached the Mutara Nebula.

Shortly thereafter Helm called out “Captain we’re approaching the Mutara Sector and should be to the nebula fifteen minutes after that” he informed the Captain.

“Excellent. Helm drop us out of warp, full impulse until we get closer to the Nebula” Jamie ordered. Turning to Angel “Well looks like we finally made it.” “Lieutenant SanChez we still have our guest behind us.”

“Yes Captain and it’s slowed to match our speed” Maria replied.

“Yes it does” Angel replied “And hopefully we can get this wrapped up fairly quickly; we have a long trip back to the Base.” O’Connell nodded in agreement.

Moments later “Captain we have a rather large Ship moving directly in our path Sir” Maria stated while keeping an eye on her Screens.

Before the Captain could utter his next order Comms spoke up “Captain we’re being hailed Sir.”

Jamie stood “On screen” he ordered while taking a few more steps forward. A highly decorated older gentleman appeared in what looked like some sort of military uniform. “Federation vessel, this is General Mathias of the Mutara Guard, I’m afraid we can’t allow you to proceed any further” he stated matter of factly.

“Please allow me to introduce myself, I’m Captain Jamie O’Connell of the Federation Starship USS Peel; very nice to meet you Sir. Is there a problem with us entering your Sector” he inquired with a smile not wanting to come across as adversarial.

“Likewise Captain O’Connell and yes there is a problem. I’m afraid we can’t let you enter with that thing in tow behind your Ship” Mathias replied rather sternly.

“General that ‘thing’ you’re referring to is a Gola. We have been in communication with the being and it specifically asked to be escorted to this place” Jamie explained hoping he could get through to the General.

“While I appreciate your concern for this ‘being’ as you call it, I’m afraid my orders stand. Our history is littered with interactions with these things, and from what I’ve learned they have not been good ones. Matter of fact they almost destroyed this entire Sector centuries ago and our government has vowed to never let history repeat itself Captain” he stated firmly then continued “So you can see my reasoning for my steadfastness to the rules of our Sector.”

Feeling like he was between a ‘rock and a hard place’ the Captain only had one alternative “General we’ll leave the Peel parked here while I confer with my Senior Staff; I’ll get back to you shortly. O’Connell out” as Jamie turned towards the Comms Officer who knew that look and terminated the feed.

Turning to his Senior Staff “Ok people I need ideas, suggestions, or whatever else you may think of that will help us to complete our mission. Looking at Sarissa “Counselor what kind of read do you get on the General….is he as dedicated to his beliefs as he appears?”

Sarissa looked towards Jamie. “I’m afraid so Captain, Whatever stories or interactions they’ve had have him convinced. He means every word.”

“Ok then. Mr Sayvek any thoughts on what Jim Kirk would have done in a situation such as this one since you seem to have a vast knowledge of the subject" Jamie inquired hoping for a helpful answer.

" I don't know if that is a compliment or not but Captain Kirk did not seem to accept defeat. Saying that we know what one of these can do to a system. It could cripple their world for crnturies to come with its ability to slow down temporal time." Sayvek replied.

Sarissa looked at Jamie. “Why don’t we see if the Goya is willing to communicate with the General? If we can get a dialogue going then maybe we can allay some fears?”

" A logical proposition." Sayvek added.

"Mr Sayvek, yes that was a compliment" the Captain replied with a grin " Counselor that would seem to be our next move; we certainly don't want to force the issue with any sort of violence."

"Captain if I may; that's probably our only peaceful option and the Counselor makes a valid point" the Commander commented thinking the Captain would want her opinion.

"Ok, it's settled then. Comms contact the being and ask if it would be willing to communicate with the General and explain why" the Captain ordered.

"As you wish Captain, but it will take some time to make the Gola understand" the Comm Officer replied.

"Understood Lieutenant, just make it happen" Jamie answered as the Lieutenant nodded understanding the situation.

O'Connell returned to his seat addressing his Command Team "So now we wait."



Senior Staff
USS Peel


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