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Station Post# 20 " Heaven's Gate part 2"

Posted on Tue Apr 9th, 2024 @ 6:50pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas)

Location: Starbase M-69/Runabout Ocoee
Timeline: Concurrent


< Runabout Ocoee >

Sureth had prepped the Ocoee for the big trip into the worm hole after it was found safe to use. Harus, the visitor, was aboard and astonished to be using what he called the telestial gate.

Isabelle was sitting solemnly to the rear, the news that Shauna had told her had hit her hard. She'd been worried about John becoming a pilot, this had gone to prove her worries had been well founded.

Sureth received Shauna’s message and quickly boarded the Ocoee. Silence filled the room but Sureth joined Isabella.
" I am glad you are with me."

Isabelle gave her father an unhappy look. "Captain Callaghan asked me to keep you company, I'm not going to let her down. Maybe when we get back..." she paused. "He can't be gone...Not John!"

" There are always possibilities. I have known war and sometimes initial reports are not what they are in reality. " Sureth told Isabella. Harus overheard and interrupted.

" I am praying for your loved ones return daughter."

Doctor Williams boarded the shuttle carrying his medical case; just in case someone needed medical attention " Hello everyone....Commodore, Counselor, Harus....looks like a good day for an adventure" he commented with a grin.

Isabelle offered the best smile she could muster given the circumstances. She could only hope that reports coming in were wrong, only time would tell.

See the Doctor Harus occupied several minutes of his time telling him about what to expect.
" I almost forgot this Doctor. It is a gift from Hadah. It is a bracelet that avails you the powers to heal anyone. As Prefate you are the hands and eyes of Hadah. Please do not wear it until you are sworn in." Harus said said as he handed his a jewelled box.

Taking the box the first thought that ran through his mind "What have I allowed myself to be involved in" as he smiled and merely replied "Thank you Harus, this truly is a great honor" remembering how emphatic Sureth was in him following through with this situation. "I will certainly do as you have instructed."

Sureth left Isabella and took the seat as Pilot. It had been a while since piloting a vessel but he did not feel overwhelmed.
" Has Lieutenant Kees-Odac arrived?" Sureth asked.

Ellie gave Sureth a smile as she peered around from where she was sitting. "I'm here Commodore."

" Excellent. Preparing to launch, take your seats. Communications informs me they have the correct subspace signal to enter the worm hole. Doctor Williams two of our crew are pregnant so be prepared once we enter.

"Yes I just remembered we have two pregnant ladies aboard but thanks for the reminder Commodore" Ramvek replied hoping upon all hope that wouldn't happen; this was neither the time or place for birthing.

< Worm Hole >
Not since the arrival of the stable worm hole near Bajor had any other stable one been found. For Starbase M-69 this was a great discovery should they figure out how to access it. Communication had discovered a certain resonic signal had opened the worm hole on this end. A probe had went through and returned showing the egress and innards few moments they arrived to a lush green world.

" Sensors detect an M class environment. The initial report stated class L. Any speculations?" Sureth asked.

“Perhaps the probe’s sensors were affected in some way Commodore.” Ellie offered. “Either that or Hadah has arranged for a more suitable environment for us.”

" Perhaps . Mister Harus is there a specific landing zone we should be heading to?" Sureth asked.

" Hadah will guide us Commodore Sureth." Harus replied as suddenly the runabout was seized by a large hand resembling a female hand and arm.

" It would seem Hadah has control of this vessel." Sureth added.

Slowly the craft descended intentness atmosphere and landed on a platform that looked like a freshly designed landing pad.

" We are down. We go by the book. Isabella you are with me if you pick up anything I want to know. Lt Odac take a tricorder with you. Doctor Williams follow the plan Harus has for you. Let's go meet Hadah." Sureth instructed.

Ramvek looked to Harus "Looks like it is you and me my friend; lead the way."

" Doctor Ramvek Williams the position of Prefate is a calling. Our leaders met and voted and your candle burnt the longest. It is our tradition that whoever candle burns the longest is to be given this great title. Do you promise to promote the teachings of Hadah to all souls? Even with your life?" Harus asked Ramvek.

Ramvek paused a moment looking at his fellow officers then back to Harus realizing things were about to get real "Yes I do" he answered.

Ellie watched the proceedings curiously, She was looking forward to meeting Hadah in person.

° Ellie I hoped you would return. Come to the palace when Doctor Williams is escorted to the inauguration. ° an inner voice spoke.

Ellie smiled. “It seems I have an invite from Hadah, she just spoke to me.”

“Curious” Isabelle looked at Ellie, then back at Sureth. “Maybe Hadah can tell me whether John is truly...” she paused. “Gone.”

Sureth observed their reaction and then looked to Dr Williams.
" Doctor I am a man of science and not swayed by illogical notions. I realize we are asking a lot of you but remember we are Starfleet officers and must act as such."

Williams looked to his Commanding Officer "Understood Commodore."

In the past the natives had seemed to be the time period of the 1st century AD of Earth but rolling walk way travelled to and from a giant castle far ahead. Harus lead Williams as the others followed and scanned the terrain.

Sureth looked to Isabella.
" Are you sensing anything extraordinary?"

Isabelle looked towards her father. “I’m not sure what I’m sensing right now, probably due to the fact that my own emotions are getting in the way.”

The voice again called to Ellie Kees-Odak the closer they got to the large castle.
° I will reveal myself to you Ellie. You are my chosen vessel°

“Vessel?” Ellie slowed her pace a little turning to Ramvek. “Hadah says I’m her chosen vessel...I’m not sure whether I like the sound of that or not.”

Sureth paused as the walk way stopped.
" Harus my science officer states that Hadah is in communion with her. Where is Hadah?"

" Commodore if Hadah is speaking to anyone it is usually a blessing." Harus replied.

The more Ramvek heard about Hadah, the less he was thinking this was a good idea to get involved in someone's else's culture. Still he had his orders so for now he would hold his tongue and play it by ear.

Then an unexpected thing happened as a being appeared out of the sky and descended down to just in front of the castle. With the masses bowing and chanting in an unknown tongue. Harus lowered his eyes but moved closer to Williams.

" Who is that Harus?” Sureth asked.

" I do not know." Harus replied.


" She calls to you, you must go." Harus whispered.

" I am Sureth of the Federation Starbase M-69 just outside this nebula. We come to open dialogue with your people and to you Hadah."


Ramvek swallowed hard as he glanced over to Sureth then back to Hadah "I am" hoping he wasn't making the biggest mistake of his life.

Harus led Ramvek up closer to where the glowing figure hovered above them and then bowed.
" This is Doctor Ramvek Williams.


A sudden wave of relief washed over Williams at hearing the words of Hadah; looking to his right Harus just stared at the ground.

Sureth slowly approached behind his officers.

" Hadah why did you really want us here?"

“I think it might have something to do with me” Ellie gave Sureth a glance then looked to Hadah. “You talked to me while I was captive, gave me hope when I wasn’t seeing any. You asked me to relay to the Federation that you wanted us to protect your people. Is there something more you need of us?”

The being of Hadah looked down and majestically took the form of a young female looking being. Leaving behind the glowing light that the gather crowd seemed mesmerised to.

" Yes Ellie. Follow me inside the castle and all will be explained." as the pixie like being led Ellie and Sureth the Commodore motioned for the other two to join them. Inside the castle a complete engineering dream a kin to anything Star Fleet might have changed the venue.

Three male like beings were inside console each attending to various stations.

" I know you have numerous questions. Let me begin with who am I? My name is Jira, I am a enchant. These are the over watch who attend to not only this planet but also the telestial gate. As you can see the people out there think Hadah is a God. To them I suppose we are as our kind has the ability to heal and in some cases raise the dead. ," Jira opened with.

“Raise the dead!?” Isabelle gave Jira a wide eyed look. “You said you can raise the dead?”

" We have yes." Jira smiled.

" Who us the Deity Hadah?" Sureth asked and then added. " And why lie to these people?"

" What you call a lie is not a lie Sureth. We facilitate these peoples needs for law and order. I am sure your Federation feeds and heals its sick. For you charge your people to do so? We only ask that they follow the teachings of Hadah. The pylons are all over this planet to remind them. And if they violate those laws punishment is given." Jira replied.

Ellie gave Jira a curious look. “Why did you call to me? I’m not one of your people.”

" When we first met you were so innocent and I thought perhaps you were like those outside. Someone to join us here on Hadah. It truly is a beautiful world. The over watch make sure it is secure from enemies. We hid it inside a defensive field and only the telestial gate can breech it. That us controlled by a harmonics chamber. Only specific notes can open it." Jira answered.

" The gate does it only bring people here?" Sureth asked.

" Each note locks in a specific set of coordinates to any place. There are so many realms to explore. Those out side were brought here from place where the Assul Empire enslaved them. The over watch brought them here to us. We the enchant lived and attended here. There are many enchants on this planet that attend to the people and planet. The over watch technology is advanced but even they have limits. That is why we are seeking to know about the Federation. Your Dr Williams so impressed us as a hero with his leadership. When Harus cheated and made his candle burn the longest We were not sad. But that was not the truth we led you here under subterfuge. " Jira added.

Williams could not let this go on any longer as he spoke "Thank you Jira for the accolades but I am no hero....I am just a healer and an ordinary man."

" Where you come from perhaps but here you are a hero. These beings have very low testosterone due to their slavery. If modified maybe someday they could be taught to be brave. " Jira answered.

Isabelle gave her father a nod to say that Jira was telling the truth in what she was saying. “You are being honest with us now” She offered a brief smile. “That’s what matters.”

" We welcome your Federation to visit and live among us. There will be rules but our ways are not so different I suspect. We will call you visitors from other lands at first. Is that acceptable Commodore?" Jira asked.

" We are open to negotiate. I am authorised to speak for the Federation are you the leader I need to talk to?" Sureth asked.

" That is up to Ramvek. Do you desire to be our Prefate? You would speak for Hadah and govern the people?" Jira asked.

Sureth looked to Ramvek also for an answer.

Ramvek thought for a moment "Let me preface my answer; first and foremost my allegiance has to be to the Federation of Planets and to Star Fleet" then he paused "If that will not be a problem.....then yes I will be your Prefate" he replied feeling much better about the situation.

After he spoke a red light began sounding no different than their own red alert signal.

" What is happening? Sureth asked.

" The temporal gate. An Assul ship is trying to enter from your side of the worm hole. I am afraid we have to close it." Jira answered.

“But...we need to get home” Ellie looked at Jira concernedly. “Can you open it again for us to leave?”

" Not until the threat has been minimized," one of the over watch males answered.

" Has an Assul ship ever breached the worm hole?" Sureth asked.

" Not since we updated the security features. They are ruthless to get their slaves back. They even hunted them for food." Jira answered.

Sureth motioned for his people to huddle.
" This is a serious situation and a wonderful opportunity to show these beings who the Federation is. Doctor to ask you to be a religious icon will not bode too well with command Saying that I brought the Ocoee for a reason as the Clinch does not have torpedoes. If we have to defend ourselves we will.. " Sureth stated.

Jira then joined the pack.
" Doctor Williams we gave an alternative to our proposal to make you Prefate but yet it is ever bit as noble. Would you accept the healers bracelet? It is a gift from the enchanted not from the over watch.." Jira smiled.

Ramvek saw a way out so he embraced it "Yes that would be my honor" he stated which would get both himself and Sureth off the hook with Star Fleet Command.

" Jira perhaps Haras would make a good Prefate for your people. He is devout to you and a friend to us, especially the Doctor. We could help you install him while we are here and then after we can discuss how we can safely get home?" Sureth suggested.

" You have a keen intellect Commodore. " Jira winked. A few minutes later after confirming with the over watch Sureths idea was agreed.

" Doctor you are an officer and a gentleman. It is not everyday you are offered the Papacy if a goddess."

"I think Harus would make the perfect Prefate" Ramvek agreed.

"Thank you for this honor" he replied with sincerity.

“Let us know how we can assist with your ritual Jira” Isabelle offered a polite smile. For now she would have to put her feelings about John aside.

" You are so kind to offer Isabella. But I think it is best to keep you all here and not expose you to the locals so soon. Only Harus is aware that there is life beyond this realm. Be strong and have faith. Dreams that we wish often do come true." Jira responded to Isabella's offer. She then turned to Ellie Kees-Odak.

" Ellie? Where are you from?" Jira asked.

Ellie looked towards Jira. “I was born on Earth, but my unborn children are half Bajoran. According to my husband the prophets of Bajor have told him that one of our twins is destined to be an Emissary. I’m not quite sure what I believe.”

" Always believe in yourself first then seek what is out there. I am glad you know our truth, I hope we can be friends Ellie?" Jira replied.

But Sureth was even more concerned that the Assul Empire ship was now heading to Starbase M-69.

Ellie nodded. “I would like that Jira, thank you.”

Jira then turned to Sureth.
" With the Assul away from the mouth of the gate we can send you back. But you have to return. We want this treaty Commodore.

" We will return Jira. Team we have to leave now." Sureth replied.

Isabelle nodded to Jira. “Thank you for inviting us Jira.”

Jira led them to a side door of the castle.and pointed the way they could go back to the runabout.

As everyone else was walking the shuttle Ramvek walked up to Jira "Thank you for bestowing this great honor upon me and please tell Harus I will see him again" he commented with a smile then turned an hustled to the shuttle.

Boarding the Ocoee Sureth fired up the vessel and waited for his team to follow. Setting the return coordinates Sureth programmed the code Lt Salem had sent him and hoped the harmonic tone would work again.

" Is everyone aboard? What did we learn? " Sureth asked as he manuvered the Ocoee into position to enter the worm hole.

“We learned more than I ever hoped!” Ellie smiled as she sat at her station.

Isabelle took her seat. “Present and accounted for Sir” She wasn’t sure whether she was looking forward to, or dreading the return to the station. Who knew what news would await her about John.

" Well I learned a lot about faith. The terran bible speaks of faith being the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. There us a lot of that on Hadah. Alas though they are hardly a planet ready to meet the Federation. My recommendation will be just that." Sureth replied.

Suddenly the Ocoee started shaking from gravimetric forces and then Sureth realized the worm hole was collapsing.

" Everybody brace yourselvesssssss." Sureth said distorting.


Jira resumed her role of Hadah and flew up and into the clouds as the masses were accustomed. The new Prefate Harus walked outside his new office and waved to the crowd as he had seen Prefates do in the past. He then blessed them returned to his new office to meditate. Unaware that behind the scenes the over watch and an enchanted being name Jira guided everything on the planet Hadah.

To be continued


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