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Station/Nazgul #17 Welcome to Durana

Posted on Tue Apr 2nd, 2024 @ 4:57pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Gavin Lasso {Honorary KDF}
Edited on on Wed Apr 3rd, 2024 @ 1:34pm

Location: USS Jordan
Timeline: Current


The runabout USS Jordan dropped from warp, just outside of the star system known as Durana. They had had to drop out several times, re-navigate, and then follow the next trek of the journey. The Duran Folk had proven their want to remain hidden and it showed.

Lasso looked out the front window, seeing the sun and the planets orbiting around it. "Damn. Looks a lot like Sol, doesn't it?" Nine planets of various size, some with moons and a few without. Like the home system for Earth this star system also had what would be called an Oort cloud around the entire thing.

"It does indeed," Taavis agreed. "Do you see an easy way to get through that cloud of asteroids?" She was asking for his visual opinion even as she began to scan the place.

"Not right off hand, no." Gavin admitted. There was a bleep from his control board. "Incoming transmission." He read the small text for the communication. "They are requesting visual communication."

"Let's say hello. On screen, please."

Lasso tapped the key and brought up the viewscreen overlay on the front window They were met by the ever-smiling face of Earl Janell. "Captain! Well met!"

Taavis was immediately infected with her exuberance. "A pleasure as always, Janell." She was grinning. "I take it you are here to escort us through the debris field?"

Janell gave a nod. "Of course. Would do us no good to have you perish when you have come so far. Be not troubled. Boris and Tomar will lead you through the asteroid field."

As this woman spoke, with Gavin still not able to gauge her height due to the fact of her sitting behind a desk, and the camera so close to her for communication. But, one thing he did see was a twinkle in her eye, and the corners of her smile hinting at something secretive. Even as he thought he saw that behind her expression, subtle as it was, he felt no anxiety or trepidation over it. Like it was some joke that Janell had yet to reveal the punchline.

"I am on the planet, in our capital city of Duranar." Janell explained. "I just ask that you follow Boris closely and do not veer too far off the beaten path. Getting too close to the asteroids would be bad."

Ding, ding, ding, Lasso thought. There was a hidden danger to these asteroids, and by what this woman was saying, they were the ones responsible for it. He found himself wondering just what it was they had done to these space rocks to make them lethal, looking to possibly bring something back to M-69 that could prove useful.

"And, your friend? Is he a mute, or does he speak? Or, do you require your underlings to remain quiet?" Janell was asking, a bit of a worried expression in her eyes that she may have offended them by bringing it up.

Taavis could not help her smile, and even gave a light chuckle. "This is Lieutenant Gavin Lasso. He is allowed to speak freely, he is just remaining quiet to not interrupt us."

"Hello," Lasso offered. His expression was friendly but being the first time he had met this person he had not reached the smiling stage yet.

Janell giggled and then she brought her hand up and shielded her mouth from Gavin's direction, angling her 'secret' statement at Taavis and acting like Gavin could not hear her simply because her hand was there. It was quite comical. "He's handsome." She said, an ever-so-slight blush appearing on her cheeks as her hand came down and she cleared her throat to get back to being 'regal'.

Taavis gave a laugh, glancing over at Lasso, who was also now smiling at what he had just witnessed. Looking back at Janell she went on. "He is handsome, I'll grant. Dear Janell, I am now anxious to meet you in person. Let us get moving so you and I can speak face to face, my friend."

At hearing the word friend, and being called 'dear' by a stranger who was not even of her own species, Janell felt grand. "Of course, Taavis! My apologies. I do tend to get carried away. Boris and Tomar have been watching you this whole time. I will tell them to drop the veil and make themselves known. I will close the channel now. See you in good time, my friend." She closed the communication.

Gavin sat forward as his gaze was focused dead ahead through the viewport. Ahead of them one of the asteroids in the cloud of asteroids began to shimmer and then, as they watched, morphed into a small starship, the design not too different from the runabout they were sitting in. "Would you look at that. Cloaking tech. If we play this right we may be able to disregard the Treaty of Algeron." That treaty being the one where the Federation agreed to the Romulan demand that Starfleet not use cloaking devices. Then reason was that all cloaking technology that the Klingons used had come from captured Romulan vessels. It had been quite disconcerting to the Romulans when their own tech had been used against them in battle, and they were getting their asses handed to them. They did not want Starfleet, with all of its technology and know-how, to become another force that could fight as they do.

Taavis looked over at him, and all the happiness on her face had disappeared the moment he said that. "We are not here to exploit these people, Mister Lasso. We are here to represent the Federation and to make friends. We will only take, and talk about, what is offered. Are we clear?"

At first, as she began, Gavin got angry and almost stopped her in mid-sentence. But, as she went on he understood why she was being this way. During the Dominion war, and all around Starfleet in that era, there had been many instances of corruption and exploitation by Starfleet officers at the highest level. Admirals, commodores, and captains who were more interested in their own glory and self-righteousness than they were in keeping to the ideals of the UFP. "Taavis," he said gently. "It was a statement of interest, nothing more. I don't work like that."

Realizing that she had confronted him before asking further for what he meant, Taavis used her discipline to prevent the blush of embarrassment from coming to her face. She let out a sigh and nodded a few times. "Apologies, Gavin. I heard that wrong."

"No worries." Lasso said, looking her in the eye. "If it happens again I won't hesitate to lose my commission by telling you off, in droves. I'm sure this region of space could use another merchant and businessman. Starfleet is not my first choice, and it will not be my last."

"Fair enough." Taavis said.

The comm bleeped so Lasso tapped the key and brought up the screen again.

"Hey!" Tomar said, sitting next to his brother Boris at their controls. "You folks ready?" As with all these people it seemed, they were smiling like they had not a care in the world. "Hi, Taavis. Always good to look upon you."

Boris gave a backhand to his brother's arm then addressed the screen. "Apologies, Herald Taavis. What my brother meant was that it is good to see you again." He then gave his brother a semi-serious side-glance. "Pardon his fascination with your looks."

It took great effort for Lasso to not bust out laughing, and to keep his face in a mild grin instead of a smile that would probably wrap around his head. "Seems you have gained a suitor, Captain."

Taavis then gave Gavin a side glance of her own, a pseudo-expression of irritation, for encouraging their hosts. "It is good to see you fellows again, too. Please, lead us home so we can meet with the King."

Tomar's smile did not fade as he responded to that. "Of course. Apologies if I insulted. It was not intended. Please, follow us and stick as close as possible to our vector, Herald Taavis."

The transmission cut and then the Duran runabout spun around and began to move away towards what looked to be the thickest part of the cloud of asteroid debris. Gavin sat up and set for flight operations, kicking up impulse and following their lead. He was now seriously interested in meeting these people and seeing their world.



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