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Station Post 36 " Roots "

Posted on Thu May 30th, 2024 @ 1:17pm by Lieutenant Hiri

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


During all of the mischief Dr Hiri couldn't wait for the arrival of a science ship to arrive. The USS Oppenheimer was bringing her step son home.

The Oppenheimer was a very old, but still in service Antares class science vessel which had been sent to deliver several replacement crew to the station.

One was a young rectuit fresh from the Academy named Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol. One day a sapling from the original being Brol several months later a full fledge humanoid being in academy colors came home to Dr Hiri his adoptive mother.

Leaf was hard not to notice with his green skin and black hair, making him appear to be Orion. Despite his uniform being tight the hybrid humanoid clearly hoped to fit in as he exited the transporter and stepped down to hug Dr Hiri.

" Hi Hiri I'm home," he smiled.
Hiri purred and quickly hugged the young Ensign.

" You are late. What happened?" She asked.

" The Oppenheimer hit a pocket of anti time. Made us a week late. We are lucky to be here ." Leaf replied.

" We also had that occur. Are you ready for duty?" Hiri asked.

" I believe so."
" Have you heard from your mother? Amethyst?: Hiri asked.

" Not since I left the station. Father stopped by as he is stationed on Utopia Planetia now. " Leaf replied.

" I think I need to make a call." Hiri replied.

< Promenade >

Leaf went up to the habitation ring and stared about the facility. Many eateries had made a home on the 69 but one that astonished Leaf was a large salad bar.

Leaf ate a combination of nutrients in a liquid form but he imagined how others might perceive him as he perceived them.

Having dealt with this at the academy the fast growing humanoid hybrid was still young despite his appearance. Returning to a star base was going to be something else indeed.



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