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Post # 37 " Good Riddance "

Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 7:24pm by Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Captain Deke Rivers & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace
Edited on on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 11:45pm

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Captain Deke Rivers rushed back to board the Athena the moment the larger than life Overwatch vessel emerged from the worm hole.

His spartan crew had only recently come aboard before they had another shake down.

" Captain Rivers to base. Tracking this...Overwatch vessel. Do you wish me to pursue?" Deke asked from the small bridge on the Athena.

Shauna stood in Ops, it could be a big risk. “I’m not overly sure it’s worth the risk Captain.”

David looked at the initial readings on a display, "The Athena is very out matched, it's more than just a bad idea." he commented

Shauna nodded. “Consider that a no Captain! The Athena is no match for that thing.”

[ Aah Mom you never let me pursue alien ships. OK returning to the base.] Deke replied. He then looked around his small bridge and then back to the screen as the worm hole swallowed up the enormous Overwatch vessel and then closed.

" Hall Ass back to Port, " Deke then ordered.

David closed the live feed and looked around, was this another crisis averted he thought as he started to walk away, he had a small pile of reports to file plus a larger pile to go through before he could call it a day.


Lt Nic Covenant then looked back at Captain Callaghan.

" Captain the Overwatch vessel did not have any active weapons. There did appear to have a powerful shield or field."

Shauna nodded. “Thank you Lieutenant.” She couldn’t help but wonder.

Quickly mooring again Deke Rivers rushed through the corridors and up to Ops to speak to Captain Callaghan.

" Captain Callaghan? What's the deal with this Overwatch ship? Ships can't be buzzing our station just because they want to." Deke flexed being the seasoned officer he was.

“You’re right” Shauna nodded in agreement. “The good thing is it appears the ship wasn’t aggressive, according to the Lieutenant here they had powerful shield or field generators but showed no signs of raising weapons. It does make me wonder though.”

" Don't agree with me. Let's argue in your office. " Deke winked.

“By all means Captain” Shauna smiled. She knew David would have a pile of paperwork waiting so she didn’t call him. “Keep an eye on things Lieutenant” she nodded to Covenant before heading for her office.

Nic smiled and then looked down at his board. Deke however didn't even wait for her door to close before pulling Shauna into his arms and lip locking her.

" I figure the argument is over and we can make up now." he said as he released the kiss.

Shauna couldn’t help but smile. “You bet the argument is over, but if that’s how you’re going to greet me maybe we should argue and make up more often!”

" I like arguing with you better than Sureth." Deke kissed Shauna again. " Seriously though that Overwatch ship blended right in with the station like a chameleon. All I heard was some kind of God like creature came aboard and then vanished. Was it from the Continuum? " Deke inquired.

“It’s a long story, let’s just say a dragon from hell was released, and a goddess of sorts came to retrieve it!” She shook her head. “That sounds completely crazy I know.”

" Sounds like a holodeck story. I'll slay your Dragon Captain Callaghan, " Deke teased. " Is there anything I can do to help you or has junior stepped up for that too?" Deke added.

Shauna couldn’t help but smile. “Ohh I’m sure I can think of something, but unfortunately that’ll have to wait until tonight” she smiled a wry smile. “In the meantime Commander Wallace and Lieutenant Covenant seem to have everything in order. To be honest I wish Sureth was back in command, at least then I could be out there with you.”

" I am enjoying working under you Captain. The Athena could use an XO. We could share the center seat. Is Sureth coming back? What does Ramvek say?" Deke replied

“He hasn’t lately, we’re waiting to see how Sureth recovers.” Shauna shrugged her shoulders. “In the meantime Commander Wallace can be your XO if you need him.”

" I don't think so. Come to think of it the Athena is a small ship. We have work but tonight meet me on the Promenade. I'll take you dancing Captain." Deke replied.

David avoided making eye contact as he exited ops, he had a meeting to attend and needed to get ready for, as the lift doors closed he quietly mumbled something to himself, He'd had some suspicions about some recent events involving Rivers almost to the point he wanted to report it, but there wasn't much proof if any, plus it wasn't his job exactly to enforce the rules concerning conduct and behaviors. his thoughts had been interrupted by the internal comms.

=^="Commander Wallace, there's a Kaitlyn Rhymes on subspace for you."=^=

"Thank you ensign, I'll take it in my quarters." David said as he changed the destination for the turbolift, this was more pressing.

Meanwhile Shauna smiled as she looked at Deke. “Dancing? Now how could I refuse that?”

" You can't . After shift I will swing by and pick you up." Deke answered.

After the two parted ways Deke returned to the Athena's moorings. Lt Covenant continued his operations duties and slowly the station began to revolve normally outside the confines of the Lagoon Nebula.



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