#3 Having to Say Goodbye
Posted on Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 1:50pm by Captain Tore Bjorgo & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Griffon Resch
NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current
Tore Bjorgo stood there looking at Sheyla as they stood in his quarters, in private, seeing the emotional pain on her face. He had just informed her of his recall to Fleet HQ/SOCOM. It tore a hole in his chest to do this but duty called. The only reason they would have called him was if it was a threat that could topple the Federation if given enough time, and as such, they needed his input and tactical expertise. As an Augment his intelligence and intellect could see things that others could not, come up with unorthodox ideas on how to deal with things, and the ability to handle things brutally if necessary. But, that was all put aside in his mind as he saw the hurt he was now causing to a woman he had deep feelings for. Did he love her? Of course he did. Was it a love deep enough to call on her to be his mate? Being honest with himself he had to say that he did not know the answer to that.
Sheyla leaned back against the counter, her eyes cast to the floor as she thought on what had just been said. Her face came up and her eyes showed that Andorian determination her species was known for. "So, this is it? We are done?" Her mind went over a few details within a few seconds as she stood up tall and stopped leaning. "I knew this day might come. I love you, Tore, truly. Andorians in the Sovereign Guard spend years at a time away from their families and loved ones as a part of duty, sacrifice, and honor. I cannot hold Humans to that same set of morals. I mean, you people used to believe there were something like 72 genders. All based on feelings, of course."
Seeing him nod at that, and seeing the pain in his eyes for having to do this, only made Sheyla love him that much more. As a physician she could sympathize and empathize with where he was coming from. "We both know that it is a rare thing for long distance relationships to last, or even grow into what they were meant to be. So, having said that, I release you from our bond. If it is meant to be we will come back to each other. If not, I wish you the best in everything you do. Just know that if I find another to be with then you will be considered just a friend, a confidante. I have spoken."
For the first time in years Tore Bjorgo's eyes misted up as he stepped in and embraced the fiery Andorian. With that loving embrace came a kiss that was both passionate and wanting, with Sheyla giving as much as she was receiving. When they broke and he leaned back Sheyla disentangled herself from his grasp. "I'm sorry, Sheyla. I am. But, you know me. Who I am. I told you my past and what I was before Starfleet offered me the chance to be civilized and make a difference. That Tore now stands before you. The Federation, not just Starfleet, needs my incites on certain matters. I cannot, in good conscience, say no to that."
"Tore, you are speaking on false assumptions." Sheyla said. "I am hurt, emotionally, but I will recover. I kept it in the back of my mind that at some point this may end for whatever reason. You're a captain, I'm just a doctor. If I received a call from Andor in regards to similar circumstances I would be doing the same thing. Andorians know the weight of duty all too well. So, go save our way of life. Just make sure that if Nazgul can play a part in that then let us know. At that point, seeing each other again, we will know where we truly stand as lovers."
Bjorgo gave a grin, his eyes now back to normal. "Because of my feelings for you I need to hear it. Both of us do. What is your decision? Try it long distance, or end it?"
"I won't sit on a biobed each night expecting a call from you, or lose sleep over whether or not you'll send a message." Sheyla said. "I need to call it quits. As you say, it could be considered a break so that both of us have time to think on it more. You'll be across the galaxy and I'll be right here."
"Fair enough," Tore replied, knowing that would have been his answer, too. "Thank you for the love and understanding while we were an item. If you choose another before we meet again I can only say that they were smarter than I am." Knowing he had to end this Bjorgo found a bend in his course. "I need to inform the command staff. Telling you first was a priority. Thank you for everything, Sheyla." He gently cupped her face in each hand and placed a kiss on her forehead. As he pulled away before his hands dropped he looked her in the eye. "You are far more than 'just a doctor', lady. Never forget that." His hands left her face and Tore spun on his heel and left his quarters.
Sheyla glanced around the quarters after he stepped out, seeing he had already packed all his personal items and had had the captain's cabin scrubbed and set to the Starfleet sterile/neutral look. Pushing her own hurt way down within her being, Doctor Sheyla proceeded to leave the cabin. A minute after leaving, as Sheyla walked through the corridors, an intercom signal came forth shipwide, calling all the department heads to the Ready Room. She made her way there promptly.
Entering the Ready Room, Sheyla noted that all the DH's were present. Bjorgo gave a small explanation and speech, informing them that he was being called to SFHQ as an advisor, and that the Federation may be facing a new threat. The questions came and went, the back and forth, as Tore explained that there was only so much he knew, and even less he could tell them without proper clearance. All the faces had sank, all of them loving their CO for the fair and loving leader he had been. But, each of them knew that a life in Starfleet could cause changes at a moment's notice and that they should treat this as such. Once all that had been covered Bjorgo then looked to Number One.
"Billi," Tore said. "You are now acting captain. I transfer all CO responsibilities to you. Once we're in range of 69, I will be beaming over to meet with Captain Taavis and finish the transfer of command."
That took Billi by surprise but she took it well and responded. "Aye, Sir. Do we know who will be placed as Captain?"
"Not a clue," Bjorgo said, glancing around at the many faces he had come to know and respect. "Hopefully it will be someone y'all can get along with. If not, you'll need to learn to adjust and adapt. Starfleet never guarantees that your CO's will be people you actually like. That causes entitlement, and entitlement breeds chaos. My bags are in transporter room two, where I will be, until we arrive in an hour. I'll keep Chief Styles entertained until I get the signal that we're in beaming range."
"Good luck to you, Tore." Billi said.
"Captain," Resch said. Both Tore and Billi looked his way. His eyes were locked onto Billi as he asked his query. "May I accompany Captain Bjorgo to the transporter room?"
Billi, feeling a bit unusual for being the one asked while Tore stood in the room, gave a slow nod. "Yes, Griffon. Please, escort Captain Bjorgo to the transporter room. You may await his departure with him, if you choose. The Bridge can handle docking while you're away."
"Thank you, Captain." Resch made his way around the table and got in next to Bjorgo. The hugs and handshakes were given where accepted and then the two officers left the Ready Room. Being a Reliant-class, the walk to the transporter deck was not all that long. Not a word was said between the two as they went, arriving in transporter room two. "Hello, Chief. Having a good morning?"
Styles looked up from running a diagnostic on the transporter console in this chamber. "So far, yes. Captain Bjorgo," He gave a nod of greeting. "I hear you'll be leaving us. It's sad to see you go, Sir, but best wishes in your future endeavors."
"Thank you, Chief." Bjorgo said. Do you have an ETA for arrival on your board?"
Chief Styles tapped some keys. "Time was adjusted five minutes ago. Looks like we have about twenty-eight minutes before we're in transporter range. Is there a specific place you wish to be beamed to?"
Bjorgo smiled. "I would like to be transported to the foyer for Captain Taavis's offices. Safely, if you can," he quipped.
Styles took the barb in stride. "Of course, Sir. I have yet to mold together two organics. I'm hurt you would suggest such a thing." He said in a pseudo-serious tone.
Resch could not help but jump in. "Be glad you're not a table and chairs, Captain. Last time Styles beamed over furniture you couldn't tell which was which." He chuckled which got them all laughing.
The time went by as the three men chatted. USS Nazgul arrived at 69 and as they reached beaming range Captain Tore Bjorgo stepped onto the pads. "Keep them safe, Griff. Chief, thank you for your service. Energize." With the whirring hum of the transporter he was whisked away in the matter stream, disappearing from the deck plates of the USS Nazgul.