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#1 To the Victor Go the Spoils

Posted on Thu Jul 18th, 2024 @ 4:10am by Commander Kehlani & Lieutenant Marz

Mission: IT'S A KLINGON THING {CD&Missions}
Location: Malakor System/Malakor III
Timeline: Current


Commander Kehlani was impressed. Not only was the mine on Malakor III a viable dilithium vein, but it also had pockets of liquid latinum scattered throughout. So, not only was the world an industrial boon, but also a financial one for those who used actual currency instead of credits. The wealth and prestige of House Kehlani was now rising, and she had all her people swear secrecy about it all. If anyone outside of House Kehlani found out then she would make sure to go through the masses until she found those with loose lips and eliminate them personally. They could now barter and sell dilithium to other Houses, see to it the High Council got its portion, and had plenty with which to repair and build her own ships. The old drydock facility she had procured and placed in orbit over KorKang was in need of fresh dilithium for its warp core power.

As for the Nor class station in the Malakor star system, it was currently being secured as a future Klingon base. They had already attacked and damaged several Syndicate ships trying to come into the station, not knowing that the Klingons had sacked it. It was now an Imperial outpost, ran by House Kehlani, and it would be protected at all costs. Currently, there were a dozen Klingon vessels of various sizes and classes sitting around the facility as they were beaming supplies and personnel back and forth to repair the battle damage. All those who had been slaves to the Orion markets were set free, and were informed that they were now citizens and servants of the Empire. All Orions had been summarily executed or were now being used as forced labor. The servants were now in charge of their old masters and they were not nice about it. The Klingons could care less what they did to each other, and for them, seeing others get revenge on those who had enslaved them was amusing to say the least.

Marz stood next to his HoD, both of them freshly cleaned by sonic showers to remove all the ichor that had spattered over their armor and flesh. If a Klingon could sparkle, they would be twinkling in the lights as all their badges and metallic uniform parts glinted with the grime cleaned away. "I would rather be in Rura Penthe than be subjected to the vengeance of those you once held captive. Wouldn't you agree, my lady?"

"I would." Kehlani responded even as her eyes continued to take in the Promenade area of the station, seeing everyone milling about. "There's an Earth saying that is fitting. When Humans are confronted by enemies, or have overcome capture or being attacked, the phrase often comes up; f**k around and find out. The Orions mucked with these people, kidnapped them for forced labor and the slave market, and thought they were hidden and invincible. Now, they are learning what it means to be whipped and beaten for 'slacking' in their work. Eventually, I intend for Klingon citizens to be here to oversee the labor, and pay them well with gold-pressed latinum."

"Give our people a place to call home, somewhere they can work to build and make better, is always welcome." Marz said. "As General Chang once said; we need living space!"

With the battle over and Kehlani now back to a more administrative role, she wore her mantle denoting her as the Matriarch of House Kehlani, and all her medals displayed. At all times there were two burly bekks right behind her, ready to lop off the head of anyone foolish enough to step towards their Mistress with intent to do harm. In Klingon society assassins were not a prevalent occupation but they did exist, and they were damn good at what they did. Those killed were usually the only ones to see their faces, so worrying over whether or not a House would seek retribution was at a minimum. So, it was wise to have loyal guards even if the House leader could very well kill the assassins themselves. It was not cowardice, it was common sense. "I have been thinking on that, myself, Marz." Kehlani dropped the rank and spoke to him as a friend, a confidante, as they walked away from the small group of others. She even waved for her bekks to hold fast while she got away from them with Marz next to her. She did, out of respect for her warriors, remain in their sight. "There are other Houses out there that have seen to discommendations for warriors who never had a fair trial, or were never accepted to the ranks. I want you, in your spare time, to scour the data files on such individuals and see who might be willing to serve House Kehlani."

"I can do that, Kehlani." Marz responded. "I know several Klingons who were not accepted to the more powerful Houses due their lineage, or some other asinine reason. They have remained stout and well trained, and ready to serve. I shall indeed make some calls."

"maj," Kehlani said. "Behlanna will take command of the Foes Bane, and we will take command of Rokeg. As a matriarch it is only fitting that I have a larger vessel filled with warriors. Plus, Behlanna is a sneaky bitch when she wants to be and a bird of prey is perfect for her. I intend for her to remain in command of her own ship, and Imperial Command has agreed."

"Outstanding!" Marz put forth. "She is a competent officer and a stout warmaiden."

"We will be returning to M-69." Kehlani informed him. "Lieutenant Marz, I name you my Tactical and Security Chief for the IKS Rokeg! Your tenure starts right now."

"Qapla'!" He responded, giving the Klingon salute and stomping a heel. "I will serve you with honor, Lady Kehlani."

Kehlani looked over at her guards, waving them back over to herself. "Let's beam aboard and head for Federation space." Within the hour, all crew were recalled to the IKS Rokeg, with Kehlani and her party beaming over to take command and get the ship aligned. After that was accomplished the ship made its way out of the star system and then jumped to warp, heading for M-69.



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