#11 Meeting the CMO
Posted on Thu Jul 18th, 2024 @ 11:04am by Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Commander Sheyla {MD} & Lieutenant Lenore (Len) Holbrook
NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current
Len walked into the dorm room from her room. She was wearing her new uniform and was getting ready to go see her superior Officer, when the door to the other room opened. "I guess I'm your good luck charm."
Loewen gave a crooked grin. "I guess you are. The Lord works in mysterious ways, for which I'm glad."
Len returned the grin, "Well I'm off to check in with the CMO."
"Sounds good." Sean said. "I'll keep you company. I have some files that need the CMO's mark on them, so it's not a problem, if you don't mind?"
"Not at all." Len said while moving towards the exit. Len tends to walk with her hands clasped behind her. "It has been some time since I was assigned to a starship."
"This is my third run on a ship, and two base postings," Sean explained. "I think I'm the oldest Lieutenant JG in Starfleet." He chuckled at that. "I do my job and keep my head down. Nothing too exciting has ever come my way."
"Exciting can be overrated." Len said with a smile as they made their way to sickbay.
Doctor Sheyla was within Sickbay, her medical personnel having had their fun for two days, and now working hard to get everything put away. All meds that could not be replicated were stowed in a secure walk-in locker/closet. Any devices that were now out of date were being replaced by the most up-to-date models, and all permanent bed coverings were also being removed and replaced with the old ones being thrown into the replicator refuse chute. The main door for Sickbay slid open and in walked two officers, one in red and one in blue. Sheyla knew who the medical officer was, having read her file. The other officer, the good looking Human male in red, came in with her. Tucking her PADD up under her left arm, Sheyla approached them. "Hello, you two. "Doctor Len Holbrook, I am Doctor Sheyla. Glad to meet you." Her Andorian eyes turned to Sean. "You, I don't know. And, you are?" She began the handshakes as he answered.
"Lieutenant Sean Loewen, Doctor." Sean held out a PADD he had been carrying, his own PADD in its holster on his belt line. "These are all the meds 69 had slotted for Nazgul."
Sheyla took the PADD even as her eyes went to Holbrook.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, ma'am." Len said with a smile.
Sheyla gave a casual waving off when Holbrook used ma'am. "No need for that level of accolades, Doctor. Doc, Doc Sheyla, or simply Sheyla all get used in here, by the crew. Staff or not. Do you prefer Lenore, Len, or some other derivative of your name?"
"Len is fine. Is there anything that I can help you with?" She asked.
Chinning for them to follow, Sheyla walked back to a biobed that had already been seen to, placing the two PADDs she had in hand down on it with six others. "First, just get familiar. If you see something you can help with feel free to jump in. Labs are through there," Sheyla gave a knife hand pointing to a door, then it angled towards another door further back in Sickbay. "That's the surgical wing-slash-isolation ward. We are as big as we need to be for a ship this size. I took the liberty of rearranging my office, so there are now two desks in there. Yours and mine. A bit of a tight spot but still room to move comfortably." She gave a pleasant grin. "I like my people to be as comfortable as I am."
Len nodded. "This is a great facility. I'm gonna look around and help out." She said before nodding to Sean, "I'll see ya later." Len goes over to the lab area, her face not hiding the amazement that she is feeling.
Sean, feeling like a fifth wheel here, gave Doctor Sheyla a pleasant nod. "Well, it seems she is in her element once again. Good to meet you, Doc. Perhaps we can share a drink and stories some time in the lounge."
Sheyla gave a knowing grin. "Partial to Andorian brandy, Mister Loewen?"
"Can't say that I've had the pleasure, Miss Sheyla." Sean matched her grin with his own, since she had chosen to use 'mister'. "I hope when we share drinking time that you'll call me Sean, or just Loewen. Anyway, a pleasure." He slapped her upper arm like an old pal, spun on his heel and left Sickbay.
Sheyla giggled quietly at that. Humans, such fun to be around. Too many other species did not give them the credit they deserved. Looking across Sickbay to Doctor Holbrook, she saw that the ACMO was chatting with a couple of the other medical staff, with them giving her more in-depth descriptions of things. Happy to see life was going forward as it should, Doctor Sheyla began to go through her PADDs again as she leaned a hip against the biobed.
Lieutenant jg Lenore Holbrook
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Nazgul
Lieutenant JG Sheyla
Chief Medical Officer
USS Nazgul