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#2 tlhIngan maH! (We are Klingons!)

Posted on Thu Jul 18th, 2024 @ 6:29pm by Commander Kehlani

Mission: IT'S A KLINGON THING {CD&Missions}
Location: IKS Rokeg
Timeline: Current

OOC: Please, keep in mind. Whenever it is Klingons among Klingons, then they are speaking Klingon. I put in actual Klingon and how it is written for dramatic affect. Thanks, y'all.


As the IKS Rokeg made its way towards M-69 at warp five, Commander Kehlani sat with a small crowd of Klingons in the mess hall. They were sitting around sipping bloodwine and trading stories, and when the time struck, they broke into singing. The air was filled with laughter and unity, with all the warriors and warmaidens present having taken part in the slaughter of the Orions on the Nor station that was now claimed by the Klingon Empire. However, as with all victories, there were always differing opinions on what could have been done better, or differently, to achieve the same outcome. Kehlani merely sat back in her chair, leaning way back with her legs extended outward, her goblet in her left hand as it rested on the armrest. She continued to listen and, occasionally, offering her own tidbits to the 'what if' scenarios. But, as with all things, at some point a Klingon gets weary of hearing 'what could have been' since it all had passed anyway. Sitting up quickly, giving a mediocre hammer fist to the table top with her right fist, she stood up. Every Klingon face turned her way and everyone immediately went silent.

"We are Klingons!" Kehlani said, her tone denoting her pride in that fact, and the honor of being a warrior for the Empire. "Thinking about what you can't control only wastes energy and creates its own enemy. Klingon wisdom says that a sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye!" There were grunts of approval as she gave forth that ancient Klingon proverb. "It is good that all of you," her eyes danced around to all of them, honoring them by taking notice of each of them singularly even if it was a quick gaze eye to eye. "Are using your minds and not your asses to speak on such things." Many in the group chuckled at that. Kehlani, as the HoD, had removed her matriarch mantle and wore her standard form of dress, her own armor with its personal flair. "As a Klingon do not deny the challenge of your destiny! Get off your knees and soar! Open your eyes and let the dream take flight!"

The mess hall erupted in a roaring cheer, with all the Klingons who had been sitting getting to their feet. As they did this Kehlani began to walk the room, weaving between her warriors and clapping them on the shoulders occasionally as she went, continuing to speak as only a good leader should. "Many of you know that I have personal friends and allies spanning the galaxy. They all have their purposes and have proven, in their own way, that they have both honor and trustworthiness. Never forget that, warriors. An ally can come from unlikely places, and can aid you in saving the day when you least expect it. Should they prove to be a steaming pile of baktag, or a petaQ of the highest order, then you can dismiss them or kill them depending on circumstances." She had caught their attention.

The group in the mess hall watched and listened to their Matriarch. No one aboard IKS Rokeg was from another House. This was the House Kehlani flagship, after all. They all knew she was a descendant of the Na'boq'ni tribe from the Central Plains of Qo'noS, Klingon nomads who had brutally opposed early expansion attempts through the region. Their stamina and courage was legendary. On her armor Matriarch Kehlani also wore her medal denoting her as a member of the Hand of Flame. They began their ascent to legend as a band of rebels opposed to the tyrant Molor during the time of Kahless. The three vaunted leaders, each a master of a particular style of combat, combined their expertise and imparted it it to their legions of soldiers, elevating the already formidable fighting skills of Klingon troops to a whole new level. After teaching Kahless and his armies how to defeat Molor, the Hand of Flame continued on to become one of the most celebrated fighting forces in the Empire's history. Now, here walking among them, was their Matriarch who was an honored member of that illustrious brotherhood. She had formed her own House, was a member of both the Order of the Bat'leth, and the Order of the Mekleth. She had fought alongside Starfleet, and in so doing, had saved the life of a previous President of that government. She had even become a member of Starfleet, and through an honorable agreement, still was. None of them, not one, doubted that Kehlani, daughter of Kintarra, was destined to become a Dahar Master.

Kehlani had made a circuit around the room and the table, ending up standing before her chair. She dipped her goblet into the barrel of bloodwine for a refill, and then raised that goblet. "tlhIngan maH! (We are Klingons!). Qapla'! (Success!)." She brought her goblet to her lips and drank it all down, her crew following along. When they all finished their downing of the wine, they all belched together and then slammed the metal goblets down on the table and raised their fists in the air with a roar of pride and honor. There were hugs of joy and brotherhood all around, to include the Matriarch and master of this vessel. She had led them to battle where they had claimed victory and secured resources not only for their House, but for the Empire entire. Today was definitely a good day to die!

Once the roars and laughter calmed down, the conversation back to normal levels for Klingons, the intercom sounded. "HoD Kehlani. We are approaching starbase M-69. That is all."

Kehlani was glad to hear it. She raised a hand to get them to quiet down. "On the Promenade, on Shadow Way, you will find the House of gaH. Go, fill your bellies and then meet me at Club Bliss for our victory celebration. There are songs to be sang and bloodwine to be drank. As you were." She spun on her heel and left the mess hall.

Arriving on the Bridge, Kehlani moved forward and went around her center seat/throne to stand before it and observe the viewport/viewscreen. "Helm, status?"

"We are approaching the outer markers at warp five, HoD." The officer responded. "Recommend we drop from warp within the next minute."

"Secure from warp," Kehlani ordered, and as she said that the officer tapped keys and she saw the white swirling of the wormhole close down to provide a clear view of the star studded cosmos. Off in the distance, merely a speck at this distance, was M-69. "Marz, request permission to cross the outer markers and approach the station. Inform them we would prefer to dock if that is acceptable."

Marz acknowledged the order and began to contact 69. After about a minute of cross talk his head came up as he looked at Kehlani, his angle that of looking at her right shoulder from slightly behind her. "We have been granted access to the station and a flight vector provided to dock at docking arm eight." He grinned as he saw where they would dock, and what Federation ships might be there. "We will be docking next to the Nazgul."

Kehlani smiled to herself, even looking back over her shoulder at Marz, a male who got her blood pumping in the best of ways. "majQa' (very good)." Her face went back to the forward view. "Helm, follow the vector and begin docking procedures upon arrival."

The officers of IKS Rokeg did their duty, and an hour later the ship was docked and locked into position. Each department shut down and went to standby on their systems as per their own directives and supervisors.

"Marz," Kehlani said. When he looked her way she continued. "I will meet with Captain Taavis and then head for refreshment. Join me when you can."

"I will be there, HoD."

"maj (good)." Kehlani replied even as she headed for the Bridge exit.



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