#12 Keeping It Cool
Posted on Thu Jul 18th, 2024 @ 6:14pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara"
NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current
"Would you look at that." This came from Billi as she stood on the Bridge of the USS Nazgul, next to Lieutenant Resch as he was inputting his new firing solutions for the torpedoes. He spun his chair part way to look at the Bridge window, seeing the IKS Rokeg coming in on thrusters to dock next to them.
"Quite the sight," Resch admitted, always loving the designs of Klingon vessels. "I wonder if Commander Kehlani is aboard."
Ainkara came over to join them from her Science station, her own data update and diagnostics having been done. She had just finished recalibrating the sensors so she had time to socialize. "As Doctor Bashir once said; even half drunk Klingons are among the best warriors in the galaxy. It is good to have them as allies instead of enemies."
Captain Green came out of the starboard lift, seeing her department heads gathered somewhat around the tactical station as they chatted. The port lift opened and deposited Lieutenant Loewen, who carried a few PADDs for the Bridge officers. Ro approached her people.
Billi saw Green exit the lift and used her hands to get everyone to stop talking, chinning behind them. "Everyone, this is Captain Ro Green, our new Commanding Officer." The group spun around, or looked passed others, to get an eye on the CO. Resch got to his feet to meet the new Captain.
"Hello, everyone. Captain Ro Green, at your service." Ro gave a smile with the greeting, shaking hands as they were presented. "A pleasure to meet you all." They responded in kind. Loewen had stepped over and joined his comrades in the first meeting of Captain and crew.
"Welcome to the Nazgul, Captain." Resch said. "In my opinion, one of the best ships in Starfleet."
"I can't argue with that, Mister Resch, from what I've seen so far." Green responded. "The Captain's table will still be a thing but I am not a skilled cook. Someone else will have to see to that." She gave a chuckle as she admitted her own failings when it came to being a chef.
Resch returned the smile. "I know a thing or two, Captain. When you open the table just let me know and I'll show up and cook up a feast."
As per usual, as the others began to go back and forth with the new Captain, Ainkara remained quiet and even took a half step back to remain aloof. She had been the only one not to shake hands, her observations being solely fixated on understanding the nuances of the conversation. Introducing herself had been enough.
Loewen spoke up. "I can help out, Resch. I'm no expert cook but I do know a few things."
"Any help is always welcome, Loewen." Griffon replied. "Plus, it's not like a state dinner. The food will get done when it gets done."
Billi had noted Kara's maintaining of distance, and her eyes glanced around. Lieutenant Qeritas was conspicuously absent today. She brought her focus back to the small group. "Enough about that, folks. The Ready Room is set for you to input your command codes and directives, Captain. All departments have reported in and we are on schedule."
"Thank you, Number One," Green said. "Thank you, all, for your dedication in getting the ship ready for departure. It is appreciated, always."
The port lift opened, and stepping out was Lieutenant Qeritas as she came up behind Loewen, and then got in beside him with a pleasant expression on her face.
When Qeritas had stepped from the lift it had taken all of Green's willpower, and a bit of her Core training, to maintain an absolutely normal expression. It was apparent that Qeritas had not informed these people as to who she really was. Ro would let it slide for now. Whatever the reason for Qeritas being here, Green would eventually let her crew in on the secret.
"You must be Captain Green. I am Lieutenant Qeritas, Communications Officer." She did not reach out for a handshake.
Green took the subtle hint with the handshake in stride. "Nice to meet you, Qeritas." Ro then turned away, looking out the viewport towards the Klingon vessel. "House Kehlani. Glad to see she has risen to attain what she deserves. When it comes to soldiers of the Empire, she is one of the best."
Billi was surprised by that since Kehlani had never mentioned knowing anyone named Rogue Green. "You know Commander Kehlani?"
"I do." Green answered. "We were sent on several missions together before I became the CEO of the USS North Star. We lost contact over the years but I always checked out where she was and what she was doing. After all, she did save a UFP President from being kidnapped and killed for political gain." Ro smiled and looked back to her officers. "I digress. Apologies, everyone. I need to see to my own authorizations in the Ready Room. Carry on." Green moved around Qeritas and Loewen and stepped into the port lift.
The others made small talk for a few minutes before they too broke up and went back to work.
Qeritas casually went to her station, sitting down and keeping her back to the others. A crooked, cynical grin was playing on her face. One more step accomplished, she thought.