#10 R & R/CO & XO
Posted on Wed Jul 17th, 2024 @ 6:10pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Lieutenant Commander Billi
Edited on on Wed Jul 17th, 2024 @ 6:37pm
NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: M-69
Timeline: Current
"We're almost ready to leave port," Green said, a smile coming to her face as she sat at the bar in Club Bliss during the slower day shift. Billi sat with her on the patron side, while Captain Taavis stood on the other side of the bar and attended to the duties of a bartender.
"That we are," Billi grinned around her glass before sipping from her Aldebran whiskey on the rocks. "Nazgul is a damn fine ship, Skipper." Having become familiar with Ro Green over the past two days, Billi had began to call her Skipper instead of Captain. After all, according to old naval tradition on Earth, 'skipper' was used often when in regards to a ship's captain, especially on submarines in the United States Navy. Since a Starfleet vessel was a galaxy travelling, pressurized metal container like the old submarines were for the sea, then the CO's title/nickname made perfect sense. And, to be honest, it seemed to bring them closer together.
Taavis finished pulling glasses from the refresher and began to place them in their slots as she addressed her two guests. "Tore was quite adamant about a vessel that would be able to handle the rigors of duty out here, but not be too large as to be a hinderance. The Reliant class is a light cruiser, but it does pack the punch of most cruisers of the line."
Green gave nods to her comrades as they each spoke, responding when they finished. "Let us hope it doesn't come to that. My hope is that we will never have to engage anyone for the entire time I command the Nazgul. But, being on the fringe, I don't see that hope coming to fruition."
"We'll give it our best, Ro." Billi replied. "All we can do."
Seeing the two command officers of the USS Nazgul doing well with getting to know each other, and becoming friends, put Taavis at ease. Not that she stressed such things due to her Vulcan disciplines but, she had no worries about how they would interact once out on patrol or a mission. The Gola had called, Bjorgo had rushed home, and now Green had to go back and finish what the Nazgul had started. Rogue's record spoke volumes about who she was as a Starfleet officer. Everyone who had known her or worked with her knew that her idol was James T. Kirk. It was well known that Jim Kirk always did all in his power to avoid confrontation but, when it came time to fight he gave no quarter until the enemy was defeated. If there was a chance to rescue those enemies after, then Kirk would always offer that. Ro Green had been that way for over ten years as the XO of her last starship posting. Too often, in her personal logs, Green would state her feelings and misgivings over her CO constantly trying to push her weight around to outsiders simply because she was Starfleet. The Commodore who had commanded the last ship Ro had been on was also some kind of royalty from her home world, and the commodore never failed to tell anyone and everyone about that. Even diplomatic guests. It irked Green to think that the Commodore's own personal standing in life meant more to her than being a representative of Starfleet and the Federation, and often times when the text was written she would add in [vomit] between words to show her disgust with such actions.
"Have you met the rest of the command staff, Ro?" Taavis asked.
"Not yet. We'll get underway and then I will call a department meeting. Beyond that, I will meet the crew as we progress." Green said.
"They'll adjust quickly, Captain." Billi assured her superior. She had used Captain to show respect for her CO. "One thing Bjorgo instilled in them all was to let small things, trivial things, roll off their backs. His easy-going command style seemed to fit. And, when it was needed and he put his foot down, no one complained."
Taavis gave a nod at that. "He was his own person, for sure. But, then again, so are you Captain Green."
Green gave a grin. "I try to be. My first command, so I'll have to play it by ear as we go. Not that I'm worried."
Billi giggled. "No, you don't seem worried in the slightest, Skipper. That's a good thing. A crew will pick up on anxiety and nervousness and that can lead to mistrust. Second-guessing of your motives and orders. Not something we need on Nazgul."
"They better not," Green said with a grin, showing she was both serious and being lighthearted in the same breath. "I am not above a demerit on a record when it is needed. If the offense is more serious that demerit may end up being permanent. The only way to remove it would be by a review from Starfleet Command. Other than that, there is always a night or two in the brig for minor offenses that require some form of discipline. Some extra duty shifts. Whatever comes to mind depending on circumstances."
"Perfect," Taavis said. She washed her hands and dried them and then poured herself a tumbler of kali-fal. Green asked for one, as well, and her request was filled. "You're the right captain for the job, Ro. Even your father is behind your appointment."
That statement caused Billi to scrunch her face in confusion. "Your father?"
"Yes," Ro said with a smile, seeing the confusion on Number One's face. "Vice Admiral Aaron Stone. He's my father. By adoption, but he has been my father since I was a pre-teen. His example is what drives me to be the Starfleet officer I aspire to be. Diplomatic, understanding, a voice of peace. When peace breaks down then I become the warrior who looks to protect the Federation first. To protect the citizens and our way of life."
Billi returned the smile. "Now I know, thank you. Anyway, Captain, it is time to get to the ship and begin preparations for departure." She looked towards their hostess. "Thanks, Taavis. Always a pleasure." She got to her feet.
Green downed the kali-fal, and even for an augment, the burning on the way down caused her to wince slightly. She gave Taavis the glass and stood up. "See you around, Taavis. Always good to catch up." Taavis gave a nod of goodbye to them both, with Green and Billi walking out together as they began to discuss ships' business.