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StationPost# 65 " The Big Thaw:

Posted on Wed Jul 17th, 2024 @ 2:39pm by 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas

Location: Breen Space
Timeline: Concurrent


The Rock

The prisoners of war called it the rock as it was a rock of ice. Ice for the Breen cryogenic suits that the prisoners were harvesting.

John Dallas was one of those P.O.W. but now found himself at rest in a protected environment away from all that.

His captor, a Breen , wore a suit and used a voice amplifier to communicate with him.

" You have not eaten human."
" I don't eat with my Captors." John replied.
" You would prefer to return to the mines?"
" I would go home." John replied.
" This is your home now. Suck it up before the changeling gets back."

John ate a bite and then stopped as the changeling returned.

" I see you have an appetite. Good you will need it for later." said the Changeling.

" Why? What's later?" John asked.

" When we leave this rock. The ice will split this asteroid. When it does it will disrupt the response and we will use that time to escape. Follow me to the shuttle." the changeling stated.

John reluctantly followed trusting nobody. But in the other part of the cargo shell a workable Breen shuttle awaited them. But it only had two seats and there was three of them.

" Don't worry I will morph into this bucket. I need to rest anyway. Monitor the seismic table and when it splits launch." the changeling told John.

" I will. " Dallas replied.

< 2 Hours Later >

Chaos abounded and the planetoid did indeed break apart leaving countless prisoners to perish while the Breen escaped back to their ship.

During this chaos John Dallas launched the Breen shuttle and with the help of the Breen person with them John was able to clear the system without detection.

But the range of the shuttle was limited and the closest safe enough place to head was far away from the home he wanted to go to in the Lagoon Nebula.



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