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Post # 5 Preparation

Posted on Tue Jul 16th, 2024 @ 1:58pm by Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen
Edited on on Tue Jul 16th, 2024 @ 4:14pm

Mission: USS PEEL Flirting with the Unknown
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


[Deck 4]

Walking up to the Security Pad she keyed in her code then placed her hand on the scanner to verify her identity. Moments later Yesrin heard the door unlock then pushed it open and went to the Office where her desk was located. Since this area had previously been a Lab, it was pretty good size and would have more Intelligence equipment added as time went on.

After activating her Terminal, Yesrin opened a channel to her contact “Stoner you there, this is Viper” she inquired as she heard a familiar voice on the other end “Hey Viper this is Stoner…..what can I do for you” he inquired.

“Glad you asked. I’m getting ready to go on an Op in the Cabral Sector to a planet called Boroth. I have been assigned the task of infiltrating a Research building and gathering intel. I could use any information concerning the building as well as a schematic of it. Also I have to go covertly so I need to know what attire would allow me to blend in and not get noticed. One last things, I need a detailed description of the local Military uniforms” she explained hoping for the best from her contact.

After a moment of silence “Wow that’s a tall order….when do you need the info” he asked.

“I’d like it sometime tomorrow morning so I have ample time to finish getting things together” she replied as she heard Jen [ Well that’s a dumb question…..of course you need the info soon ] as she could sense his irritation. “Calm down old friend, he is doing us a favor after all” she thought. Jen remained silent.

“That’s doable. Contact me at zero ten hundred tomorrow and I should have everything you’re going to need by then” Stoner replied.

Yesrin smiled, not that Stoner could tell of course, “Thanks you’re a life saver” she replied.

“Of course I am…’s what I do” Stoner commented with a chuckle “Hear from you tomorrow then, Stoner out.

She secured her Terminal then sat back in her chair for a few moments as she thought “Ok that’s done, now onto the equipment and Tech.” Getting up Yesrin exited her Office and went over to the equipment lockup, keyed in her code to open it, and opened both facing doors to reveal all her toys.

Looking everything over she asked Jen “So…..vest or waist belt” she wondered when she heard him [ Depends on your attire….long coat or vest….otherwise I’d go with the waist belt. ] Thinking for a moment “Most likely some sort of long coat with an attached hood to help hide my face since this is supposed to be a covert Op.”

Grabbing a black vest, which also gave her some protection from phaser fire, Yesrin placed it on the table in front of the lock up so she could gather everything she would need laying them on the table before placing everything in the vest once her choices were completed. First she grabbed all her Tech, followed by incidentals and finally all the weapons she might need if things were to go south; better safe than sorry. She also grabbed a black catsuit, minus the hood, to wear under her outer garment.

Looking everything over she thought “Jen did I grab everything?” After a few moments [ Looks good to me. ] Yesrin placed the vest on her person and started carefully adding most of the items now sitting on the table one by one, including two extra battery packs for her phaser. When finished she removed the vest and laid it on the table along with her catsuit and larger weapons “There that’s all set. The only other thing I’ll need is an outer garment of some sort after I hear from Stoner.” [ Looks like we’ll be all set soon as long as asshole does his thing ] Jen stated matter of factly. “You really don’t like him much do you” she inquired with a grin. [ Oh, am I that obvious ] came a sarcastic reply as Yesrin just shook here head.

Yesrin locked everything back up, hanging her vest and catsuit on separate hooks inside, and was ready to leave the Intelligence area. Walking by her desk, Yesrin heard her Terminal go off. Sitting back down she keyed in her code when she heard Stoner’s voice “Hey Viper, good news, I was able to get the intel you wanted a lot sooner than I thought I would. Downloading a building schematic as well as a photo of local garb that should work well for you and the military info you requested.”

After a few moments “I have the downloads…..thanks for getting the intel to me so quickly” she replied.

“No problem… to you soon. Stoner out.” Yesrin grabbed a wristwatch sized object and downloaded the schematic to what amounted to a micro mini wrist worn computer. Then opening the photo she saw a long robe-like coat with a large hood in a dark brown color “This will work just fine and should hide my vest without any problem. [ But will you be able to fight in a coat like that ] Jen inquired with some concern. “Yes I’ll make sure to replicate it with a very flexible material and make it slightly larger……that should do the trick” Yesrin whispered as a reply.

Stepping over to the replicator, one of two located by the equipment locker, Yesrin gave her measurements “Computer make the coat one size larger than the measurements given and out of Polyargrimate. Also include a deep hood attached to the coat collar” she instructed. Now Yesrin would wait for the completion of the requested garment as she heard Jen [ I hope this coat is going to work out for the Op ] Yesrin grinned “Give me some credit for knowing what it takes to make something work.” [ Sorry I wasn’t implying anything negative ] Jen replied; she just smiled.

Yesrin was feeling pretty good now that everything was assembled for her Op. Securing her Department, Office and Lockers, she was feeling hungry since in all the excitement and preparation Yesrin had neglected to each lunch. “What say we go to the Mess Hall for once and have dinner” she thought to herself. [ Yes, I’m tired of hearing your stomach making those funny noises ] Jen commented.

[Deck 3]

Walking into the Mess hall Yesrin noticed it really wasn’t all that busy yet; which made her feel more at ease. She walked over to look at the menu board behind the service counter, then she would place her order. After a few minutes Yesrin heard “Good afternoon Lieutenant, what can I get for you” a Cook inquired. “I think I’ll go with the Chicken Alfredo and a roll on the side please” she stated with a smile. “Good choice. Say you’re new here aren’t you; I never forget a pretty face. The beverage replicators are over there and the cutlery and so forth are at the end of the Line” the Cook explained.

“Yes I’ve been aboard several weeks. I’m Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen, an Infiltration Specialist assigned to the Peel and thanks for the direction; this is my first time here for a meal” she replied still smiling.

A few minutes later “Lieutenant Jen here is your meal; enjoy” as he placed it in front of her.

“Thank you, I will” as she turned to go towards the beverage area to grab a cola type beverage. Looking around she spotted an empty table for two and went and sat. Smelling her food made her mouth water as she grabbed her napkin, placing it on her lap, and her cutlery as she started enjoying her meal “Say this is pretty good food” she thought as Jen replied “Doesn’t smell too bad either”; of course eating was only a fond memory for him.

A few minutes later Yesrin heard a voice “Hi Lieutenant Jen mind if I join you” as she looked up to see Maria “Lieutenant SanChez hi….yes please join me” Yesrin answered with a smile as she could sense Jen [ Yes please……man is she hot.]

Maria accepted the invitation and sat. After a mouth full of food “Oh that tastes so good, I’m famished” she commented “So are you all settled in and everything?”

“Yes pretty much and I’m getting to know my way around the Ship quite well” she replied with a grin as she continued to eat her meal.

“I hear you’re the star of our next Mission” Maria commented with a grin then taking a sip of her beverage.

Yesrin chuckled “I don’t know about the Star, but yes this will be my first Op since coming aboard” she replied.

“So I assume you’ve done this type of Mission before then” Maria inquired.

“Yes I have. The only difference is now I’m working with and for a whole new group of people” she replied “So we’ll see how it goes I guess.”

“Not to worry sister, we all got your back; everyone on the Crew…..that’s what we do here…..take care of one another” Maris stated with sincerity.

Yesrin thought maybe she said the wrong thing “I’m sorry Maria I didn’t mean” as she was cut off.

“Oh I know you didn’t but I wanted you to know so you would be more at ease doing your first Op here” Maria explained with a smile.

Yesrin sighed a little “Thank you Lieutenant, that means a lot to know everyone is rooting for me.” Then Jen chimed in [ They damn well better be ] as Yesrin could hear him which made her grin.

“And please call me Maria; I’m off duty.” “Ok Maria and then please call me Yesrin” as a smile came across her face. The two Officers sat and talked for quite some time during and after their meal together.


Lieutenant J.G. Yesrin Jen
Infiltration Specialist

Lieutenant Maria SanChez
Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Peel


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