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Post #9 Touchdown

Posted on Thu Aug 1st, 2024 @ 5:57pm by Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen

Mission: USS PEEL Flirting with the Unknown
Location: Diplomatic Shuttle
Timeline: Current



Looking towards Yesrin as she lifted the Shuttle off the Deck "Hang onto your panties sister, we'll be making a steep bank once we clear the Ship" Sam commented with a grin.

[End Snip]

Not being a stranger to tongue-n-cheek remarks Yesrin giggled “Let’s see what you got” as she could sense Jen [Cute and ballsy; I like that.]

Sam pulled a hard steep right bank clearing the Peel then circling around the back of the Moon as she remarked “This way if we should get picked up by sensors it’ll appear we came from this direction and not from the other side of the Moon thereby not drawing any attention to the Ship” she explained.

“Now I’m impressed you even thought of that let alone having the skill to pull it off” Yesrin replied with a smile.

“Thanks? I think. Anyway this isn’t my first rodeo and I’ve had some experience in what I like to call deceptive flying” Sam replied with a grin “We should enter Boroth’s atmosphere soon so where do you want me to put this thing down once we arrive.”

Yesrin tapped her wrist computer bring up a screen in front of her then flipping through a few different screens “Land us at these coordinates if you can” she stated turning the screen so Sam could view it.

“Got it” Sam answered then keying in the coordinates “I should be able to get you pretty close to your target” then she paused “Nice toy by the way.”

“Thanks. Between this device and Jen being able to sense things I can’t, my life has been saved more than once” she stated as Jen chimed in [It’s so nice to be appreciated.]

Sam looked over at Yesrin “So Jen is your Symbiont I take it since you are a Trill. Now I’m the one that’s impressed.”

She smiled “To quote someone….this isn’t my first rodeo” as Yesrin couldn’t help but laugh.

Sam laughed as well “I gotta tell ya, I like your sense of humor. Being Trill I thought you’d be all serious and all business” she commented.

Then Yesrin became serious “I’ll be all business when we land on the surface” then she paused “And you’ll be waiting for me until I return; right.”

“Absolutely! Once we land I’ll open the back hatch until you exit then I’ll close it up. Let me know when you get close to the Shuttle and I’ll reopen it for you then we can get out of here and get back to the Peel” Sam explained with a smile.

“Thank you Sam…..that’s one less thing to have on my mind” Yesrin commented with sincerity “Being it’s early evening there won’t be as many people around so I should, hopefully, be able to get in and get what intel I need and back out again unnoticed.”

As Sam was setting the Shuttle on the surface of Boroth “Don’t worry; I got your back sister” she stated with a smile.

After powering down the craft “Ok, you ready” as the two Officers walked to the back of the Shuttle “You be careful out there…..I expect you back for the return trip” as Yesrin nodded in agreement. Sam hit the button as the hatch opened and waited until Yesrin exited then closed the hatch again thinking “Good luck sister.”

Sam returned to the Pilots seat keeping an eye on her Screens for any signs of trouble… she would wait.


Lieutenant J.G. Yesrin Jen
Infiltration Specialist
USS Peel


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