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Station Post #5 "Opposing Views"

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 6:06pm by Commodore Sureth

Location: Assul Ship
Timeline: Concurrent


In the Assul Empire nothing is wasted as it is their way. It had always been that way from the beginning of time.

Aboard the large dreadnought the Assul Champion looked about the three races that manned the ships controls. At helm a Helthian steered the ship, while at propulsion a being from the Overwatch filled that stool.

In a common tongue they used the Heltian reported their heading to the Assul Champion who seemed more dispatched at the viewer.

A door from the rear opened as a much larger Assul entered and took a side beside the Champion.

" Why have we not engaged a worthy adversary?" the giant asked.

" Our adversary is on the station as is our prize. Propulsion increasing speed. " the Champion thundered.

Aboard an Assul vessel there is no shift change only duty until death. At any station those occupying the stools knew their role the moment they became a slave aboard a war ship.

But the Overwatch being seemed to be unaffected by his surroundings despite the fact his life was always on the line.

Inside his mind a humbling little song played that availed him to maintain a sense of hope. After all he was there of his own free will as a member of the Overwatch.

But the Helthian was not as content having witnessed the destruction of the freighter and his own society some time ago at the hand of the Empire.

Empire, more like a horrible infestation of war ants the Helthian concluded. No Queen only rougue clustering army Ants in search of occupying anything in its path.

" Champion the station Is now with in range of our long range weapons.

" Stop our advance." Champion yelled.



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