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Station Post # 6 " Engaging the Enemy "

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 6:15pm by Lieutenant Hiri & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Captain Deke Rivers & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant Lyle Petty & Lieutenant Myar

Location: Starbase M-69

[USS Athena log- Supplimentary
Captain Deke Rivers in Command.]

" A hostile vessel from the Assul Empire is heading towards Starbase M-69 and we are being sent to intercept them. Are orders are not to provoke them but to ascertain their intentions. We shall see.
Log Concluded.

Deke first looked over to Lt Commander David Wallace his acting first officer.

" Thanks for filling the XO slot Commander. This is the real deal."

David looked over, "Let's hope this doesn't turn into a firefight, the closest ships are twenty hours away."

" Commander these little ships were a part of the Borg Defence System. She can kick her share of ass." Deke replied.

Deke then tagged operations for the true orders.

" Deke to Captain Callaghan, what are my rules of engagement?"

In Ops Shauna was keeping a close eye on things. “Let’s try a friendly approach to start, but if you have to defend yourselves then do so. I’m not willing to lose anyone today.”

[ Roger that Athena out.]

Shauna sighed, now all she could do was wait and see what happened next.

< Assul >

The large ship reached maximum impulse and suddenly separated itself forming into 2 ships now. The smaller of the two then jumped to warp and headed straight for the Lagoon Nebula.

< Athena >

Tactical quickly showed two targets now on the screen and projected them onto the viewer.

Deke looked to Wallace.
" We will engage the smaller ship first. But I want to do so away from the station. Do you conquer?" Deke asked.

"They have a small maneuverability advantage so we'll have to be mindful of our targeting." David replied

As the two ships got closer Deke opened a coms channel.
" Approaching vessel you are violating Federation space. Please respond and halt your approach."

No response came as the craft got closer.

Deke then hailed again.

" You have reached the edge of my patience. If you proceed you will be fired upon. Don't let our size fool you this ship was designed to engage the Borg." Deke replied hoping that would make them think twice.

" Tactical bring your A game. Helm ahead full power." Deke then replied.

David looked at the tactical displays, "Target midships, set torpedo fire patterns for medium spread." he called out too the tactical officer, "Helm roll into the the firing line.. Fire!"

The Wallace class Athena jumped to the task and tactical landed numerous hits onto the Assul ships midship.

" Report?" Deke called out

"Azzul ventral shields down, aft shields below sixty percent, our dorsal armor got singed during the pass, C-C-S triggered impulse reactor safety cut-off, we're at reduced speeds until it can be reset, Azzul breaking off." David called out through noise.

" Damit...we need to halt their approach. What is the course of the larger ship?" Deke yelled.

"they've resumed their original course plot," The ship shook violently "Dorsal armor hit, secondary power coupling damaged, computer control reset to the impulse reactor successful...Assul ship attempting to break away, we need to alert the station now!"

Deke pushed his com button .

< M-69 >

Deke quickly hailed the station.

[ Captain Callaghan the smaller vessel got passed us. We are in pursuit.] Deke warned

“Understood, proceed with caution!” Shauna responded as she monitored.

Myar worked frantically to restabilize the field and warp core and then gave the word.

" Kick it." Deke yelled as he ordered the ship to pursue the Assul vessel.

"Pursuit course best speed possible, load another round of torpedos while we're still in range, lets see if we can slow them down." David said looking too his own tactical displays.

Helm.officer Petty followed orders and soon had gained on the unsuspecting Assul cruiser.

" Target acquired Commander," Petty reported.

David set a targeting pattern in the targeting computer, "Firing pattern set, get us a little closer." he called out.

Ltjg Petty followed orders and soon matched speed with the Assul. Meanwhile beyond them two armed runabouts were also prepared to engage.

" Sir sensors show the arch to the worm hole has been activated.

" Athena to Station....what's up with that damn worm hole?"

[ Don’t worry Captain, it’s under our control. We’re hoping it’ll create a distraction.] Shauna hoped anyway.

" Commander Wallace let's nudge that thing into the worm hole." Deke then replied.

"Give me thirty seconds make a reconfiguration, I'm gonna smack'em with the torpedoes then use the reconfigured tractor beam to give them a push into the wormhole." David spoke out, "I'll need us to push the engines harder to overcome the mass difference."

" Myar did you catch that?" Deke said into coms.

[ I did Sir. You have all you'll need Commander.] Myar replied.

"Push the engines too one hundred ten percent in .... three.... two.... one.... NOW!" David's hands flew across the console "Torpedo's firing..." David started a mental countdown "Tractor beam!"

The Athena pushed its and and along withnthe tractor beam not only disabled the Assul scout but as the opening portal to the worm hole the gravity pull it inside.

" Damn good job everybody." Deke declared.



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