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Post #14 Making A New Friend

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 10:25pm by Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen

Mission: USS PEEL Flirting with the Unknown
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: current


{Deck 5}

Yesrin Jen walked into the Lounge looking somewhat different than usual, dressed in civilian attire and not her uniform as per Sam's request when she sensed Jen [You look really nice; maybe we'll get lucky] he commented with a slight chuckle. "Behave yourself this evening and let me have some fun for a change" she replied in her thoughts as he answered [You got it boss.] Yesrin was wearing a nice fitting pair of dark brown slacks coupled with a white long sleeved top, to cover her markings, and a pair of brown flats; of course her comm badge was in her pocket.

Looking around she saw Samantha sitting at a table for two by the viewport looking equally as nice as she walked over "Hi Samantha" she commented with a smile "Don't you look nice this evening. I'm so used to seeing you in a cap and coveralls" pulling out a chair across from her and sitting.

Sam smiled "Thanks, every once in a while I like to shock people; keeps them on their toes" as she laughed "You look pretty slick yourself by the way."

"Thank you. It's actually quite nice to shed the uniform for an evening" Yesrin replied.

The ladies ordered their drinks and sat talking until their drinks arrived. Taking a long sip of her drink " That's much better. I know it's not real alcohol but it tastes good anyways" Sam commented with a grin "I see you decided to wear a long sleeved top this evening; any particular reason."

Yesrin grinned "I guess I'm a little self conscious about my markings at times even though they've been a part of me ever since I can remember" she replied.

"I've seen other Trills with markings that you can't help but notice but your's aren't all that noticeable" then Sam paused as she leaned in and in a low voice "Actually I think yours are kind of sexy."

Yesrin was a little lost for words for a moment as she could sense Jen [Say something why don't you.] With a smile "I've heard my markings described in different ways before not not in those terms, so thank you for being so sweet."

"Anytime sister....I calls them as I sees them" Sam replied "So if I may ask. Do you have a significant other.....boyfriend or girlfriend."

"That would be a no and a no. I've been so busy with my duties since I've been on board I haven't had time to think about any kind of social life; although I may be open to new possibilities" she stated with a grin wanting Sam to know that possibility would be fine with her.

"I like the sound of that" Sam stated as she gently placed her hand on top of Yesrin's and grinned "I definitely like the sound of that."

The two friends sat and talked along with a few more drinks, and some laughs, for the next few hours until Sam commented "As much as I hate for this evening to end I probably should be going; I have some simulator time to complete in the morning."

"That's fine, it's getting rather late anyway" Yesrin replied "So would you mind if I walked back to your quarters with you" wanting to show Sam some interest on her part.

Sam smiled "I was going to ask you but I didn't want to come across as pushy; I'd really like that." The two friends made their way back leisurely to Sam's quarters talking some more along the way.

When they arrived "Would it be too forward of me to give you a goodnight kiss" Sam inquired being a little nervous.

Yesrin smiled "No I'd like that" as Sam leaned in and gave her a very tender kiss. Yesrin could hear Jen [Now that's what I'm taking about....hubba....hubba"] which struck her as funny to the point of almost laughing.

Sam was a little taken back by her reaction "Come on, my kiss wasn't that bad was it" she stated.

Starting to laugh "No your kiss was very nice.....let me explain. Being a Trill I'm joined with a Symbiont by the name of Jen.....hence my last name. Anyway every once in awhile I'll hear him in my mind talking and he said something that was kinda funny the way he said it" she explained with a smile.

"That's good to know and here I thought it was me" Sam replied with a light chuckle "So what does Jen think of me, if I may be so bold" she was interested in the answer.

[It's definitely not you hot stuff] Jen replied as Yesrin grinned "He thinks you're 'hot stuff'......those are his words" she explained then paused a moment "I agree with him."

For the first time Sam was actually lost for words then she leaned in and gave Yesrin another very tender kiss before whispering "Can we get together again soon" she inquired.

"Yes, I'd like that. I should go and let you get some sleep" Yesrin replied then turned and left for her own quarters before she did something stupid as she could sense Jen [Yup, she's a hottie.....this could be fun.]


Lieutenant J.G. Yesrin Jen
Infiltration Specialist
USS Peel


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