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Post #13 Traveling Home

Posted on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 2:46pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen
Edited on on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 3:02pm

Mission: USS PEEL Flirting with the Unknown
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Now that the Mission was over, and the Peel was returning to M-69, various crew members were taking advantage of a little down time before going back out on patrol; unless the Base had different ideas of course.

{Deck 4}

Lieutenant J.G. Yesrin Jen was sitting at her desk writing up a full report of what transpired during her recent Op. When finished she read it over carefully, since this was her first official report to Command. Sitting back in her chair Yesrin thought "So, old friend did I forget anything?" After a few moments Jen replied [No, looks good to me.] Satisfied she sent off the report to Captain O'Connell, along with a copy of the data she had acquired as ordered, and Commander Devroe.

Now it was time for a little fun as she tapped her Comm "Ensign Barot, this is Lieutenant Jen, would you like to have that drink in the Lounge this evening, say nineteen hundred."

Hearing her Comm go off "Ensign Barot here. Yes that would be nice and civilian attire since we'll both be off duty" she replied gladly accepting the invitation.

"Sounds go; so "I'll meet you in the lounge at nineteen hundred then, Jen out." Yesrin secured the Intelligence Area and left for her quarters "Guess I better get ready then" she whispered.

{Deck 5}

Maria SanChez strolled into Marine Country dressed in her usual 'girl's night out' attire of lowrider jeans, black boots, and a black leather vest worn over her naked torso with some cleavage on display; she was to meet up with Pvt. Sarah Anderson.

As per usual Private Jones just had to add his two cents in "Looking good SanChez. Maybe we should hookup some night; I wouldn't mind taking a crack at you" he stated as cat calls could be heard.

Grinning Maria fired back "Jones the only way you're going to have me is in your dreams" as she heard another marine comment "Ha, I guess she told you Jones" as one could hear more cat calls coming forth. Maria purposely walked up to Sarah and whispered "Hi sexy" then gave her a nice kiss "Hi yourself" as the two ladies turned and started to exit the area. Sarah heard another male Marine comment "Now that's just wrong; what a waste of two perfectly good women." Sarah gave the usual reply of the middle finger going up.

{Deck 2}

Jamie O'Connell had a pot of homemade beef stew setting on the stove on low heat while he sliced up a small loaf of crusty bread to go with it waiting for his dinner guest to arrive. Also there was a freshly opened bottle of wine sitting on ice with two glasses beside it.

Shortly Jamie heard his door chime go off "Come in" he stated in a loud voice. As the doors swooshed open he looked up and smiled at his dinner guest.

Angel walked in with a smile "Hi Jamie" as the doors closed behind her "That smells so good; I'm famished" she commented as she grabbed her usual seat at the island opposite Jamie.

He filled a good sized bowl and placed it in front of her "Careful it's hot; also there's salt, pepper, crusty bread, and butter to go with it." Adding to the meal, Jamie poured each of them a nice glass of wine.

Taking a spoonful "This is tastes so good" Angel commented hardly wanting to stop eating long enough to comment.

"Glad you like it" he replied looking at Angel quite enjoying the view in front of him as she noticed his gaze and grinned "Something on your mind Mr. O'Connell" she inquired teasingly. Being caught in the act Jamie grinned back "Yes, I wanted to tell you how lovely you look this evening" then he paused "Actually you always look lovely when we share a meal together."

Putting down her spoon then wiping her mouth with a napkin Angel smiled "Thank you, that's very sweet of you to say so. I was wondering if you ever noticed; I mean we have shared a few dinners together since we've been aboard."

Jamie laughed "Angel I would have to be blind not to have noticed how beautiful you are" then he paused a moment looking for the right words "I really enjoy not only working beside you but also our private time together" he commented with sincerity.

Angel sat back in her chair looking at Jamie "Why have you waited until now to say anything" she inquired happy to know he at least noticed her.

"The last thing I ever wanted to do was make you feel uncomfortable or have you think I was hitting on you and ruin our working relationship. Besides I wasn't entirely sure if my actions would be reciprocated" Jamie replied hoping he wasn't going into forbidden territory.

Without saying a word Angel stood and walked around to Jamie "Maybe this will show you how I feel about our private time together" then she leaned in and gave Jamie a very nice kiss for a few moments. With a smile "And that my dear Captain is how I feel about your actions on the matter.

He just starred at Angel for a few moments, rather surprised by the kiss, but not minding it in the least. They had kissed a few times before, just to test the waters if you will, but nothing like this.....this was very different....he could sense some passion behind the kiss. Pulling her into his personal space Jamie returned her kiss in kind for several moments.

After his kiss Angel smiled "So now what; where do we go from here" she inquired a little stunned at what had just transpired between them since it certainly wasn't planned.

Jamie grinned "I guess that's the part we need to figure out together if this, whatever this is, will continue or not. Also how each of us will view our duty time together" he commented just as stunned as Angel was.

"Yes I guess we do before this goes any further" she replied not certain how things would work out between them; if at all. Angel returned to her seat as they finished their dinner talking about really nothing while avoiding the inevitable conversation; at least for now.


Lieutenant J.G. Yesrin Jen
Infiltration Specialist

Lieutenant Maria SanChez
Chief Tactical/Security officer

Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer

Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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