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Station Post #8 " Internal Struggle "

Posted on Tue Sep 10th, 2024 @ 2:01pm by Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Cadet Leaf Brol was very emersed in his Starfleet studies but when the red alert beacon sounded he paused for a moment.

He had been taught to go to his duty area but that was the science department.

On his way Leaf spotted three large looking Assul marching through the halls. Instinctively Leaf stopped and paused .

" You are not going any further." Leaf warned them.

But the Assul were bound to continue as they sliced and fired their weapons only to discover they were having a minimal effect on Leaf.

Leaf then extended his large arm into the head of one of three Assul like a tooth pick into a tomato rendering the being limp on the floor.

The two other then fired projectile bullets at Leaf and they hit him square in the back causing him to fall onto of his victim.

Moving past Leaf the two other Assul entered the turbo lift only to find it not operational as Ltjg Nic Covenant had disabled it.



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