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Station Post # 9 Lending A Hand Pt1

Posted on Tue Sep 10th, 2024 @ 3:41pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Lieutenant JG Sayvek
Edited on on Tue Sep 10th, 2024 @ 3:44pm

Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Concurrent to # 7 Fatal Assault


{Deck 1 Bridge}

The Peel was on its way back to M-69 with the Alpha shift in full force each attending to their stations diligently. Commander Devroe was making her way around the Bridge talking to each Officer, as was her custom when things were slow, just to make sure everyone was doing well while making herself approachable to her Crew. Captain O'Connell had just finished signing off on some reports then slid his padd back into its place on the side of the command chair.

Moments later Tactical called out "Captain I'm picking up a Dreadnaught Class ship heading straight for the Base on long-range scanners" Maria informed her Captain. Not believing her eyes she further stated "Sir it's an Assul ship."

Jamie stood with a surprised look on his face thinking "That's not good" then ordered "Comms get me Command on M-69; on Screen" "Aye Captain."
Moments later "Command, this is Captain O'Connell, what's going on at the Base" he inquired with some concern knowing how ruthless the Assul can be.

Shauna breathed a momentary sigh of relief at hearing O’Connell’s voice. “Callaghan here, we have Assul boarding parties on the station Captain.” She paused as a message came from security. “It seems they’ve taken Lieutenant Veran-Dallas, I don’t know the full circumstances on that yet.”

Hearing Shauna's reply didn't set terribly well with Jamie, but a plan was forming in his mind as he spoke "Captain Callaghan, we're about two hours out so we'll get to you as soon as we can; hang tight help's on the way" then he paused a moment "We have a squad of eight Marines fully trained in tactical and ground assault; if you want to utilize them their yours just let us know the coordinates for a beam in point" O'Connell concluded.

“Understood Captain” Shauna looked towards Sureth. “I’ve no doubt they could come in useful.”

" God speed Captain O'Connell, " Sureth quickly added.

After his conversation with M-69, Jamie proceeded to get things in order for an all out assault on the Assul protagonists. First things first, tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Flannery M-69 is under attack; would we be able to go to warp 9.7 safely" he inquired.

"Not a problem Captain, if anything develops I'll let you know right away" Marcus replied already doing a quick check of Ship's systems.

"Good, we'll be increasing speed momentarily" turning towards Helm " Ensign Hanes, how long before we reach M-69 at warp 9.7" Jamie inquired.

"About one hour ten Captain" Hanes replied ready to increase speed at the Captain's order. "Make it happen Helm." "Aye Sir, increasing to warp 9.7 now."

Sitting back down in the big chair the Captain looked towards his Number One "Looks like we're going to have a fight on our hands shortly" he stated with some concern in his voice "I think you and I need to plan a strategy" as he stood "Counselor you have the Conn." Angel stood and followed Jamie into his Ready room.

“Aye Sir” Sarissa nodded and moved to the centre seat, it wasn’t something she was used to yet so it felt a little odd.

{Ready Room}

Walking in Jamie turned "Let's sit at the round table for a change; less formal that way" as he sat eager to share his thoughts.

Angel sat next to Jamie so they were facing one another "So what are your thoughts Jamie; if I know you, you already have a plan in mind" she commented with a grin.

"Well I guess I wouldn't be much of a Captain If I didn't have a direction already in mind on how to proceed" he replied grinning as well "First I thing we need to get Lieutenant Veran-Dallas off that Assul ship before we engage them, and for that I was thinking of sending our Infiltration Specialist first while we keep our distance until they both are safely onboard. Any thoughts?"

"I certainly agree with you on getting the Lieutenant off that Assul ship before we start an assault; I would hate to loose any Star Fleet Officer to those things" Angel replied "So what other plans do you have."

"The Base is being boarded by some of them so I was thinking of sending our eight Marines over to help out their Security people to take those sneaky bastards out" he explained.

Angel thought for a few moments "If I may make a suggestion, send four or five Marines over but keep the rest here just in case they try and board us I'm sure our Security people would welcome the extra help."

Jamie smiled "And that's why you are my Number One to keep me focused and grounded. Yes now that you mention it, that makes a lot more sense" he agreed "Lastly I'd like you to take care of alerts, shields, and Tactical, that way I can concentrate on the assault if you wouldn't mind."

"Whatever I can do to help Captain" Commander Devroe stated "Is there anything else?"

"No you're dismissed and please assume Command while I tie up a few more loose ends" Jamie ordered. Angel gave a nod and returned to the Bridge.

Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Yesrin Jen please report to my Ready Room" he ordered. "On my way Sir" Yesrin replied wondering what was up. Tapping his Comm yet again "Captain Hunt this is the Captain we need to speak."

"This is Hunt what do you need Sir" John inquired rather surprised to be hearing from the Captain.

"I have a job for you and your Marines. We're currently rushing back to M-69 and they're under attack from the Assul. I need five of your people to beam over and help their Security deal with those intruders. The rest I'd like armed and ready to help our Security people should they actually try a board us. We should arrive in an hour or so" O'Connell concluded. "You got it Captain; we're happy to help out any way we can. Hunt out." as he began to get his people in order.

Lieutenant Yesrin Jen walked into Jamie's Office "You wanted to see me Sir?"

Jamie smiled "Yes, please have a seat. I have an extraction assignment for you. The Base is under attack by the Assul and they have taken Lieutenant Veran-Dallas from the Base hostage. I need you to sneak aboard their Ship and extract her with both of you returning to the Peel. Are you up for the challenge, it won't be an easy task" Jamie explained "And we'll be in position in about an hour."

Yesrin grinned "Yes Captain, I've done extractions before under far worse conditions" then she paused "If I may make a suggestion; have Ensign Barot transport me to the Ship then she can beam me aboard; that way the Peel can keep it's distance so as not to rouse any suspicions...I'll just need the beam-in coordinates beforehand."

"I like the way you think Lieutenant, so yes whatever you need to pull this off please feel free to utilize them" Jamie replied confident in his newest Officer. Yesrin stood "If there's nothing else I have an Op to prep for" she commented. "By all means you're dismissed" as Yesrin turned and left for Deck 4.

With everything just about in place Jamie left to return to the Bridge.


Walking back towards the Command Jamie called out "Comms open a Ship-wide please" came the order as he sat back in his chair "Attention Crew, this is the Captain. We're currently heading back to M-69, they under attack by the Assul so we need to intervene and lend a hand. Since I have the best Crew in Star Fleet I know we'll all work together and get through this brilliantly all in one piece, O'Connell out."

"Helm how long before we reach the Base" O'Connell inquired. Checking his readings "Fifteen minutes Sir" Hanes replied. "Excellent. When we're one thousand kilometers away then drop us out of warp and come to a full stop so our people can do their jobs" he ordered. "As you wish Captain."

Turning towards Sarissa "Counselor I'll be needing your special talents to give me some insight into these beings if that's possible" he ordered confident in his Officer.

”I’ll do my upmost Sir” Sarissa offered a confident smile as she looked towards O’Connell.

{Station M-69}

Without planning suddenly a section of the ring around the station exploded as actions from the Assul had caused it.

The large ship then turned and faced the approaching USS Peel.


Helm called out "Captain dropping out of warp.....initiating full stop" Hanes stated. Jamie could see the Assul ship now facing the Peel "Tactical are we far enough away so they can't be a threat at the moment." Checking her screens "Yes Captain, we're safe for now" Maria replied.

"Lieutenant Sayvek scan that Ship for a human life sign then find a safe place for a beam in point as close to her location a possible; send the coordinates to Ensign Barot in Shuttle Bay 2. Also I want to know how much of a crew they have aboard that Ship.

" Massive shielding underneath the belly of that ship. My best guess is someone could be there." Sayvek replied.

Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Jen looks like your team is up; Lieutenant Sayvek will be sending you beam in coordinates momentarily, once you receive them deploy and bring everyone back safe.....that's an order" O'Connell stated.

"I'll do my best Captain" Yesrin replied then she turned to Samantha "Now we wait for the coordinates."

A few minutes later Sam turned with a smile "I just received your coordinates so looks like were ready to go" she commented then Yesrin tapped her Comm "Captain we're heading out now Sir" she stated as Sam lifted the Shuttle off the deck and headed for open space.

As they were heading towards the Assul ship Sam initiated a scan "Good, there're a couple of good sized ships near the Base, I can hide the Shuttle among them and beam you aboard so you can work your magic."




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