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#10 Decisions and Changes

Posted on Tue Sep 10th, 2024 @ 7:32pm by Commander Kehlani & Lieutenant Marz

Location: IKS Rokeg
Timeline: current


Kehlani had just entered the Bridge when Marz called her over to his station. "HoD. M-69 is under attack. They are warning all non-Starfleet vessels to steer clear."

"What?!" Kehlani stepped up and read the data herself, and hearing the warning coming directly from Commodore Sureth himself. "Have they stated who is attacking?"

"No." Marz said plainly. "It is no secret that where they are placed is a volatile area of space. We have seen it ourselves. Your orders, HoD?"

Taking a few moments to collect her thoughts and get them aligned, Kehlani stepped out from behind the row of consoles and strode forward to her command chair, not sitting. "Helm. Alter course for home, the Kor'Kang colony. Inform them to have the IKS Bloodsport ready for battle by the time we arrive. Engage at maximum warp and drop the cloak." Her orders were acknowledged and put into action.

Once that had been dealt with Kehlani looked back at her par'Mach'kai. "We need to talk. Call in a relief and meet me in our quarters." She left the Bridge. Marz did as he was ordered and then he too left the command deck.

Upon entering their shared CO's quarters, now that he was her mate, Marz saw his beloved pouring two goblets of bloodwine, handing one over to him when he approached. "We are mates," She said without preamble, as any Klingon would. "This means that by right, and tradition, you are now the Patriarch of House Kehlani. So, my love, we have a decision to make." She paused long enough to take a pull from her mug, as did he. "Should it now be House Marz, if that is your wish, or shall we remain House Kehlani?"

Marz stood there quiet, his mind racing at the implications. It was true that if he decided, as her mate, to rename the House after him, then that is what would happen. However, he did not spill all that blood for his people as she had, nor had he accomplished as much as she had to attain the honor of her own House. Also, it was already well known as House Kehlani, and many warriors and crafters had already joined under that title. "It shall remain House Kehlani, to honor you and all you have done. But," He took another drink from his mug before going on. "What I say goes when it is needed. As Patriarch I will not be seen as weak and submissive. Neither of us wants that. So, we rule together, as one, for the future of our House and those who have joined us. To show that you and I share the same desire; to build a House that will last a lifetime and beyond."

"Songs will be written about the honor and glory of House Kehlani," Kehlani said, grinning as she stepped in and kissed him. "We are equal in all things. You honor me, husband, and I shall honor you all the days of my life. And, so will your children." She gave a crooked grin and patted her belly.

Marz's eyes lit up and he quickly set his mug aside, scooping her up into his arms in a hug that caused her mug to slosh bloodwine. In the way she had taught him he kissed her passionately, then gave a slight bite to her cheek. "You are with child?"

As he set her back on her feet, Kehlani responded with a wide smile. "I am. The Doctor confirmed it. Our firstborn will be a son." She drank down her wine and then set her mug aside as her arms went around his neck and she nuzzled his beard with her nose and mouth. "This is why this talk needed to happen. The Matriarch will be staying home to see to House affairs and to take care of herself while pregnant. The Patriarch needs to go out and secure our future." After a few kisses and playful bites to his face and chin she stepped back a pace. "The IKS Bloodsport is being prepared for your arrival as HoD. A Bird of Prey like Foes Bane, a Kor-class."

"You honor me, wife." Marz gave her a bow from the neck and then once more stepped in and in his elation picked her up to hug her once more. "The future is what we make of it. We must think of a name befitting our son when we have a time to do so. For now, let us get home and take care of the necessary arrangements for my title and place."

Kehlani gave a grin and a humorous grunt. "Of course, my Patriarch. I'll see you on the Bridge, I need a few minutes to see to myself."

Marz gave her a nod of understanding and turned, walking back out into the corridor. Kehlani watched his back as he disappeared from view, loving him that much more for his pragmatic view on things. He was a Klingon through and through but, along with that, he was like her in that he looked at the bigger picture and not always from the narrow lens of only a Klingon.



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