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Station Post #16 The Klingons are Coming

Posted on Thu Sep 12th, 2024 @ 11:11pm by Lieutenant Marz

Location: IKS 'Iwghargh (Bloodsport)
Timeline: current


The IKS 'Iwghargh (Bloodsport) dropped from warp as Marz commanded, M-69 dead ahead even though at this time it was still just a speck through the forward viewport. "Cloak and maneuver for tactics, Helm."

The lights flickered and went dimmer as the cloaking device engaged, with the Helm officer taking the Bird of Prey through several tactical maneuvers to out the ship on a different approach than previously, toconfuse any enemies who would think they would stay their course after going invisible. Klingons died well, but not foolishly. Marz contemplated, with humor, how much the Romulans hated the fact that Klingons absconded that technology, and even the plans for the Bird of Prey, directly from their own memory banks. Then, as great as the Empire was, reverse engineered that technology and created this level of Bird of Prey. A fast attack frigate capable of taking out a squadron of enemy vessels all by itself. Cloaking tactics became a focus of Klingon raiders, each of them adding in their own analysis and expertise in that area of ship combat, making the Romulans look like amateurs. Small, fast attack vessels that could cloak were far more affective than large, unwieldy warbirds commanded by cowards unwilling to sully there corrupt reputations to come down to the Klingon level to bring victory. Idiots, the lot.

His Science officer spoke. "Do we contact M-69, HoD?"

"Not yet, Krof. Let us make an orbit around them and see what it is they, and we, will be dealing with. Helm," Marz sat forward on the edge of his seat, his eyes boring into those of his pilot. "Orbit the base and make sure we are not detected. Understood?"

"Yes, Lord."

"Good, make it happen. Krof, gather as much data as you can using the passive sensors. Don't go active and give them something to look for." Marz ordered. He slid back in his chair and leaned back into it. At the first sign of battle, however, Marz would order the 'Iwghargh to drop cloak and join in. It would be a day or mourning for the Assul if he had anything to say about it.



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