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Station Post #15 Pondering

Posted on Thu Sep 12th, 2024 @ 3:52pm by Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara"

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: current


Ainkara stood near to her SCI station, now needing some repairs done since the Q's had used it to bounce each other off of while grappling one another. Not to mention several other stations that had suffered electrical damage from the ion energy that had cascaded from both. That was when she noticed that no one had picked up Green's combadge. Walking over and squatting like a lady she took it up and stood, turning it over several times to examine it. There was no damage to it, it had merely been discarded. The question that entered her mind was; is it happenstance, or on purpose? When the port lift doors opened and deposited 'Captain' Loewen on the Bridge, Kara looked over at him and watched him move to the chair. She could see he was haggard, and she noted the hesitancy with which he sat down in Captain Green's chair. If he ever desired to command a ship it was obvious that this was not the way he would prefer that privilege to be bestowed. So, being who she was, and still a bit unsure in her dealings with others on a friendly basis, Kara decided to go and ascend the Conn dais and stand to his right, hands clasped behind her back as she watched the white rush of the ER bridge as they warped through space.

"Is everything alright, Kara?" Sean had noted her presence the moment she came up next to him, but so caught up in his own thoughts at the time, he chose to ignore it. Now, a few minutes later, he had to ask.

"I am fine, Captain. Just...curious." She knew no other way of putting it. As a being who had been enslaved and then left in a stasis unit for hundreds of years, it had taken her quite some time to even get to this level of conversation with equals. The Iconians did not chat with their slave races, they commanded them. Their purpose was to serve and obey, not offer their thoughts.

Loewen was curious too, about a whole lot of things. However, thinking on them only made things worse right now. "About," he asked.

"Qeritas," said Kara.

"Which one?" Loewen asked.

"Both, to be honest. But, initially, the imposter who was here. Why was she here? What was it that we were doing that would cause her to show interest in us? There are variables here that I am missing and I am...perturbed." Kara finished and looked down.

Sean gave a grin, looking up at her. "If this is you perturbed, I'd hate to see what angry looks like, or even pissed off, for that matter." He was glad she was thinking things over. Bjorgo, Billi, and Green all thought she was brilliant, and Doctor Sheyla often hung out with the Voran and aided her in a better understanding of the current galaxy and how to be more social. "Are you thinking that maybe where we were headed before the attack on the starbase may be a reason?"

"It is the only logical conclusion." Kara stated. "She would have no interest in the Mutara Nebula, or sector, except for the fact that the Gola are now there. Beings who can, at will, manipulate time. Where there was one, now there are three. It is something about this ship, this timeframe. I cannot shake that insight from my mind."

Loewen sat up straighter and adjusted his posture. "That may be so, Lieutenant. But, we're mere minutes from dropping out of warp at 69. It is a puzzle we'll have to work on once our home port is free of a threat." Both lifts opened and Ejo's engineering teams came on the Bridge and began their maintenance and repairs. "When Billi is back in command I'm sure she will want to hear all you have to say. Right now, M-69 is our priority. Please, stand your post with Mister Resch until your own is back in order. Carry on."

"Aye, Sir." Kara was not upset over being sent away. Loewen was right. Their priority at this time was M-69.



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