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Station Post #14 The Chaos of Q's

Posted on Thu Sep 12th, 2024 @ 2:32pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara"

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current


Sitting in the Captain's chair, her left hand absentmindedly rubbing her chin in thought as she leaned to that side, Green caught the flashing of her armrest reader board. Resch had sent her the information that the four person security team was waiting just outside of the Ready Room, in the corridor on the port side of the Bridge module. "Mister Loewen, how long until we drop from warp at M-69?"

Sean looked to his chrono for the time spent in warp, and the ETA for destination. "Seventeen minutes, Captain. Give or take a minute or so."

"Thank you," Green said as she got to her feet and raised her voice. "Mister Resch, shipwide intercom, please, and add in internal sensors so the crew can see me at their nearest monitors." When it was done he told her so with a nod, and in turn she gave him a signal to send in the security team. "It has come to my attention that the officer known as Qeritas is not who she says she is. She is a Q, from the Q Continuum, and has been masquerading here for reasons only she knows." As Ro explained this, her body turned to face Qeritas as the Q had stood and now faced her in return. Cosmo had entered the Bridge and now posted himself to his master's right, near to her leg even though he was down on the main deck, not the dais. "Do you deny these allegations, Qeritas?"

The Q known as Qeritas gave a great big smile, glad she no longer had to play at being an amoeba like those around her. "Not at all. Yes, yes," she gave a dismissive, cynical waving of her hand. "I fooled all of you. Not too hard when you consider the source." She said that and then quickly continued in case one of these apes decided to argue. She began to pace around the upper area of the Bridge, making her way towards Ainkara's Science station.

"Security, draw your weapons and take aim at the Q." Green ordered. Her eyes never left Qeritas as she spoke. "I am asking you to leave my ship, Qeritas. Demanding it as Captain. You are not wanted here and your interference is not desired. If you do not comply then..."

"Yes, yes," Qeritas interrupted with another lazy, dismissive wave. "You'll have to attack me." She was now standing next to Kara's chair, eyes meeting Green's. "You do realize how foolish that would be? As you saw in your vision, I am not the Q you are familiar with, Ro Green." She opened her mouth as if to say something else and that was when a ball of energy suddenly appeared in the area just in front of the forward viewport. A swirling mass of mist and lightning, and ionic energy; a small ion storm now on the Bridge of the Nazgul.

The electrical energy spread around the Bridge, with hair standing on end and a tingling of flesh as the intensity began to grow. Try as he might Loewen tried to maintain his seat but as the swirling ion storm grew in size he began to get random zaps from the electrical tendrils that were coming from it like lightning bolts. Ops and Helm were now vacated as they backed off, the crackling and buzzing of energy making it difficult to speak so they had to shout to be heard over the roar of it. "Captain!" Loewen said as he got in next to her. "We can't leave the nav unattended!"

"Cosmo!" Green looked down to her droid. "Blade." One of the compartments in Cosmo opened and a hilt appeared, looking like a long, thin, metallic club. It had apertures at each end as she grasped it and pulled it free. Pressing the activation thumb switch her lightsaber sprung to life from one end of the lengthy hilt, the cloud blue brilliance of it's blue-white blade intense even as it thrummed with power. Loewen, having been next to her, jumped back a pace as it was ignited nearer to him than to anyone else. "Qeritas! What are you doing?!" Green told her people to stay back as she stepped forward, descending her dais and ascending to the upper Bridge area. "Stop this, now!"

"I have nothing to do with this," Qeritas said, chinning towards the storm over Ro's left shoulder at this angle. "She does." Was that fear in the Q's eyes? Green asked herself even as she pulled her eyes away and over to the storm.

Qeritas came through the storm, a tunnel of that raucous energy opening up before her as she stepped onto the Bridge of the Nazgul. All the energy being produced was coming from her, and the blue fire in her eyes was focused on the other Qeritas. Leaping across the Bridge, with Ainkara scrambling out of the way, the two Q clasped each other in combat even as the one who had been here all along was smashed back into the SCI console, damaging the station to some extent. "I broke your chains, fool!" Green closed down her saber, holding it down at her side even as Cosmo took it back and pulled it back within himself. Her eyes were locked on the battle of the advanced beings, with the Qeritas who had arrived striking the Qeritas who had been here repeatedly in the face.

The two of them danced in circles, holding to one another while also using their heads and free arms to strike and defend. But, as they went they were becoming more energy than they were solid with one of them remaining ionic blue-white while the other, the imposter, was beginning to take on a more amber shade as if from fire and thermal energy. However, as they fought and tried to overpower each other, they were causing minor damage to the Bridge as they went. Green rushed in to try and break it up. "Take this fight somewhere else! Get off my ship!" She screamed over the crackling sounds of energy.

Billi came in from behind the white Qeritas, ready to assist her Captain. Before being told, one of the Security officers saw his Captain in danger, and with that threat in mind, he squeezed the trigger on his phaser and hit the imposter. There was no affect except for a turning of the head by that Qeritas, an evil grin on her face as she let go of her twin and grabbed hold of Green. Without thinking Billi grabbed the other Q, although mostly energy now, from behind around the arms and torso, which was an immediate mistake. White Q gave a pulse of energy that blasted Billi off her back and sent her flying into the forward viewport, impacting it with her back and skull even as the ion energy caused severe burns to her arms and front of her legs. She slumped to the floor like a sack of potatoes, still conscious but incapacitated. White grabbed amber, who had grabbed Green, and with a last pulse of energy which caused all to fall back and catch themselves, both entities vanished along with Captain Green, her combadge clattering to the deck even as she disappeared.

Everyone stood with mouths agape, not only at what they had witnessed by the twin Q's, but also what they had witnessed their Captain doing. Snapping out of it, Loewen ran over to see to Billi, dropping to his knees as he got her on her back and cradled her head on his legs. "Commander? Billi, can you hear me?" Her eyes had closed and her face winced in pain, but as he asked that the eyes came open. He could hear Resch barking orders and calling for a medical team to the Bridge before he and Ainkara joined him in kneeling over Billi. Kara began to scan her injuries.

"I..." Billi started to say, then clenched her teeth and sucked in a breath in obvious pain. "I'm--awake. Loewen, take command. You...have the...Conn." She coughed a few times and there was green blood in her mouth. Sean could only surmise that she had broken some ribs. "Until I can return you...are captain."

Nothing like the weight of the world being put on his shoulders, Sean thought. But, he responded as he had been trained to do. "You got it, Commander." Laying her head back gently onto the deck, Sean got to his feet and moved out of the way of the medics, who immediately saw to the wounds of Bridge personnel, with one lone officer going to Billi and doing a site-to-site transport to Sickbay. They vanished in the transporter energy. "Miss Ainkara," Sean got her attention. "As per Billi's last orders, so note my active captain status in the ship's log. You too, Griffon, for Security's sake." He saw that Kara had already called up another Helm officer to man the console. "How long to 69, Helm?"

The officer looked to the ETA. "Eleven minutes, Sir."

Six minutes. All that chaos had taken six minutes to turn the command staff of Nazgul upside down. "Thank you. Lieutenant Kara, I am making you my Number One. Your logical mind and scientific mind will be invaluable so long as I am in command. Note that in the logs." She gave nods and tapped away at her PADD even as he spoke. "Take the Conn while I go to the Ready Room and send a voice message to M-69 as to what has happened, and that we are still in route to assist." After she acknowledged that, Loewen left the Bridge and went to the Ready Room. He sat down heavily, took a minute to think of hos to say everything, and then activated the recorder. Sean explained all as best he could, in a quick manner, and ending with the condition of Commander Billi and his temporary command of Nazgul as acting Captain. Billi was conscious, although severely wounded, and would be back in command as soon as Sickbay cleared her. Having done his part for his ship, and as captain, Loewen shut down the recorder and returned to the Bridge after sending the message. Ascending to the Captain's chair he sat down slowly, realizing as he did so, that if Billi did not recover anytime soon, then this chair would become very familiar while she was absent. He hoped his shoulders were strong enough to carry the weight.



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