#13 Threats To Home
Posted on Wed Sep 11th, 2024 @ 6:40pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Captain Shauna Callaghan
Location: USS Nazgul
Timeline: current
Captain Ro Green sat in her command chair going over the duty logs for the shift. Being about halfway to their destination at warp four, heading for the Mutara sector, all had been smooth and by the numbers.
"Captain," Resch spoke from Tactical, looking over at her. "I am getting a lot of buzz about M-69. There's a repeating message by both Commodore Sureth, and another from Captain Callaghan, warning vessels not to approach the station."
"On speakers." Green said, even as she stood and walked over to stand over her Security Chief, Billi joining her. There was the initial warnings from both of 69's command officers, and then it repeated as a warning beacon. She reacted immediately. "Mister Loewen, all stop. Turn us about and head back to M-69, maximum warp. Engage when ready."
Billi had waited for the Captain to finish speaking before offering a query of her own. "Anything else on the situation, Griffon? Cross-talk, comm acknowledgements, any of that?"
"This far out it would be nearly impossible to catch those, Number One." Resch responded. "However, I did access strategic operations data for the 69 region, and all vessels assigned, other than us, have responded. All that we're hearing is verified; M-69 is under attack."
There was a slight inertial nudge to all aboard as the Nazgul turned about and then jumped to maximum warp as it was now heading for home port. Green walked back over to the dais her chair was on, standing just in front of it. "Open a coded channel, Mister Resch." She was not going to allow Qeritas to do so, for that tidbit of personal knowledge was about to be exposed to her crew. "Ask to speak with the Commodore and the Captain, at my request."
Resch acknowledged the orders and did as he was directed and while he did so Green could sense the surrounding threats to their way of life all around them. She waited patiently for either of the 69 CO's to answer her call.
In Ops Shauna was first to get to the call. “Captain Green, are we glad to hear from you.”
Green's shoulders visibly relaxed a bit as she saw Shauna's face come up on the monitor. ""I am glad to see you are still ale to communicate, Captain. We caught the warning for all vessels to steer clear of M-69 and we have turned around and are heading back at maximum warp. Is there anything you need us to see to when we arrive?"
“The station has taken damage thanks to the Assul, we don’t know the true extent of it yet so a visual reconnoiter would be useful. That and keeping a wary eye out for more Assul ships.”
"Understood, Captain Callaghan. We're twenty minutes out by my calculations and will be coming in hot." Green said.
Callaghan acknowledged that and needed to sign off to see to the station. Green understood and the channel was closed at 69's end. "Alright people, you heard the lady. We have work to do. Yellow alert from here on, Mister Resch. Once we drop from warp, status goes to red, don't wait for my order. Billi, pass it down the line, all departments, we are to be ready for action. Get it done, people." That was her way of saying carry on, and the crew hopped to it. Even Qeritas went to work as if she had nothing to hide, still playing the role.
Ro sat down in the captain's chair and pulled out her PADD. She crossed her legs at the thigh and acted as casual as could be expected for a battle situation. Instead, she sent a private message to Resch at his console, informing him that Qeritas was not who she was claiming to be and to have a Security team assembled in the Ready Room, fully armed, weapons set to kill. She instructed him to not react and look at her in any way, just to send the text message to Security and get it done. After that, Green did look to the reaction times for each department, seeing their response times for later training in those areas. Now, it was sit and wait for Security to be ready as instructed.