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Station Post #12 Lending A Hand Pt2

Posted on Wed Sep 11th, 2024 @ 10:36pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Location: Various
Timeline: Current


{Shuttle Pegasus}

Ensign Barot piloted the Shuttle approaching a small cluster of parked Ships near M-69 and nestled it between two of the larger ones in order be kept hidden from the Assul ship. Noticing just how large that Ship was Sam commented "Yesrin you be careful aboard that monster Ship; it doesn't look friendly in the slightest."

"Not to worry, I'll be fine" Yesrin replied with a grin "Besides I have a helping hand with me, sort to speak" as she sensed Jen [Damn straight.] Yesrin was dressed in her black catsuit with a hood that covered everything except around her eyes as well as a pair of soft soled shoes so as not to make any noise as she walked. Around her waist she sported a utility belt with a generous supply of throwing stars, sleeping darts, and some electronic devices to help her access secured doors. She had a short blowgun attached to her waist, her medium length knife in a sheath attached to the back of her suit by the right shoulder for easy access, and her wrist micro computer with a complete layout of the Assul Ship she received from her contact Stoner.

Sam stood from her seat "You ready for this" she inquired with a smile as Yesrin stood as well "As ready as I ever will be" while the two Officers walked back to the transporter "If you get in trouble you give a yell and I'll come and get you" Sam stated not wanting to loose her new found friend.

"The next time you hear from me I'll be asking for a beam back to the Pegasus with the Lieutenant by my side" Yesrin explained while stepping on the pad.
"Ok sister, transporting in 3-2-1" and Yesrin was gone from site. Now the hard part for Sam.....the inevitable wait.

{Assul Ship}

Materializing aboard the Ship, Yesrin looked around to make sure she hadn't been spotted then quickly found a place to hide. Tapping her wrist, she brought up a layout of the Ship that Stoner had provided her with a very short time ago. Looking at the map she wished Lieutenant Sayvek had been a little more positive on the Lieutenant's location. Switching screens Yesrin tapped in the parameters for a Betazoid/Vulcan; moments later she found the only Betazoid/Vulcan bio signature aboard as she thought "Looks like we found her. I'll need your expertise helping me get to her old friend." [That's what I'm here for] Jen replied with a chuckle.

Yesrin stayed to the shadows as she proceeded further towards the aft part of the Ship when she heard Jen ["Around the bend is one big ugly sucker and he has his back to us.] She proceeded quietly and cautiously until she was a short distance away; grabbing her blowgun, a sleeping dart, she loaded and fired hitting the him in the neck. He reeled like he was drunk but was still standing as she heard Jen [Ok, never seen that happen before] as Yesrin loaded up another dart and fired hitting him near the same place as the first; this time he went down with a thud.

Watching her wrist screen, Yesrin proceeded cautiously sticking to the shadows as much as possible until she made her way to what looked like a detention center. Switching screens again she located the Lieutenant who was not very far away.

Checking each brig cell, she finally saw what see had come for as she whispered just loud enough to be heard "Lieutenant Veran-Dallas, I'm Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen from the Peel here to get you out of this hell hole" she stated as Jen kept his senses heightened in case of an intruder.

Isabelle could barely believe she was being rescued so quickly, she thought she’d be stuck in the cell for a long time. She smiled warmly. “Am I glad to see you.”

Yesrin reached into her waist belt and grabbed a Code Replicator and hooked it up to the keypad by the cell. The unit scanned the keypad for the correct security code and applied it dropping the forcefield; she replaced it back into her belt so no one would know she had been there. Looking at Isabelle "Stay close and I'll get us out of here very soon" Yesrin instructed when she heard Jen [Yesrin! behind you!]. Seeing an Assul out of the corner of her eye she instinctively reached up over her right shoulder and grabbed the handle on her knife. With one smooth motion she whipped around using a slashing motion using the tip of the blade across the Assul's jugular vain. He grabbed his neck and by the time he hit the deck he was quite dead. Turning, and sheathing her knife, she saw Isabelle standing there with her mouth wide open.

“Okay I’m impressed” Isabelle offered a brief smile as the sound of more Assul coming their way could be heard in the distance.

"Lieutenant we need to go Now!" she stated turning and retracing her steps with Isabelle following close behind. A few minutes later Yesrin found a place to hide for a few moments as she turned and whispered "Let's duck in here so I can contact the Shuttle" she commented as the two officers ducked into an shadowed alcove.

Tapping her Comm "Pegasus, this is Yesrin, get us the hell out of here" as she grabbed Isabelle by the hand.....moments later the two Officers were gone from sight.

{Shuttle Pegasus}

Samantha was more than pleased to see the two Officers materialize on the transporter pads "Welcome aboard, Lieutenant. I'm Ensign Samantha Barot but you can call me Sam."

“It’s nice to meet you Sam” Isabelle smiled relieved at being off the Assul ship. “And thank you Yesrin.”

"You're welcome; but that's what I've been trained for" then she paused "Lieutenant we're heading back to the Peel, so do you want to come with us or the Ensign can beam you back to M-69; your choice" Yesrin stated with a smile now that the Op was a success.

“I think right now the Peel would be the best idea, besides I’m giving the transporter a break right now. I know it’s supposed to be safe for pregnant women but I’d prefer not to risk it.” Isabelle smiled. “I can contact my father once we reach the Peel.”

Yesrin smiled "That's wonderful you're with child" she commented as the three grabbed their seats. Tapping her Comm "Captain O'Connell I have the Lieutenant and we're heading back to the Peel" she stated.

"Excellent; we'll wait for your return before proceeding, O'Connell out."

Sam headed away from her cover ships "Hang on Ladies, I'm going to warp a safe distance away from the Assul Ship then turn and get back to the Peel."

Several minutes later "Shuttle Bay Chief this is the Pegasus, permission to land" Sam commented very glad to have her passengers and her Shuttle safely back.

"Permission granted" the Chief replied "And welcome back."

{Peel Bridge}

Hearing the Shuttle was safely back aboard O'Connell issued some new orders. Tapping his Comm "Captain Hunt you and your Marines set to go" he inquired.

"Yes Captain I have five fully armed and ready to go. We're in Transporter Room One awaiting your orders Sir; also the other three Marines are currently patrolling the ship's corridors just in case" Hunt replied anxious to kick some Assul ass.

"The Operator already has the coordinates to beam you directly to Ops; get your direction from their Command Team" O'Connell explained "Be careful and we'll see you when you get back." Moments later the Marines were on their way to M-69.

Having left the shuttle bay Isabelle made her way to the bridge of the Peel. Stepping out of the turbolift she offered Captain O’Connell a warm smile. “Captain, I’d like to ask for permission to let my father know I’m safe?”

Turning with a smile "Lieutenant welcome to the Peel; Nice you have you back safe and sound" Jamie commented "Comms contact Commodore Sureth and let him know his Daughter's with us." "Aye Captain" came the reply. "Lieutenant please take a seat and make yourself comfortable."

Hearing her Captain Angel stood "Lieutenant please take my seat; I'm Commander Angel Devroe; First Officer."

Now it was time to get down to business "Helm move us closer and set us into an offensive position" O'Connell ordered. "Aye Sir moving to an offensive position" Helm replied.

"Shields up, Red Alert, Tactical bring weapons online. When we're within range initiate Phasers, Tango-Alpha-Zulu configuration" Commander Devroe ordered. "Aye Commander, setting up the configuration now" Lieutenant SanChez replied.




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