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#19 Boys Will Be Boys

Posted on Wed Sep 11th, 2024 @ 3:24pm by Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Commander Sheyla {MD} & Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Lieutenant Lenore (Len) Holbrook

Mission: NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: current/somewhere in between


Griffon Resch and Sean Loewen were laughing together as they stepped into Sickbay. Both were wearing form fitting workout clothes, a bodysuit style that was sleeveless and had built in foot protection for walking about. The outfits were black and the soles of the 'shoes' were a Starfleet blue. As they matched in outfits they also matched with bruises and abrasions on their faces, each having split lips here and there as well as a bit of blood trickling from a nostril each. Cheekbones were swollen and showing the signs of early bruising, and if not seen to in time, would result in the bruis lasting until it healed. They came in about five paces and then stopped, both looking around at the staff.

Doctor Sheyla, having been adjusting a few medical devices at a biobed near to where they stopped, looked up and her head cocked in a cynical way as a grin formed on her face. "You two been fighting drunk Klingons, again?"

Loewen caught sight of Doctor Holbrook, a bit further back in Sickbay, and gave her a nod, grin, and wink as she too looked their way as she heard Sheyla speak.

"Not at all, Sheyla," Resch explained. "This time we were beating on each other. Full contact is the only way to train in hand-to-hand. Pain is an excellent teacher."

Sheyla shook her head and looked back over her shoulder at Len. "Do you believe these two? I thought we'd get one day of not seeing to wounds from accidents, and here they are." She giggled and looked back to the boys.

Len came up to Sheyla and shook her head slightly, as her lips twitched, her trying not to smile. "Well which one do you want to patch up?"

Sheyla crossed her arms over her chest and began to tap a finger against her chin in a pose of thinking, giving the men a grin before she finally gave a pseudo-cynical sigh and dropped her arms to her sides and motioned towards Griffon. "I'll see to this tough guy." She said with a smile, half turning to head back to the biobed she had been standing at previously. "Come on." Sheyla gave a wave-in for him to follow and they began to walk away.

"I hope you're good at your job," Loewen quipped, tongue in cheek accompanied by a grin and teasing eyes.

"Oh I'm good at my job." She said with a grin, motioning for him to follow her to another biobed. She grabbed a medical tricorder and a dermal regenerationator.

Chuckling as he followed, Sean hopped his arse up onto the bed, legs dangling over the side. Some people might think he was a bit cracked, but when he was training, and knowing they would end up here, he had allowed a few more of Resch's blows to land solidly. All in order to have Len get right up in his face as she provided her medical ministrations. He simply watched what she was doing as she prepared her equipment. How she moved, her expressions at certain things. All the little things that appealed to him. As Len turned to face him better he let his face go more stoic on purpose.

Len scanned Sean with the tricorder, reading the results, her right eyebrow raised slightly, before setting the tricorder aside. She grabbed the dermal regenerator with her right hand while using her left hand to gently turn Sean's face. She started the dermal regenerator on his face.

As Holbrook gently touched his face to guide it in moving how she needed it to to apply medical care, Sean spoke up. "Hmm. It must be true what they say."

"And what do they say exactly?" She asked while continuing to use the dermal regenerationator.

"Warm hands, warm heart." Sean gave her a grin despite one of his lips being slightly swollen and split by a well-placed punch from Resch.

Len gave a chuckle, moving the regenerationator over his lips. "Well that takes care of your face."

Sean gave another chuckle. "I'll not respond to that as it might be taken the wrong way but, thank you." He felt like he was back in high school, being funny and cute to try and impress the prettiest girl in the class. Might be time to tone it down a bit, he thought. "Sorry. You seem to bring out my teasing side, and that can be a good thing, or a bad thing, depending on point of view."

Len nodded, "It's alright. I do however need to see your torso to take care of those injuries."

Loewen gave a nod and got to his feet, unzipping the front of the athletic bodysuit and then peeled it back and off his shoulders down to the waist. He stepped forward a pace to provide her room enough to move around him to examine his back without hinderance. Looking down at himself he could see a myriad of bruising across the front of his torso, so could only imagine his back had the same. "Is this good?" It was a factual question as Sean had referred back to respecting her for her profession.

"That is good, thank you." Len said, beginning to work on his back, once his back was done, moving around to work on his chest. She keeps her expression neutral, but she does notice his muscles.

As was the Human condition, Loewen could not help but feel a bit of excitement as he felt the beams of the regenerator caressing his skin, knowing that that was due to the woman who was now examining and healing him. When she came around to the front the arousal and excitement arose slightly more. Nothing he could not handle but a definite interest in Len's attention to himself. But, his logical side said it was her duty as a doctor and not to get all caught up in it...yet. There was always time for such things elsewhere and he planned on pursuing those things in due time. "Will I live?" He gave a smile.

"Yes, you will live." She said as she was finishing up healing him. "You are all set now. Since you like to spar, I was looking for a sparring partner."

As he pulled his suit top back into place and put his arms through the holes for such, Sean responded. "I'm game. As a physician you would be a challenge since you know exactly where to hit most beings." He zipped up, his smile still there. "That, and it gives you a chance to practice against males. Wing Chun Kung Fu, invented by a woman, to use against stronger men. Just an example, but it does work if used right."

"I was taught Suus Mahna by Spock, and have been practicing since then. I have picking up other techniques as I have been sparring with others." Len said with a smile.

"Awesome," Loewen said. "I've learned a few techniques from other sources than Earth, myself. Klingon Mokbara, for example. There's a reason why Klingon women are feared by others just as much as the men. Kinda like Viking shieldmaidens were feared by other opponents. But, yeah, I'd love to share a mat or a holo-session with you, anytime. Maybe we can grab a bite together later?" He looked at her askance.

Lens smile tuned into a grin, "Sure, I'd love to. At home or at the mess?"

Sean smiled back. "Well, if I'm not being too forward, how about my quarters. As a department head my cabin is a bit bigger than most. That way if you feel uncomfortable at any time, you can sit across the room." He gave a light laugh. "oh, and if you care to, bring a bathing suit. We all have jacuzzi tubs in our quarters, and again, mine is a bit more roomy due to designation. We can hot tub and chat if that is to your liking."

Len nodded, "That sounds good. What time should I come by?"

"Anytime after three p-m," Sean replied. "I've done the exercise for the day, will go check on my department, then it's to my cabin to kick back and read a book. I'll stop by the lounge and grab a bottle of merlot on the way home."

"Alright, I'll see you later. You are cleared to go about your business." Len said as she stepped away from the biobed.

Before she got too far Sean reached out and gently clasped her wrist, just enough to get her to stop. As she halted in her step he leaned in and quickly gave her a peck on the check, whispering, "I'm interested." After that he released her wrist, gave her a grinning nod and quickly left Sickbay. Hopefully, she would gather what he meant by that.

Len watched him leave, her hand touching her cheek. She could feel herself blush and took a deep breath to control herself. She grabbed her supplies and put them away before heading to her desk to do the paperwork.


Lieutenant Lenore Holbrook
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Nazgul

Lieutenant Sean Loewen
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Nazgul


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