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#20 Downtime

Posted on Thu Sep 12th, 2024 @ 9:54pm by Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Lenore (Len) Holbrook

Mission: NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: backpost

OOC: These events take place before the turn around for M-69, while Nazgul is still heading for Mutara. Just an FYI.


After seeing to several things on his duty roster, then stopping by the lounge for an actual bottle of merlot, Lieutenant Sean Loewen headed for his quarters with the bottle cradled in one arm. As he passed by others in the corridors he would nod or say hello in greeting, with a few giving the bottle a glance as they grinned. Those were some of the females he passed. It was strange how that worked. Human women often associated wine with romance simply due to the myriad of entertainment a hundred years ago that harped on it repeatedly. The poisoning of the mind was quite prevalent in those days and why he preferred a good book or some research over cinema that depicted serial killers, witchcraft, debauchery, you name it. And, as a matter of course, Sean Loewen never, ever, rooted for the bad guys even when he did partake of a movie from that era. It was not to say he did not watch cinema, and enjoy it, he just did not buy into it.

Arriving at his quarters, Sean went inside and removed his red top shirt, laying it over the back of his chair at his computer/comm console, now down to the sleeveless, black undershirt. It was now 1430 hours so he went to his sleeping area and dressed down before heading into the bathroom for a shower. A quick washdown of the body, rinse, and out he came, drying himself and then dressing in a white T-shirt and a pair of Bermuda style swim trunks/shorts. No shoes or socks. Taking up his Bible he headed to his reading chair, turning the lamp on over it while leaving the rest of the area in dim light. Getting comfortable, Sean leaned back and opened his Bible to Proverbs and began to read, taking in the lessons on how to live a wise and positive life from the words of King Solomon himself.

Holbrook had returned to her quarters after her shift, took her blue jacket off and laid it on the back of a chair. She went into her bedroom, took a quick shower. Once done she put on a black one piece swimsuit, and a black dress to go over it. She puts on a pair of sandals, grabbed her commbadge off her jacket and left her quarters. She heads to Sean's quarters and chimed the door at 1500.

As the chime sounded Loewen glanced at the clock on his wall. Damn, he thought, 1500 on the dot. Either she really does like me, or she's got OCD. He smiled to himself at that before closing his Bible and placing it on the end table. "Come in," he called out gently as he got to his feet and stepped a few paces closer to the door.

Len entered the quarters when the door opened. She stopped in front of Sean. "Hi."

"Hello," he said with a smile. Sean reached his hand out and she took it, so he turned to get in next to her and led her inside. "Lounge area, there." He motioned. "Set lighting as you see fit. I'm afraid the meals will be replicated but, at least you'll get what you want." He chuckled. "I didn't have time to cook anything." He used his head to nod towards his very small kitchenette area. "Computer, low level Blues music, no vocals." The music began to play, setting a very cozy, casual ambience. "I'll get the wine and some glasses." He gave her hand a slight squeeze before letting go to see to opening the wine.

Len goes over to the replicator and ordered a steak salad. Once it was replicated she took it over to the dining table and set it down. "These quarters are definitely bigger than mine." She said as she sat down, her legs crossed at the ankle and slanted.

Seeing her taste in meals was similar to his own, Loewen smiled inwardly. Using the corkscrew he manipulated the device into the cork and after a minute of effort, the cork came free with the familiar pop. Gathering two wine glasses he then poured a third full in each before carrying them over and placing one for her, and the one for himself. Going to the replicator he then ordered himself a bowl of seafood salad, with shrimp, halibut chunks and salmon bits topped off by a vinaigrette dressing done Italian style. Placing his bowl on the table he went and gathered cloth napkins for each of them before he sat down to respond to her. "Being a department head has its advantages. My own kingdom within the world I chose to live in. Like Superman, this is my Fortress of Solitude." He grinned just before mixing his salad and taking the first bite.

Len took a sip of the wine before starting on her salad. When she was done she wiped her lips with a napkin and placed it back on the table. She takes another sip of the wine. She asked, "Are you interested in a serious relationship or something casual?"

Hearing her just blurt out her query did not really surprise him into choking or something like that. Instead, Loewen wanted to laugh, but with chewing a bit of salad, he had to hold a finger up for time to take care of it. Getting it chewed and swallowed, then a drink of wine for washing down, he dabbed his own mouth. Sean could not help but smile at her. "Cool. A time for truth. A good basis for any relationship." His face remained lit up and joyful as the smile faded and became grins here and there as he spoke, as needed. "Every relationship I have ever been in, and there have been only a few to be honest, are always serious to me. Me and them. Singular. Any other way just does not appeal to me. As we go along then we set the pace." With this conversation now underway his appetite suddenly decided to vacate his body as this was important. So, he slid his salad over on one end of the table and placed his wine before him after going and grabbing the bottle to refill as they needed. "Where are you at on that subject? Asking out of fairness, Len."

"I have only had one relationship before this, and it had lasted three years. It would have probably continued had I not been taken out of my time. The last two years have been too busy for me have any consideration of a relationship. That being said, I am also interested in you." Len said.

Sean stood and gathered his glass and the bottle, motioning to her that the sitting area would be much more comfortable. His holographic wood burning stove lit up as he entered the parameters, and the lighting when to 25%. Soft lighting for the ambience of the fire. He placed his bottle and glass on the coffee table and then motioned for her to please have a seat on the plush sofa. "Sit where you wish. I'll be on this end. Didn't mean to cut you off on your conversation but a dining table just didn't seem the right place for such a discussion. Now, we have a fire, low lights, a comfy couch and a viewport to watch the white streaks of warp speed go by." He gave a boyish shrug and grin.

She grabbed her glass and went over to the couch, set the glass down on coffee table. She saw his shrug and grin, giving a grin back at him. She decided to take a seat on his lap. "You said to sit where I wished to."

Well, Sean thought, brazen is as brazen does. So, in response to her territorial claim, which also had their faces close, he leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips which was more a lingering, soft kiss. Pulling his head back he smiled and reached up to stroke her cheek. "That was to say I approve of your claim." He used his fingers to brush a lock of hair behind her ear as he admired the contours of her face now that she was this close.

As she runs a hand through his hair she could feel her cheeks heat up with blushing. "You seem to bring out my boldness."

"Well," he said, teasing. "We are to boldly go--oh never mind." Loewen's hand at her face reached and grasped the back of her neck and this time he kissed her much deeper, mouths opening as tongues were involved. He never held her in place, only showed the passion he felt for her. If she chose to pull back he would relent.

She continued to kiss him for a few more minutes before pulling away, catching her breath. "Holy cow." She said with a giggle. "That was good. When we are on duty though we need to act professional."

Sean sluiced some of their saliva from his bottom lip with a thumb. "Never worry, Lucky. I always do. Rest assured I will never embarrass you with affection when it isn't the right time."

"Alright Flyboy." She gave a smile. "And although I don't mind patching you up, you should try not getting hit too much when sparring."

Giving her a quick kiss, Sean gave a light laugh. "Truth be told, lady, I took some of that abuse on purpose. In hopes of getting you right up in my grill. It worked perfectly. And, here we are." He gave a smile as he wagged his eyebrows.

"Yes, here we are." She said while placing her head on his shoulder, her eyes looking towards the white streaks of stars.

Loewen felt better than he had in quite some time. As Len got comfy and laid her head on his shoulder to just simply be together it made him feel good. His instincts, and his faith, had guided him to the right choice. His right arm lazily rubbed her back lightly as they just lay there enjoying each other's company.


Lieutenant Lenore Holbrook
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Nazgul

Lieutenant Sean Loewen
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Nazgul


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