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Station Post #17 Arrival and Discernment

Posted on Fri Sep 13th, 2024 @ 12:02pm by Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Marz & Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara"
Edited on on Fri Sep 13th, 2024 @ 1:22pm

Location: various
Timeline: current


As the USS Nazgul dropped from warp, with everyone back at their repaired stations, the ship went to red alert. Weapons and defense were fully activated and the ship was ready for battle. Loewen sat in the center seat, his eyes taking in the natural view of the carnage before them through the forward viewport. "Not much damage overall. Kara," he spun his chair slightly to look to his right for the SCI station. "What do the sensors say?"

Kara's eyes were looking at the various monitors before her, her eyes and brain taking in the data and seeing what was what. She spoke up as she continued to face away from the center seat. "There is damage to 69, but it does appear to be minimal insofar as superstructure is concerned. The issue is that the strikes made so far have damaged the EPS system for auxiliary power, with outlying docking rings and living areas struggling to maintain a steady flow of power. If it fails they will suffocate and freeze to death."

Loewen got up from his chair and went over to her, leaning on the back of her chair slightly as he looked over her shoulder. "Battery power?"

"Minimal, Captain." Ainkara answered. She tapped a few keys and focused in on one monitor showing the damaged sections and the fluctuating power. "This EPS manifold is strained above recommended allowance. If it fails it will explode and everything around it will be shredded. People, equipment, hull, superstructure; all will be totaled. That would leave the docking arm completely dead with no life support."

Sean kept looking at the screen, seeing two things that interested him. "What about those two freighters? Any readings?" They were both docked at that arm but appeared to have no power. Both looked to be damaged and had probably been awaiting repairs by M-69 when the attack occurred. They looked to be a bit more damaged but perhaps they were still space worthy.

Resch, having been listening from his Tactical post, had called up the data from Kara's sensors. "They are scheduled for maintenance by M-69, Captain. Last reported, their crews had been asked to vacate the vessels and leave them for the engineers to contend with. Starfleet safety protocols when there would be a good amount of work to be had. I am reading their warp cores and auxiliary power at minimal for hibernation."

Kara backed that up. "Mister Resch is correct, Sir. They are empty and they have power. Should that manifold explode then it could possibly cause a cascading effect that would render those vessels useless."

"So, damned if we do, damned if we don't." Loewen said, his face showing that their options were limited. "What about the rest of the station?"

"There are damaged sections throughout. Whatever weapon they used to assault 69, it did its job well, Sir. Shields are down and there are energy readings I've never seen before. Back and forth in regards to the Assul vessel. Logic suggests that it is a transporter of some sort, and that it is not hindered by defensive screens nor deflectors." Kara explained, still tapping keys with her eyes taking in the data as it came in. Her biosynthetic reticle in her eye was fully active and aided her greatly in keeping up with, and memorizing the data. Seeing that yellow-amber reticle in her eye was disconcerting, giving Sean a bit of the creeps, but it was who she was.


Even as the Nazgul was racing in towards the starbase the Klingons were watching. Marz was still leaning back in his chair awaiting any word from his officers about the situation. Krof spoke up from his science station. "HoD. A Starfleet vessel just dropped from warp, slowed to half impulse, and is now heading in towards the station."

Marz got to his feet. "On screen." The overlay viewscreen appeared on the forward viewport and showed a Federation starship moving quickly towards its home port. "Magnify." The image was magnified and the vessel became more descript. Marz smiled and announced, "That is the USS Nazgul. Helm, bring us in behind the Nazgul, drop cloak, and prepare for battle!"

The tactical alert klaxon sounded and the lighting flickered back to full brightness, then changed to the more amber colored lights for red alert. The IKS 'Iwghargh was now visible to all and her wings were set for combat maneuvers. "Hail them."


As they were discussing the damage to M-69, with Loewen about to respond to Kara's rundown of the situation, Resch spoke up. "Captain, the IKS 'Iwghargh is hailing us."

Loewen immediately spun about to face the forward Bridge. He moved quickly over to his chair to stand in front of it. "On screen." A Klingon he did not recognize appeared on the screen, but then his memory brought up where he had seen him before, but he could not recall his name.

Marz, surprised to see a Lieutenant in charge on Nazgul, could not hide the confusion in his eyes. "You are not the captain. Where is Captain Green I must speak with her."

"Pardon the confusion, Captain." Loewen still could not recall his name. "I am Lieutenant Sean Loewen, acting Captain for the Nazgul. Captain Green is missing and Commander Billi is in Sickbay. I assure you, Sir, I am in command here. And, you are?"

"I am Marz, son of Mozar, Patriarch of House Khelani and Captain of the Bloodsport. As allies we have come to assist M-69 with their current tribulations. How can we be of aid?"

Marz! That was it, Sean thought. The party at Bliss and his announcement of 'marriage' to Kehlani. "Good to see you again, HoD Marz. It took me a moment to remember where I had seen you before. Your assistance would be most helpful in taking out Assul boarding shuttles, defending M-69, and playing wing to the Nazgul while we surmise the damage it has sustained."

"Done, done, and done!" Marz said with conviction. "We shall match course and speed and annihilate anything that tries to hinder your progress!"

Resch spoke up. "IKS Bloodsport is coming in on our starboard side."

"Many thanks, Captain Marz. The first barrel of bloodwine is on me once we have victory." Loewen could not help but smile, the presence of the Klingons easing a great amount of his stress. "Pardon me, but we need to delve into our approach plan. Nazgul, out." The transmission cut and Sean said out loud, more to himself than anyone else. "Thank God for the Klingons."


The transmission cut and Marz gave a chuckle, beating his chest with a fist twice as he spun and addressed his Bridge crew. "May we die well! Qapla'!" After that he began to issue orders as the 'Iwgargh followed the Nazgul closer to the battle zone.



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