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Station Post #18 Medical Emergency

Posted on Fri Sep 13th, 2024 @ 1:21pm by Commander Sean Loewen {Meji} & Lieutenant Commander Sheyla {MD} & Lieutenant Lenore (Len) Holbrook

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: current


When the Bridge had called for a medical team on the Bridge, Sheyla came out of her office and motioned for the chosen group on this shift to get going. They grabbed medkits and exited quickly. What the hell was going on on the Bridge, Sheyla thought. She saw Holbrook standing up and coming forward as she to had heard the summons.

"Let's prep for arrivals, Len." Sheyla said. "If the Bridge got hit by something..." The Yellow Alert audio went off and the intercom sounded to life.

"This is Lieutenant Loewen, acting Captain of the USS Nazgul. Captain Green has been abducted by two Q beings," As he spoke a transporter sounded and one of the medical team materialised with Billi on the floor next to her. "Commander Billi was wounded and unable to act in her duties and passed command to me. Ainkara will be Number One until the Commander has recovered and taken her place as CO. We will remain at Yellow Alert until we get to Starbase M-69, where we will then step up to Red Alert. We have about seven minutes before we drop from warp. Do your duties, see to each other and we will all come through this. Captain Loewen, out."

As he had been talking Sheyla grabbed a medkit and dropped to her knees next to Billi, seeing her hands and arms were burned badly, with the Orion holding them up off of herself as they were shaking from pain and shock. The front of her thighs looked to be burned the same way. Pulling out a tricorder she began to scan her. "Len, see if you can get her shock under control and ease her pain. She has blood in the corners of her mouth so we could have internal bleeding or broken ribs."

Len nodded while grabbing a hypospray and loaded up pain medication that would work on Orions. She knelt down next to the Commander, on the other side of Sheyla, and applied the hypospray to the Commander's neck. Within a minute the Commander was knocked out. "We need to get her to a biobed. We should be able to lift her together without hurting her."

"No arguments, here, sister." Sheyla replied. Pushing her medkit aside on the floor to give them room to move around, Sheyla went to Billi's shoulders and lifted her torso, careful to not let her head loll too much while unconscious. She hooked her arms under the woman's shoulders and locked her fingers over chest, below her breasts. It would play hell with any broken ribs, but the rib cage was still the best bet against mashing any other organs while moving her. "Can you get her legs, or do we switch?"

Len went to Billi's legs and lifted them up, being careful of the burns. Together they lift her to a nearby biobed. Once on the biobed, she headed the computer attached to the biobed to run a full scan on Billi. Once the scan was done she looked up at Sheyla. "The Commander has four broken ribs, with the breaks on the back. Also says that she has a hairline fracture on her occipital bone. As well as second degree burns on her hands, arms and thighs."

"That's some relief. By the looks of her I thought it could be a lot worse. Okay, to mend her ribs she'll have to be on her belly, which will make tending to her head wound easier, as well." As she finished speaking the nurse who had brought Billi in by transporter from the Bridge came over and handed the doctors smocks to put over their uniforms, and set a sonic hand sanitizer up on another biobed. Sheyla slipped her smock on and closed the snaps behind her neck.

The two other nurses had arrived back from the Bridge, a Bolian male and a Human female. They immediately got ready to assist if needed. "Can you three get her on her belly, gently, while we get our hands and arms sanitized?" Sheyla gave it in a form of a question, being as polite as she was, but it was also a direct order, which her staff understood. They began to get Billi adjusted as Sheyla began to sanitize her hands and forearms up to her elbows, finishing and stepping back so Len could get in there.

Len had gotten her smock on at the same time as Sheyla and then went to sanitize her hands and forearms after Sheyla was done. Holding her hand up above her waist and being careful not to touch anything she asks, "Which one would you like to take, skull or ribs?"

"I'll take the ribs, Len. Get that pretty head of hers back in one piece. Loewen seems a good sort but being thrust into command might too much for him." She reached over and fetched a fuser from among the devices on the tray as the nurses cut away Billi's uniform, what was left of it after the burns, and got it out of the way.

Len went to Billi's head and grabbed another fuser and proceeded to run the instrument over the hairline fracture. Her movements are steady as the bone is slowly mended.

Sheyla ran her fuser over the ribs one at a time with her left hand, her right holding a dermal regenerator for deep muscle and flesh trauma, both moving in sync with one another all while she watched the wall display showing Billi's internals. "Ah," she said. "There's the bugger that caused blood in her lungs. No punctures that I can see, just got pushed in while it fractured. Becky," she said to the female nurse present. "Grab a unit of dermaline gel and begin to massage it into the skin after I pass over the ribs."

"Yes, Doctor." Ensign Becky Sayer did as instructed.

Sheyla, now seeing that the dangerous trauma was being reduced, broke into a smile as she glanced over at Holbrook. "You've got steady hands, Len. Always a bonus for our choice of career."

"You have steady hands as well." Len said as she used a dermal regenerationator to fix the skin on the Commander's skull. "I can start on some of the burns on her hands."

Sheyla gave a nod to that. "Sounds perfect. The damage to her arms is more on the inside toward the body since she was grabbing the Q. The legs, we'll have to roll her over again for. The burns look ugly but not terrible. Work your magic, Doctor." She said this with a smile, showing she was not being condescending but appreciative of Holbrook's skills.

Len goes to the opposite side of the biobed from Sheyla and uses her left hand to gently lift the Commander's hand, turning the burned portion towards her to see. The dermal regenerationator is in her right hand and she brings it to Billi's hand. She slowly moves the regenerationator over the burns, watching the beam repair the damage.

A male voice broke through the two minutes of silence that had been there since they had both been focused on their work. "Loewen to Sickbay."

Sheyla spoke out so the speakers and microphone could pick up her voice since she was looking down on a patient. "We're here, Skipper. Billi is still needing a heap of treatment but she will survive. Nothing this Sickbay can't handle."

The sigh of relief from him was heard through the speakers. "Thank the Maker. I wanted to check on her and inform you that we are approaching M-69. We don't know what to expect so be ready for things to get bumpy without warning."

Sheyla reached out and nudged Len's ribs, using her face and chin to angle at the ceiling for her to say something, to add to the conversation so Loewen could at least hear her voice. "Doctor Holbrook has seen to Billi's head wound, now it's a matter of how quickly she can recover from the concussion." She stuck a teasing tongue out at Len and then did motion of 'well?'.

Len looked up at Sheyla, her right eyebrow raised slightly. "The concussion could take a few hours to a few days to resolve once the Commander regains consciousness," she said a little louder for Sean to hear her.

Giving a teasing silent little clap to her partner in medicine, Sheyla went back to business mode. "She could be awake within the hour, Captain. We have her sedated so we can work and get things healed up..."

The Red Alert klaxon went off twice before it was silenced, leaving only the red alert light flashing over and above the entry to Sickbay, cutting off what Sheyla was going to say.

"I hear you, Doctors." Sean responded. Over the speakers could be heard the Helm counting down. "Securing from warp in three, two, one. Sublight, Sir."

Loewen spoke up again. "Thank you, Sickbay. Keep me apprised of any changes. Bridge, out." The transmission gave a bleep and cut.

"Looks like Nazgul is in the thick of things. When we get her stable we need to make sure we are completely prepped for incoming if we go into battle." Sheyla stated as a reminder that the work day could get a lot more busy.

Len nodded and got back to work. Once the burns on the first arm were healed, she switched to the other hand. She mentally prepared herself for what was probably be a long day, keeping focus and on the task at hand.

Calling in Becky, Sheyla had her help get Billi on her side, with the arm Len was now working on still available for healing. Taking up her own dermal device again, Doctor Sheyla began to work on the front of a thigh where the burns were while Tomal, the Bolian man, worked to remove any ashen, burnt cloth that had adhered to the wounds. Trousers tended to be thicker and more robust so debris tended to get left behind. They were looking at another half hour to get the flesh healed enough everywhere to allow it to heal on its own. It would scar without further visits to Sickbay by Billi, but for now, this was what was needed.

Once Len was finished with Billi's hand she gently laid it down on the biobed. She took a step back and saw that the Commander had enough staff to complete her healing. "I can start getting Sickbay ready for any other patient that comes in."

Sheyla was glad to have another dedicated physician working in her Sickbay. "Please do, Len. And, thank you."

Len nodded and gave a small smile before heading to the other biobeds and making sure that they were stocked with the instruments that they might need.

As Len got to work getting the others to aide her in prepping Sickbay, Sheyla continued to see to Billi's burns. The hands and legs had that shiny look to them of flesh on the mend, but it was mended. Like any freshly healed wound that portion of skin would be subject to more sensitivity, and possibly sting from time to time. But, they were healed up, would not become infected, and would require further treatments in the future. But, Lt. Commander Billi was going to live and recover in good time. The only concern now was her addled brain and how well it was doing with the concussion which could not be ascertained while she was unconscious. That would have to wait.


Lieutenant Lenore Holbrook
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Nazgul

Lieutenant Sheyla
Chief Medical Officer
USS Nazgul


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