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NAZGUL #7: Changes

Posted on Thu Oct 31st, 2024 @ 3:12pm by Captain Tore Bjorgo & Lieutenant Commander Sheyla {MD} & Lieutenant Lenore (Len) Holbrook

Mission: NAZGUL: {CD&MISSION} Return to Basics
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current


Tore was in the Ready Room, standing near to the command conference table. On the wall on the opposite side of the table from himself was a large monitor that was used for conferences, but also used by the captain when they were alone and did not feel like sitting behind their desk to peruse data. Bjorgo liked standing here, his back to the entrance while he focused his attention on his reading. That, and he was not sitting. Captains sat too much as it was and this was his way of NOT sitting for the majority of his command duties. Not that he worried about a sedentary lifestyle marring his body with lack of health since he was an augment. His exercise regime was a constant in his life, a daily routine, so any amount of sitting would not have any effect on his anatomy beyond the fact that he was genetically modified to not be affected by such. As often happened with such thoughts he grinned to himself as he continued to look to his reading on personnel files, two in particular.

Lieutenant JG Ainkara and Lieutenant JG Resch. Bjorgo had their files up on screen, side by side, reading from each and scrolling as he went. Tore was looking to their duties; what they had been involved with, what they had done and been a part of involving both Nazgul and elsewhere. Neither of them shirked duty, and both seemed to be always willing to volunteer to help others. The marks of good people who took their commissions to heart as Starfleet officers. The USS Nazgul seemed to be blessed with workaholics, people who always went that extra mile even when they did not need to. That was apparent when Bjorgo had been reading the morning reports, seeing Kara, Resch, Loewen, Sheyla, Billi, and Holbrook had all been continuing to work even as they were given leave for R&R. Sure, they left the ship and went to the station for relaxation, but were back at it every morning before they left again to partake in frivolous activities. He was damn proud of the crew he had been blessed with.

The Ready Room door slid open behind him and he heard the light footfalls of someone entering. The opening of the door caused a change in air current which sent a wafting brush of air his way, his nostrils filling with the scent of the person who entered. "Hello, Blue."

Not surprised that he recognized her before seeing her, knowing his capabilities as his personal physician, Sheyla stepped in next to her Captain and beau. She looked to the monitor he was looking at, then turned her face towards him. "Are you concerned about the crew?"

Tore looked over at her. "What? No." He said. "Just getting caught up on their accomplishments for my own reasons." He dropped his hands to his sides, the PADD held in his left hand now out of eyesight as he turned to face her and give her his respectful attention. "What's up?"

Sheyla cleared her throat as she prepared to offer her idea. "I am interested in switching departments. In doing something else other than CMO. You know I served in the Sovereign Guard for Andor for many years prior to Starfleet. There I trained my medical knowledge, but also many other fields as we are meant to be a tactical force as much as a security force for the system of Andor."

Bjorgo nodded along, knowing full well that the Sovereign Guard had once been the Imperial Guard, a special forces unit tasked with seeing to and protecting Andorian interests before their entry into the United Federation of Planets as one of the original five species. "I am familiar, Lieutenant. Continue." He was curious as to where this was heading.

Hearing her rank used, Sheyla now knew that he was in his role as Captain, not lover, and she got into that mode herself. "Having served as CMO, my first love, I feel I need to expand my Starfleet record. Would you be opposed, Sir, if I chose to put in a request for Intelligence Chief for the USS Nazgul?"

Bjorgo's face showed contemplation, surprise, and understanding all at once. Knowing his lover the way he did, the body language of Andorians, he could see her antenna waving around even as they kept angling his way overall as she was waiting for a response. It was a tell for Andorians that most others never paid attention to, seeing the antenna as merely a physical extension of Andorians with no purpose other than extra sensory abilities and a physical apparatus due to anatomy. Those antenna were how Sheyla knew he had entered his quarters the other night even as she slept, letting her know that the air currents had changed with the addition of another life form. Andorians often gave each other secret messages while standing across from each other in a crowded room using certain movements of the antenna, with those around them none the wiser. "I'm not opposed, Sheyla, insofar as the request. But, are you sure this is what you want?" She made to answer and he brought a hand up to cause her to pause a moment. "If I say yes, and transfer you, it will stick. The moment you take that supervisor position you cannot back out of it for at least six months. That's my decision on that. Are you willing to accept those parameters, Lieutenant?"

"I am, Captain." Sheyla responded. "I have already spoken to Doctor Holbrook, asking her if CMO was something she could handle. She said she was ready to take the reins. All that needs to be done is getting your okay on the matter."

"I see." As much as he tried to keep a straight face, Bjorgo slowly broke into a grin. That grin affected Sheyla, who could see in his playful expression he was going to permit the transfer. "I'm going to add more to your duties, Sheyla. You will be tested more than you thought before you came in to ask for this. I do agree to the department transfer and will make it official when we get done with this meeting. You're a medical officer which also makes you a Science officer, which you have performed well at. However, I have another position, aside from Intel, that I will place you in." He paused to allow her a chance to speak, raising his eyebrows to show her she had that chance.

"Very well, Captain." Sheyla could not help but be curious. What the hell was he on about? "What position did you have in mind?"

"I'm glad you asked," said Bjorgo, his tone rather cheeky when he said it. Teasing her was always fun whether during duty or not. "You will work closely with Number One. Learn from her, aid her, coordinate with her. I expect you to place yourself where needed, when needed. Sickbay, aiding Kara in Sciences, being an extra body for a Security team commanded by Griffon; whatever." He brought his PADD up and began to tap at it. Tore did this on purpose, making her wait for her Captain to finish what he was doing no matter how long it took. A good couple of minutes went by as he tapped away, being able to easily finish it much sooner, but making a point. "There. You are now Intelligence Chief and Mission Advisor. You will bone up on every mission we're on, your command training, the works. As Mission Advisor I am also placing you on the brevet list as Second Officer." Again, he paused.

Sheyla had not expected all that when she asked for a simple transfer to Intel. But, her eyes lit up showing she accepted the challenge. "Thank you, Captain. I won't disappoint."

Tore had also made sure to transfer Holbrook to CMO while he had been working on Sheyla's positions. Setting the PADD aside on the table he tapped his combadge. "Bjorgo to Doctor Holbrook."

"Holbrook here, yes Captain?" Len said into her commbadge. She was currently working on the inventory for Sickbay.

"Doctor, if you're not too busy, could you come up to the Ready Room? Lieutenant Sheyla has brought something to my attention." Bjorgo grinned at Sheyla. The bonus to the Nazgul Ready Room was that it was the Captain's office, conference room, and CIC (Command Information Center) all in one. There would be no need to ring the chime upon Holbrook's arrival. She could just enter.

"Yes sir, on my way. Holbrook out." She said as she tapped her commbadge again. She set PADD down that had the inventory on it. She made sure her uniform was still squared away before leaving and heading to the Ready Room. As she approached the door opened, allowing for her entry. She entered, seeing the Captain and Sheyla, she approached them, stopping in front of them.

During her transit, Tore had ordered a pitcher of Earth iced tea on a tray, with three glasses and a bowl of lemon wedges for those who liked that. They both poured themselves a glass and had just clanked them together in a toast to the changes, so far, taking their first swallow just as Len walked in.

Bjorgo immediately set his glass on the table and came forth, taking Len's hand in a gentlemen's handshake. "Doctor Lenore Holbrook, Captain Tore Bjorgo. A pleasure." He gave a genuine smile. Sheyla had merely remained where she was, though she spun on her heel enough to face the other two directly.

Len shook his hand firmly before letting go. She gave a small smile. "Sir, welcome back aboard. You wished to see me sir?"

Their hands released so Tore responded. "Thank you. That's right, I was going to Starfleet Command just as you transferred aboard. Apologies for all that chaos. A bad decision on my part so I cashed in a favor with Admiral Stone and got my command back. Sureth was a great help in that, as well. I hope him a favor. But, enough about that." Bjorgo mentally chastised himself. ~A bit of a wind. Slow the roll~ Telling himself that he focused back on Holbrook. "Yes, we did. Please, have an iced tea if you want," Tore turned back to the table and went back to his spot next to Sheyla, taking up his glass, all this while speaking. "Sheyla has informed me of her want to transfer to another department, which I've granted. She says that she offered you CMO, and you accepted, correct?" He asked this last as he took a small drink of his tea, his eyes never leaving hers.

Len took a glass of iced tea and took a sip before nodding. "Yes sir. I said that if she had confidence in my ability to take on the CMO role then I would accept."

Bjorgo grinned as he swallowed and stopped drinking tea. He taken a good swallow and then set the glass down. "From what I've been told you're dedicated, and that is enough for me to just say approved." He shook her hand again. "You are now my Chief Medical Officer. Nazgul is glad to have you." He released her hand.

Len nodded, a bigger smile on her face. "Thank you sir. I have to ask though if you have read my personnel file yet?" She asked while slightly biting on her lower lip.

"Yes, I have. Anything related to Eugenics I am privy to within Starfleet. Since I am an example. But, one can only read about and imagine. I'd like to sit down when we can and just talk casually about our experiences. Hear the truth over what I read." Being a history buff, Tore really did want to hear about a life lived in that era. And, what she now found amazing that was unheard of in her time. "I lived through those years, toward the end of the era, so I had a taste of it. But, I was not affiliated in any way with the Federation. Like I said, just sit and bullshit." He chuckled.

"I would like that sir. It is not widely known that I am augmented. The universe that I came from had a different view on Eugenics than this one and they made an exception for me to stay in Starfleet." She said before taking another sip of her tea.

Tore felt more relaxed already. It would be a good thing since genetic engineering is still a taboo subject for most. "Captain Green of M-69 is among us. She doesn't mind others knowing since she is honest about it with whoever asks. I prefer to be the same way. Just because they know I'm different I shouldn't act like it makes me special. I'm just different." He gave a casual, light hearted shrug. "Set people at ease, a lot, in my experience."

Sheyla just stood and listened. She too was old enough to remember the very tail end of that era. The transition to what the Federation and politics is in this time. Knowing that these two came from that time, Len was from alternate 'that time' so, that perspective would be a wild comparison. Some experiences might be pretty damn funny. When Bjorgo stopped speaking her eyes shifted to Len to see what she what she would respond.

Len nodded. "It would be nice to know what this universe was like at that time. My augmentation is mostly mental instead of physical."

"We have a Doctor Julian Bashir in our time." Said Tore. "He served in Starfleet during the Dominion War, at DS9. His engineering was more in preventing an incurable crippling ailment to his body, instead he got a damn good physique and a brilliant mind instead of super strength." Bjorgo's expression said he was glad for that.

"I have read about him. Please let me know when you want to talk more about my time. Speaking as the new CMO, do you have health concerns at the moment? " She asked.

Bjorgo was wanting to end his night early and just relax in his quarters. "No, I'm fine. I'm heading home, too. Take the evening for my sanctuary. It was good getting to know you."

"You as well sir. I'll take me leave. Have a good day sir." Len said with a smile.

Sheyla began to move with Holbrook, talking over her shoulder to Tore as the two women headed for the entry. "I do need to move. I'm sure Len would like her quarters vacated. Until later, Captain."

"Lieutenant Sheyla, one more thing." Bjorgo said, seeing the two women stop and look back. He reached up both hands and took hold of his shirt lightly at each breast, fluffing it for effect. "Your shirt color will now match mine. Command Division." He dropped his hands to his sides now that the red shirt was brought to attention.

"Aye, Sir," said Sheyla before turning and walking from the office with Len.


Captain Tore Bjorgo
Commanding Officer
USS Nazgul

Lieutenant Sheyla
Intel Chief/Mission Advisor
USS Nazgul

Lieutenant Lenore Holbrook
Chief Medical Officer
USS Nazgul


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