Station #43: Protecting the Nest
Posted on Thu Oct 31st, 2024 @ 4:02pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master}
Location: M-69
Timeline: Current
Captain Green, after meeting with the Academia officers, and then her own staff within the offices of both Dean of Academy and Fleet Captain, was now in her office as Fleet Captain. Cosmo was by her side, rolling along as he too had got to meet them all, with all of them being fascinated by his uniqueness and his level of sentience even as a machine. ~That's because he IS sentient~ thought Green, while among them. But, she left it alone knowing that, in time, they would come to recognize that in her little buddy.
"Alright, Cosmo, do your thing. Set things how we like them." Green said, smiling down at him with his small domed head looking up at her with his eye lens. He bleeped at her and rolled away quickly, knowing just where to start. Ro smiled to herself at his exuberance and his willingness to be of use. She knew he would plug into the systems and begin to adjust the algorithms for the office of Fleet Captain, making them a hundred times faster and more efficient than ever before. Green dare not do that for the entire station without approval, and something she may bring up in the future. Nothing from this office would be networked with the rest of the station. All information sharing from outside her offices would have to be manually approved, and with the number of admin officers assigned to the front office, a quick security check would not slow things down that much. That, and it also had the officers actually working rather than sitting around daydreaming, filing their nails, whatever. If the central computer core were to become infected by an invasive virus, the Office of the Fleet Captain could still function as it was not networked and therefore would be spared the initial viral attack.
Green spent some time decorating her personal office, creating an aesthetic that had a fair number of living plants, soft, Earth-tone colors and wood grain aplenty, and illumination that provided plenty of light through a more soft lighting affect and placement rather than the harsh lighting of too many overhead lights. Standing lamps and lamps on tables, strategically placed, made that a reality. Finished, and satisfied with the initial results, Captain Green sat behind her desk and began to go to work, bringing up reports that required her mark that she had read them and added them to the logs. Cosmo kept working, not hindered by his master being in the system while he adjusted algorithms and added better data security. In the next few days he would add a heuristic processor and memory core to the system for FC offices, to keep data logs from being corrupted should the main computer core become compromised.
Ro spun her chair around, facing the back of her office. She stood up and approached the back wall, which was a panoramic window-wall. Stopping a couple of inches from it Green looked out and about across an open internal section of the base. Grav pods, escalators, enclosed glass lifts, and one-person transporter pads. Just step in, pick level and destination, and the transporter would whisk you away to the personal transporter pad closest to the desired destination. Pretty fancy and always in use, constantly, on a day to day basis. Looking down as best she could without pressing the side of her face against the glass, Ro looked downward in the open area. A section of the uppermost Promenade level was about 100 meters down, with a lift 'shaft' on either side of her office. Going back to her desk Ro took up her PADD and put in a work order for her office with engineering and operations. She laid out the parameters of what she wanted, if it was within regulations to do so, and would appreciate the work teams got started as soon as possible. The response came back, saying her request was within regulations and that an officer would be sent up to confer with her some time this afternoon.
Grinning to herself, Green acknowledged the message, placed the PADD back on the desk, then turned and walked back to the large window. Clasping her hands behind her back Green stood easy, allowing her body and mind to relax. Calling on the Core, communing with it, Ro Green reached out with her Sense and just allowed herself to feel life as it continued on in every day existence.