Station Post # 51 " The Federation Strikes Back " "
Posted on Fri Nov 8th, 2024 @ 9:54pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Tore Bjorgo & Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent
Long range scanners were hot as they began detecting several large targets at extreme detector range.
Wasting no time Commodore Sureth hailed both the USS Nazgul and Peel.
[ Starbase M-69 to fleet vessels. We are on Yellow alert. There appears to be an armada size group of ships at extreme range. ] Sureth warned.
Bjorgo, sitting on the Bridge of the Nazgul and going over reports, heard the intercom with Sureth speaking. He tapped the comm switch on his chair arm to respond. ["Captain Bjorgo, here, Commodore. Message heard and understood. Nazgul will immediately break lock and get free and clear to navigate."]
As he finished saying those words, Tore got up from his chair and went and sat at the Helm, leaving the channel open.
Hearing the Commodore, Angel responded ["This is Commander Devroe, we've received your message and are ready to intercept on your command Commodore"]
"Yellow alert" Angel ordered then opening a ship wide channel "Attention Crew, this is Commander Devroe. We've received word from M-69 that a large group of ships, detected on long range scanners, are heading towards our position. Stay sharp, work together, and we'll win the day" as she closed the channel.
Sureth then pushed another button and summoned his new Fleet Captain Rogue Green.
" Captain Green you are needed at Ops."
Green, hearing the summons, responded. "On my way, Commodore. Green, out." When the warble sounded to close the channel Ro then spoke aloud. "Computer, site-to-site transport to Command Ops. Engage." She shimmered out of existence and reappeared a few moments later in a safe section of OPS. She strode over and stood with Sureth.
On the USS Nazgul, having received clearance to break dock, Bjorgo began to tap keys and power up systems. There was a skeleton crew aboard since most of the main crew were enjoying free time. When the computer told him that the gangway had been pulled away and the docking ring released, Tore tapped the maneuvering thrusters to slide Nazgul to port, putting a few hundred meters between itself and the station superstructure. "Computer, enact intercom for all Nazgul crew members." The computer acknowledged and then told him it was ready. "Attention crew of Nazgul. This is the Captain. All leave is cut short and you need to immediately beam back aboard. If you hadn't already noticed, M-69 is at Yellow alert. Alpha shift, you are to report for duty the moment you are back aboard. Bjorgo, out." The transmission cut. Using the Helm console, Bjorgo set his ship for Yellow alert and for station keeping until Mister Loewen could arrive and take over. Getting up he got back into his command chair and waited for the Bridge crew to begin arriving.
< Out there >
The approaching fleet was of course Assul and approached as a result of losing contact with Loth the Warchief.
" Zoll the two alien ships are on alert and appear to be aware of our approach."
" Have all five vessels form into diamond mode and engage the stellar drive core. Charge all weapons and fire on my command" Zoll ordered despite being light years from M-69.
As Tore sat impatiently in his command chair, several transporter signals sounded and he began to see familiar faces as they solidified just this side of the Bridge window. Billi, Sheyla, and Loewen all appeared, all in uniform. "You rang, Captain?" Billi asked, her face serious but always the cheeky Orion.
"I did," replied Tore, his grin showing he was glad to see them.
Sean stepped down to the main Bridge deck and took his seat, looking to the panel to denote where they were in accordance with Helm.
Bjorgo noticed that one of them was missing. "Where's Kara?"
Sheyla and Billi shared a look, then Billi looked to her CO. "Kara took leave with one of our Deltas. Something about going out to do some stellar cartography on her own time." The Captain's countenance changed, his eyes going a bit harder in their gaze. Billi knew that Tore held Kara close to his chest, like a niece or a daughter. Hearing she was off alone seemed to have hit him wrong by the look on his face.
"Sheyla," said Bjorgo. "With Kara not here we need a SCI officer. Take the station."
"Aye, Sir." Sheyla acknowledged and then went to the post.
Bjorgo then looked to his XO. "Number One, let me know the moment every crew member is aboard. Make it expedient."
"You got it, Captain." Billi said, moving to what was once the communications station when Qeritas had been in disguise. Now, it was the XO's station for seeing to ship's business.
On the station Sureth's intel was cloudy at best as also on the horizon of the Lagoon a large ominous cloud also appeared to be approach the M-69 sector.
"Sir Doppler scans shows a large nebulous expanse forming. At present speed it will reach our sector before the armada does," Tactical reported.
Standing next to Sureth, Green was listening to all the crosstalk. Through the Core she could Sense the trepidation, anxiety, and danger that was either present or heading their way. She spoke aloud, though in a quiet tone. "Qeritas. Now would be a good time to show up, Mentor." She looked at Sureth. "Apologies, Commodore. We may need all the help we can get...if she decides to show."
" Or perhaps she is?" Sureth listened, reasoned and then considered.
Ro had to admit, she had not considered that perhaps that nebulous cloud was something coming from Qeritas. Normally the Core would allow her to sense such things in regards to her Q mentor and friend. Maybe this time Qeritas was blocking the power of the Core. "We'll know soon enough." Said Green, her eyes watching the monitor showing the strange cloud coming their way.
The cloud engulfed the station and hid its lights from view.
The USS Nazgul was at full power and Yellow alert, ready to maneuver the moment all were aboard. Ejo had been tweaking systems for efficiency now that the ship had been under her CEO care for a while now, allowing the engineer the chance to learn the quirks and try and correct, or better, them.
"All personnel have reported aboard, Captain." Said Lieutenant Sheyla over her shoulder.
"Nice!" Bjorgo sat up much straighter in his chair, his eyes briefly going to the back of Sean's head. "Mister Loewen, set for one-quarter impulse and move us around 69 to face the incoming threat head on." Loewen acknowledged and the ship began to move and circumnavigate M-69. "Mister Resch, shields up even as we maintain Yellow alert." Again, orders acknowledged and put into action. Tore tapped his combadge. ["Commodore Sureth, Captain Bjorgo. USS Nazgul is at full readiness. We are maneuvering to play gate keeper and intercept that squadron of ships."]
[ Captain....station....] replied the static as the ominous cloud over took the radio waves.
On the Station Sureth looked to his teams for data on the cloud.
" Qeritas? If this is your doing please explain." Sureth yelled aloud.
As Sureth finished speaking those words the raven haired Qeritas appeared between him and Green. As always her avatar was perfectly beautiful in every way. Ro was actually startled by the sudden appearance, never getting used to Qeritas just showing up instantly and without a sound. "It's called an ion storm, Sureth, I thought you might be familiar." She said in a cheeky way. "I've added a few interesting elements to it."
" Yes indeed. I.was studying this storm last week. Captain Green it is imperative we communicate with our ships to get telemetry on the approaching Assul ships." Sureth replied.
Qeritas gave her cynical, yet warm smile to Sureth. "I decided to help in my own way. The ion storm will greatly reduce the effectiveness of Assul weapons. However, it does muck with communications. Apologies." She gave a casual shrug.
Green, while Qeritas had been speaking to the Commodore, tapped her badge. "Captain Green to Flight Control." They acknowledged her signal. "Launch a dozen runabouts, two person crew each. If need be we will take part in any incoming battles. However, your main purpose is to piggy-back communications between starships and Command OPS. Understood?" Again, they acknowledged. "Excellent, launch ASAP. Green, out." Having done what she could Green looked to the other two. "We'll see if that works, Sir."
Over on the Nazgul Resch had informed the Captain of the communication breakdown due to the storm rolling in. Captain Bjorgo had watched the cloud moving towards them like a massive sandstorm he had seen once while in the Middle East. The odd thing was it moved like it had a purpose, yet there was no wind in space. He did not like what he did not understand. "Lieutenant Sheyla, keep an eye on that storm. We don't need anymore surprises than what we have coming." She responded as she should when hearing him. "Now, we wait," Tore said to himself, his eyes locked on the forward viewport and the overlay viewscreen.
< Assul Ships>
The diamond formation warships closed in on the stations last known coordinates but vectored away as the Ion Storm camouflaged the station and its ships.
Now they were at a weaker position which Zoll could not stand.
" Reverse course, retreat formation. " he yelled but his comms systems were scrambled.
**M-69 **
Qeritas looked directly into Sureth's eyes, even as the monitors showed the runabouts coming out in a swarm and playing commsats for the ships. "So, Sureth, it seems our little storm has had its affect. The Assul are now in a weaker position to attack. You have the advantage. They cannot communicate effectively so you can storm in and win the day. What is your decision?"
Green stood quietly to Qeritas's right as she addressed her CO. Ro knew what the answer should be but she was not Sureth. This was one of Q's tests, her entertainment, and what was done or said would be held against those partaking.
"Would you test me now? Very Q of you. The Assul envoy has vanished, my first officer and a key star ship Captain also vanished and you want me to make a knee jerk reaction? Fine. Captain Green open a hailing channel with the Assul and inform them we are still operating on the terms of the cease fire. Any aggressive action will result in annihilation of their vessels and crew." Sureth replied.
In a gesture very unlike Qeritas, she placed her hand on Sureth's forearm, squeezing gently to show she approved of what he had just done. "Very good, Sureth. You held to the ideals of the Federation you claim to hold so dear. Do not fire until fired upon. There is hope for you, yet." She removed her hands from him and as she made an off-hand waving gesture as she looked at Green. "Direct communications between the Assul command vessel, and your own ships, is now restored. Assul to Assul, is still jammed." Around them they could hear other stations beginning to announce incoming updates from both Peel and Nazgul, with all distortion clear on all channels.
Ro, always half and half on her love for Qeritas and her impatience, gave a nod. She tapped at the console, directing a signal to the Assul lead vessel. "Commander, Assul vessel, this is Captain Ro Green on starbase M-69. With a cease-fire between our cultures I find it insulting that you would come here to attack. Know this. Any attack on this station will be met with extreme prejudice. We do not wish to escalate but you are leaving us little choice. Respond, please." She looked at Sureth and gave a nod, waiting to see what would come back at them over the speakers.
[ I am Warchief Zoll of the Assul Empire. Our fleet will return to neutral space and await further word from our envoy.] replied the verbal voice of this Fleet's commander.
Green's shoulders slumped slightly with relief. "You have our gratitude, Warchief Zoll. Your Envoy and several of our officers are on a mission together to try and find a diplomatic solution in regards to our situation. Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets are both working diligently to bring an end to hostilities between our people. With all due respect, Warchief, we just ask for a little more patience from your side." Ro was being as diplomatic as she could be, relying on what she had learned over the years here, and what she had learned as a Jedi in the Pallean galaxy. Mutual respect was always required when one sought a peaceful solution.
" Well done Captain Green. Another of your talents have revealed." Sureth interjected. " When the Assul are out of weapons range we will return to yellow alert."
< Peel >
As Commander Devroe sat at the conn, hoping not to have to fight the Assul, Lieutenant SanChez spoke up from Tactical "Commander the Assul ships are returning to neutral space" Maria stated.
"That's good news but let's maintain constant surveillance just in case they decide to change their minds." Angel ordered with some relief in her voice; she would be very happy when the Captain was back aboard.
"As you wish Commander" SanChez replied feeling a little more relaxed hoping a fight could be avoided.
Captain Bjorgo sat in wait for the Assul's next move, then Sheyla spoke up. "Captain, sensors indicate the Assul are reversing course back to neutral space."
"Praise the Heavens," Bjorgo said.
Resch piped in. "M-69 says that an accord has been reached with Warchief Zoll. The Assul will wait for word from their missing envoy. Sureth pulled it off, Sir."
Tore gave a grin. "I expected nothing less. The man has his charm. Griffon, secure from Yellow alert but maintain tactical readiness. Number One, standard operating procedures." The orders were acknowledged and the Nazgul maintained her current position as the alert status was negated.
Qeritas gave them both a knowing look. "You do realize all this time travel will cause a branch in your reality, Sureth. Your understanding of how time travel works is askew."
"How so?" Asked Green.
Giving a sigh like a parent explaining something to a child, Qeritas continued. "If you travel to the past, that past now becomes YOUR future. And, the present now becomes your past, which cannot be altered by your new future. Instead, a new thread is created, altering the timeline along that new reality should you alter anything in your favor, or to change an unfavorable outcome. Sure, you can change things and affect what you want, but that is along a whole new thread separate from the reality you actually came from. Without me telling you this you would never know it since you would think all was well and worked how you thought it would. You wanted me to visit occasionally and impart my knowledge, so now you know." She looked to Sureth. "Would you like the ion storm to remain or is it no longer needed, Commodore?" Green stood there contemplating what Qeritas had just said about time travel. The Q walked over ad placed her hand gently on Green's shoulder as she looked back and forth at the two of them. "I will make sure that this temporal event works the way you need it to to succeed in your goals. I can be altruistic when necessary."
"Concerning the storm..according to meteorological studies the storm was heading this way anyway so I suppose let it pass on. As for temporal issues aside from a few readings from the Overwatch vessel I am unaware of any temporal activities." Sureth replied.
Qeritas gave a warm grin to the Commodore. "Sureth, it is not here this will happen. There are temporal shifts swirling about that can have lasting affects upon current events. And, consequences. Keep in mind, both of you. When time is messed with it tends to mess back."
Green was also stumped by all this temporal talk. As far as she could sense all was normal. She had felt a few things in regards to something shadowed, elusive, but that was as far as it went. "We'll keep that in mind, Qeritas. Like Sureth said I am unaware of any time manipulation." Ro looked at Sureth.reconsidering.
As they spoke tactical reported.
" The diplomatic team has completed their mission and are heading to OPS."
Sureth looked to Green and replied " It's about time."
Ro gave Sureth a nod of agreement, then turned and hugged Qeritas. The Q responded, but slowly, not used to this kind of affection. Her arms came up slowly and barely returned the gesture even as her face quirked over Green's shoulder. Stepping back, Green addressed her. "Thank you for your assistance and insights, Mentor. We've got it from here."
"Of course you do," said Qeritas, a bit cheeky. "C’est la vie." Without a sound or any other pomp and circumstance, Qeritas vanished.
Ro went and stood next to the Commodore as they awaited the arrival of the envoys. "Apologies, Sureth. There are days when Qeritas is most helpful, and other days when I want to punch her in her perfect face. Next time, we'll deal with it ourselves."
" I find her quite charming actually. Most Q beings are a bit obnoxious. This one is Intriguing." Sureth replied.
Ro gave a slight giggle and looked over at him. "That's one word for it. Yes, she is intriguing but, not above playing games with people to test their morality. Something tells me that because I called her here I will be the next target of her...entertainment." Her eyes went back to looking ahead. "With that said I do love and respect her, though. She has taught me much about the universe."
John met Isabella in the aft hold immediately grabbed her for an embrace but only with his right arm as his left was bandaged up.
" You are one crazy girl. But you are my one crazy girl." John said pulling her in and kissing her passionately.
Suddenly the ships lights flashed and the systems went crazy as the Ion storm enveloped the Pakled ship.
" The Ship is dead." cried one of the Pakleds.
John chuckled and kept his eyes on Isabella.
"Is that an approaching ship?" Green chinned towards the window looking out into deep space, the storm still producing ion energy and energy particles as it slowly began to roll passed the station. The ship seemed to be caught in the tail end of it. Ro left Sureth's side to approach the panoramic window and look out.
The officer at the science station replied. "It is, Captain Green. A Pakled vessel according to transponder. They're caught in the ion storm and have lost main power."
Green's eyes never left the speck that was the ship in the distance. "Tractor beam?"
"It would be hit or miss within the ion storm, Captain. Getting a lock may not be possible with the intensity of the storm."
"I got this," said Ro as she called on the Core, communing with it and calling it to herself. "Keep the tractor beam on standby until they are close enough for its use." Lifting her right arm as if reaching out to the stars, her hand shaped as if she was looking to grasp something, Green focused the energy of the Core. Calling on the ability of Alter, Ro wrapped the vessel in its embrace and began to pull the ship free of the intense area of the storm it had warped into. In space, with the vessel weightless, it took very little to get it moving even as she intensified the Core to pull it as fast as she could towards freedom.
The Science officer looked at her comrades in amazement, announcing her readings as she did so. "It''s moving at one-eighth impulse! How is that possible?!" Others got up to join her, looking over her shoulder to see that her readings were correct. All eyes came up and looked at Captain Green's back, still standing like a statue with her arm extended.
Green grinned to herself, her Sense ability telling her that all aboard the Pakled ship were in reasonably good health, and that the ship was clearing the worst of the storm. Using the Core she slowed the speed with which the ship moved, talking over her shoulder. "The tractor beam should be able to function now. Lock on and get that ship to a docking port."
With amazement in her voice the science officer responded. "Aye, Sir." The rest still stood their flabbergasted, still having a hard time believing what they had just seen.
Ro dropped her arm and spun around casually, walking away from the window as she spoke. "Have a medical team report to the docking port in case they need them. Carry on, people." She ignored the looks she was getting, realizing that she had just played her hand in front of personnel. By tomorrow it would be all over the base what she had just done. ~Oh well~ she thought ~It was going to happen eventually~
On her way to the exit Green stopped briefly to look at Sureth. "Commodore, if you need me I'll be in my office. After that," she thumbed back over her shoulder at the window. "I'm sure you'll want to have a talk. Until then, Sir, good day." Ro entered the lift and headed for the Fleet Captain deck.
Raising an eye brow Sureth clearly would need more explanation on this action. He was aware of such reports having occurred near the galactic core from past USS Enterprise missions but he had never witnessed such actions personally.