#53 There Is No Emotion, There Is Peace...
Posted on Sun Nov 10th, 2024 @ 7:44pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master}
Location: quarters
Timeline: Current
After showing her hand to the personnel in Command OPS, Green had returned to her quarters. Standing in her main room, eyes closed, she reached out with the Core, her Sense expanding as a sphere as it began to encompass the entire station. Her eyes behind the closed lids were actually moving around as images and feelings began to come to her. The eyes themselves gave a squint here and there as she took in what she was feeling. Ro could sense that news of her amazing feat of pulling a starship to the base was already spreading, which was causing wonder, curiosity, anxiety, and fear as it was passed word of mouth from one being to another. As per usual with word of mouth, some people embellished, causing confusion and furthering the trepidation of those who heard it. Opening her eyes and looking out the window at the surrounding maelstrom and the stars, Green knew that her only recourse would be to remain calm, to be patient, and to educate anyone who asked her about it. She knew that Sureth would get around to having a meeting about it, eventually. Again, patience.
Turning from the window in the main room, Ro went to her bedroom and entered her walk in closet, pushing apart the row of hanging clothes there. Looking down her gaze took in the locked, tote chest she had placed there. Opening her arms wide she crouched enough to grab the handles and hefted it up to chest level, using her legs to lift it. Not that it was overly heavy for her, but proper lifting was ingrained in her brain since her days as a Chief Engineer. Moving back out to the bedroom proper she set the chest on the bed and ran a hand over the top of it affectionately, knowing that items from another life were kept within. Her Mandalorian armor and gadgets for such were kept in her locked engineering lab within the confines of the landing bay Taavis had earmarked for herself and Club Bliss. Cosmo spent a great deal of time within that lab, one of two in the bay, and always upgraded and updated her equipment as needed. Leaning in Ro activated the retinal scanner as the small panel folded out for the task. There was a spot for fingerprint analysis, and a small sensor node which raised up as she had her eyes scanned. Green placed her thumb print on the reader even as she breathed out a breath onto the sensor node. The retinal scan passed and a green light showed there, then the thumb print gave access, and finally the breath analysis gave a bleep and identified her as being Roh Grien. Her name from her time in the Pallean Galaxy. The locks within clunked open and the lid popped open just a hair.
Ro reached out and lifted the lid, letting it fall open all way over as that portion landed on the surface of her bed. Within the chest she could see folded clothes, armored bracers and thigh high armored boots. Three complete outfits of the same make. She quickly stepped away and removed her clothing down to her under things, and once bereft of an out covering she returned to the case and began to take out the items for one complete outfit. Having placed the clothing items at the foot of her bed, Ro moved around to face it and began to don them in order. Once finished dressing, Ro turned to face the full length wall mirror, seeing for the first time in over a decade her image wearing her old Jedi robes (Pic in bio). They were not as traditional as most Jedi, but they were her robes, what she preferred, and what the Jedi Order had seen her wearing on a daily basis. A sleeveless, comfortable outfit with combat bracers and thigh high boots covered in plates, but elegant enough to denote someone who sought peace over conflict. "Good to see you again, Master Roh." She said to her reflection with a grin. Turning and reaching back Green took up her ankle length dark brown hooded cloak, slipping her arms through the very open, loose sleeves and adjusting it so it sat right on her shoulders. Holding her right hand up in the air, fingers open, she called her saber hilt to her hand and it flew across the room and into her grasp. She hooked it to her belt and pulled the cloak over it, knowing that it would be seen intermittently as she walked, but not concerned over it. She was going to hide nothing because this is who she truly was.
Green knew that there were many species and individuals throughout the galaxy who wore robes, cloaks and hoods, so to see another would not draw much attention. However, once her face was revealed from behind the hood then the personnel would know who she was, as would any civilians who had overheard the gossip. Walking into her main room, Ro again stopped and faced the large window, but this time she clasped her hands together in a prayer stance, her chin dropping as she began to meditate and center herself to draw the Core to herself and commune with it. As she stood still in meditation Ro began to speak, reciting the code of her beliefs.
"There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force."
Ro repeated it again, but this time corrected it for this galaxy.
"There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Core."
Her essence now aligned and communing with the Core energy of the universe, Green could feel her symbiotic relationship with the mysterious energy field become far more in depth, solidifying her interpersonal relationship with it and granting her a level of control she had never felt from it before. It would seem that the new Master Ro was truly that, a master of the Core and the Light. Closing her minor meditation, Green reached up and pulled her hood up over her head, adjusting accordingly, then turned and strode from her quarters. A slight dip to her chin and the hood hung down enough to veil most of her face, leaving only the mouth and chin area to be readily observed. She had placed her combadge on her chest in the usual spot in case she was called to a meeting or was needed elsewhere and, not have time to change.
~Damn, this feels good~ She thought as she made her way through the corridors and out to the Promenade.