Station #56: A Chosen One
Posted on Wed Nov 13th, 2024 @ 9:23pm by Commander Sean Loewen {Meji}
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: Current
Sean Loewen had decided to stay on the Nazgul this go around, instead of partaking in shore leave by beaming over to M-69. He had had enough of the base for now, and besides, he needed time to himself as his thoughts were on various subjects. Wearing an Underarmor workout bodysuit, sleeveless and black, he made his way to the gym. Entering the compartment he noted that it was empty, with no one else in attendance since the majority of the crew was enjoying time off of the ship. Not that he minded. Sean needed solitude at this time as he kept running his life through his mind. Most of the thoughts Loewen was having were centered around Len Holbrook and their relationship. All seemed well, and he had no reason to doubt otherwise. However, it was the wise man who was willing to partake in self reflection that usually maintained his composure and remained grounded. Hence, why he was in the gym willing to work on the physical to enhance the mental. Martial arts were good for that, keeping one focused and grounded.
Seeing the martial arts 'tree' that Sheyla had set up in the gym he went over to it, donning his fingerless gloves and making sure they were tightened enough to not slip off while he engaged the tree in blocks and blows. Pulling a strip of cloth from his waistband that had been hanging there since he left his quarters, Sean brought it up to his eyes and covered them, tying the blindfold at the back of his head, making sure that his vision was blocked with no peeking. When that was in place he reached out like a blind man, finding the arms of the tree and its trunk, and through physical searching he centered himself before it. A friend of his from China had been the one who had taught Loewen Wing Chun kung fu, and also the teachings of Jeet-Kun-Do, the fighting philosophy of the great Bruce Lee. He had instructed Sean in trying the blind fighting, saying it was the true testament of control of oneself when in combat, and that the eyes could deceive. Sensing he was in the right place Sean began to strike and block, starting and stopping his training quickly several times as he kept missing the arms and striking the trunk in odd places.
~Focus, Sean~ he told himself.
Giving a frustrated sigh, then taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Loewen got himself centered and relaxed. This time he kept his eyes closed while behind the blindfold, his previous efforts having been with eyes open yet blinded. That was when the light dawned in his mind. ~With my eyes open I was struggling to see, not focusing on where I should strike~ That tidbit of self instruction seemed to cause his body to relax into the combat more, to provide him a modicum of control he had not experienced, and an understanding of where, and when, an opponent would strike. Settling into this new epiphany, Sean began to block and strike the tree once more, this time finding accurate purchase for his hands, arms, feet, and legs. Before he knew it, this go at the tree was over and he came out of his trance breathing heavily and sweating. Reaching up he slipped the blindfold from his eyes, the reader on the tree showing him where he had blocked and struck, and how quickly he had gone from one to the other. His accuracy, according to the tree, was 87%. ~Damn~ he thought ~I wasn't that accurate with my clear eyes~
"You can get better, you know."
Startled by that female voice behind him, Loewen spun around and looked to who had spoken, immediately recognizing the face of someone he had seen before. "Qeritas!" He said, not without a bit of anger in his tone. "How did you get aboard?"
Qeritas, dressed in a purple catsuit with her long, raven black locks hanging free around her shoulders, tilted her head in a cynical way, her tone matching the stance. "Are you daft, or did you hit your head recently? You saw who I am. Like I need an invitation to be here, or anywhere else, for that matter."
Frustrated by the interruption to his solitude, and the presence of this woman who had caused injuries to Commander Billi, Sean looked down at his hands as he undid the velcro straps and slipped the gloves off to tuck them into his waist band.
"You're pretty good at this," said Qeritas from behind him, taking the moment his eyes left her to teleport behind his back to examine the tree.
Again, startled, at hearing her voice behind him, Loewen having brought his eyes back up to look at her after fiddling with his gloves, he spun to face her once more. "Not funny."
She gave him a quizzical look, again marked with cynicism in her eyes. "Which part?"
"Shut it," said Sean, going to the replicator and ordering a bottle of water before walking back.
Qeritas continued to speak as he had made his trip to and fro from the replicator. "Apologies for the abrupt visit, but I detected your...presence while you were engaged in your training. You are one of the rare few."
Standing before this Q again, Loewen took a sip from his water bottle before replying. "Rare few?" Despite his angst at her being here and disrupting his day, Sean was curious about what she meant, and where this was going. "I'm just a Human being. There are plenty of us out there."
"True." Qeritas agreed. "However, not all Humans have special qualities that set them apart. Throughout history there have been those few who showed tenacity, strength of character, a strong moral compass, and the mental fortitude to see themselves through great tribulations. Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Pike, Janeway; the list goes on. Those Humans went above and beyond what it meant to be 'just Human'. You, my dear, possess those same qualities, though you don't seem to know it yet. And, that is why I am here."
Having drank enough water to offset dehydration, Loewen set the water bottle down, swiping his face and arms with a towel as she spoke. He tossed that onto the bench his bottle sat on and looked to her. "Okay. You've piqued my curiosity. What? I'm supposed to be some great savior of the galaxy, or something?" He raised his arms to indicate the compartment they were in, matching her cynicism from earlier. "Look around, Qeritas, I'm in a gym on a starship. I'm a lieutenant, not a captain. I go where I'm told, not where I want to."
Qeritas rolled her eyes and shook her head as she gave a sigh. "What is it with organics not being able to see the bigger picture? Kirk wasn't born a captain, and neither were any of the others. They got there by being who they are, doing what was right no matter the consequences, and pulling off amazing feats that got them recognized even when they didn't want it."
"I don't seek recognition, either." Said Loewen. "I do my duty and enjoy my life as it is. When I am needed for something, I go when told or I volunteer when I feel I need to be there for whatever may come."
"Precisely," said Qeritas, smiling as she stepped in face to face. "You don't seek fame. You don't seek verification for your deeds. You do what needs to be done and you move on. This is exactly what I look for in people I come to meet. Humility is a quality I admire in organics."
Loewen gave a smiling chuckle. "So, you admire me for being a guy who enjoys sitting in the back of the room?"
"Yep." She playfully slapped his chest with the back of her hand, giving a genuine smile as he seemed to be coming around to what she was driving at. "You're perfect for what I have to offer."
Suddenly, Sean felt very uneasy about this whole conversation. Whatever Qeritas was playing at he was sure he was not going to like it. But, being who he was, everyone deserved a chance. "Offer? What are you offering? Last I saw you tried to fry Billi and you caused this ship to suffer. Not the best way to impress me."
"First off," said Qeritas, her tone hardening a bit. "Billi grabbed me when I was trying to rid this ship of my Mirror counterpart. I needed her away from me to deal with forces you cannot comprehend, and in so doing, I saved her life despite her injuries." She forced a breath out to get back under control. "Second; this ship was saved from a fate far worse than electrical burns and blown circuits. You should be thankful, not judgmental."
Loewen so wanted to pop off, but as she finished he had to admit that some of what she said made sense. "Fair enough. I'll try and refrain from any further commentary as you present your offer."
"Thank you." And, just like that, Qeritas was back to her happy, instructive self. "I see the confusion in your eyes, and I'm aware you must have countless questions, rest assured, my friend, I'll provide answers in due time. I assure you, I harbor no ill intentions toward you; in fact, your well-being is quite beneficial for me. I apologize for the disoriented state you find yourself in. Let's make ourselves more comfortable, and we can discuss matters further." They moved over to a bench and sat down.
How he knew it, or sensed it, Loewen could not explain. Somehow, it felt as if they had moved into a rendition of the gym, but it was surreal, quiet, the only things able to be heard were those noises coming from each other. "Are we still in the same gym? Where are we?"
Qeritas gave a nod at that observation. "Good, you're coming along fine. As for 'where,' my friend, you find yourself in a realm within your own mind. A space that now serves as the stage for our discourse." She gave him a grin. "I know, it's disconcerting but, in time this sort of thing will become commonplace for you and your mind."
"Is this a part of the offering you propose?" Asked Sean.
Nodding in the affirmative, Qeritas continued. "Simply put, my friend, I desire freedom, yet, I find myself weakened, unable to break free from an obligation on my own. That's where you come in. I need your help, and in return, I'll grant you the abilities to manifest most of your desires." She watched him, expecting another rebuttal or question. When one did not present itself, she went on. "You've already had a taste of the abilities you could acquire. In truth, these abilities manifest differently for each individual and will progress uniquely as well. It's a power tailored to your deepest subconscious."
Loewen kept a steady gaze on her, listening to what she was saying and trying his best to understand and absorb what she was saying. If she was speaking of his epiphany at the martial arts tree, then he did want to hear more. "Are we talking about this extra sensory stuff I have been noticing lately?"
"Well, my friend, I've been subtly transferring some of my power to you during visits to the ship and station. It wasn't much, but it seems today they started to manifest. I'm sure by now you've realized those visions you've been having throughout the day weren't mere products of your imagination. They were glimpses of the potential that now courses through you." Qeritas explained. "Ro Green was the first Champion I created in this galaxy. She possesses a power within her, that in another galaxy is called The Force. Ro, however, calls it The Core here in the Milky Way. It makes no difference what it is called by what society. It is The Force; period."
"The Force?" Sean looked confused, yet curious.
"Yes," said Qeritas. "It is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and it binds the galaxies together into the star clusters they are. Ro Green, thanks to me, spent 27 years in the Pallean galaxy and learned all about it from a group of individuals who spend their lives seeking to understand The Force and all it has to offer, and all it can do. Beings from every walk of life who believe in peace and justice and live in a state of communion with the Force. For lack of a better term, it is a religious Order who's main goal is the protection and defense of life. Ro attained the level of master within the Order before I brought her home. Her alternate self, there in that galaxy, was killed by a dark one from another Order diametrically opposed to the peaceful one. They were called Jedi, those on the side of light. Their enemies were called the Sith, and were an order of the dark side."
Loewen thought on what she was saying. Light and dark, positive and negative, good and evil. It was a fact of life that you cannot have one without the other. "So, Captain Green can harness this Force, or Core, as she calls it? That must have been what she used when she touched Billi and healed her wounds? I have to say I'm intrigued."
"Very much so," said Qeritas. "I tasked her with building the Jedi Order here, in the Milky Way, since the Federation and the surrounding governments have no clue what awaits them outside of this small area of the galaxy you all live in. The expansions of the known governments here is not even an eighth of the surrounding cosmos." She went back to her instruction. "This was just a very small fraction of the power the Force offers. If we collaborate, I can grant you more through training, allowing you to continue using these abilities and escalating your power. Green has a name for her group; the Meji Order. She still needs to talk to the Federation Council and come to an agreement, similar to what the Jedi did for th Old Republic in the Pallean galaxy."
Again, Sean kinda shook his head with the amount of input. He would definitely need to hear more, and have an understanding of what one galaxy did in comparison to his own. "Is there anything I can read to get caught up on that galaxy's history, the Jedi, all that? It would aid me greatly to have such knowledge for comparison, and to see where Ro wants to go with it all, eventually."
Qeritas held her hand out, palm up as if holding a serving tray. A personal pocket PADD appeared in her hand, flat, screen up. "Here." He took it and she dropped her hand back to her lap. "Everything you need to know is written in that PADD. Oh, one other thing." She then reached up and tapped his forehead, seeing his eyes blink at the sudden rush of input, smiling at his reaction. "There. The PADD is written in the Basic of the Pallean galaxy. You now know how to read, write, understand, and speak it. That way no one who accesses the PADD can read it but you and Ro. And, of course, her droid Cosmo. He's another product of the Pallean galaxy."
Sean took the PADD and held it on his lap, not rude enough to start reading it as they were talking. He hated people who did that, trying to stay in a conversation while reading and texting, and constantly asking what was just said. His way of dealing with that was to get up and walk away. "You say she was there for 27 years, yet she came from here. How?"
Giving him a pseudo-flabbergasted look, Qeritas responded. "Hey, it's me. In case you forgot, I am a Q. The 27 years she was there, back here it was one night of dreaming. A simple manipulation by our standards."
Taking that in, Loewen thought on a few things before he spoke. "So, these powers and abilities, they become stronger over time and use?"
Qeritas nodded yes. "Like any skill set, they need to be practiced and used. Meditation is key. Quiet solitude so one can commune with the Force. Premonitions, visions, seeing old friends long gone, all a part of the meditation. You will see the past, the present, and possible futures. But, be careful. Always in motion is the future. What you see one day may change the next. Discernment and patience is the key. Anger, hate, and aggression are the way of the bad guys, the Sith. Impatience, too. Do not strike in anger, or when filled with hate. It will lead you down a dark path and may consume you, changing you from who you are into something terrible."
Loewen considered that. He had a bad temper and, at times, it did flare up. Perhaps, as she said, he learned these lessons and took them to heart, he could keep that part of himself under control. "So, why me?"
"I felt your connection to the Force when I cam aboard." Grinned Qeritas. "I was surprised when Green didn't detect it. But, she was busy being a new captain so her focus was askew. Follow the instructions in that PADD. Study and learn. Take the lessons to heart and practice them, including the meditation. But, none of this can happen unless we make the deal. If you agree to all that I have said then we need to close the deal and let you begin your new life in a far larger universe."
"Okay," said Sean. "How do I 'take the deal' as you put it?"
Qeritas got to her feet and reached for his hand. He clasped her hand and stood up to face her and she released it once he was right in front of her. "We need to seal this deal with a kiss."
"Whoa, wait a minute," Sean said, not too keen on this. "I'm in a re..."
"I know, I know," Qeritas interrupted, waving him off with a lazy hand gesture. "I have a girlfriend, blah-blah-blah. Get over yourself, already. It's not to attract you, believe me. I could do better with a Gorn." She saw his face quirk at that and giggled. "Don't be insulted, you're just not my type. So, kiss, or do we forget this whole thing?"
Loewen gave a sigh and looked up at the ceiling a moment. "Why do I feel this is a really bad idea." He gave a sigh of determination. "Alright. Let's get this over with."
Qeritas gave a smile, a giggle, hopping in palce a few times as she clapped jer hands excitedly like a teenage girl. She pointed at him, still smiling like the Cheshire cat, and giving him raised eyebrows. It did nothing to assuage his dislike of this particular activity with her. "Remember. My kiss, my way, or the deal is off."
Sean rolled his eyes. "Okay! Damn! Let's just do this and move on, already..."
Grabbing him in a full embrace, Qeritas latched onto him like a passionate lover and planted her lips on his. His mouth opened to receive the French kiss she was planting on him, continuing to kiss him for several long moments before she finally pulled her mouth away from his and looked up into his eyes. "There," she said after clearing her throat slightly. "The deal is done."
Loewen realized they were still holding each other like lovers and began to try and disentangle himself.
"Not yet," said Qeritas, her face showing concern rather than mirth. "You may need me to hold you for a minute."
"Why wou...argh!" Pain coursed through Sean's body and he felt himself breaking into a sweat like he had a high fever. His limbs began to shake and his mind went into overdrive as images and visions passed through it. He felt Qeritas gripping him, helping him to remain standing, and even holding him up at times as wave after wave of pain and sensation ran through his entire body and mind. When it passed, leaving him breathing as if he had just ran a mile, she let go of him and stepped back. "What...what the hell was that?" He bent over and placed his hands on his knees to allow his body to fully recover.
Qeritas gave him the answer. "I improved your body. Nothing like an Augment, but your genetics are now those of a Human from the Pallean galaxy. Tougher, a bit stronger, more endurance, and a sharper mind. Why, you ask? Because, that galaxy is far older than this one and Humans there have improved as the generations evolved. Not superhuman by any means, but a cut above. Trust me, with what you will face in the future, you'll need it."
Feeling his body settling down, and still perturbed by her rather erotic kiss, Loewen gave her a glare. "Ya know, you make it really hard for me to like you, Qeri."
"I never asked to be liked." Qeritas said. "Green hates me, at times, but that hate is counterbalanced by the love she has for me. Hate me all you like it doesn't matter to me. What matters is the deal. Stick to it, don't turn to darkness and corruption, and I won't have to swat you like a house fly." Bringing her clasped hands from behind her back, she held out a device for him to take. "This is yours. I created it by using your essence to make it uniquely yours. I'm sure you've seen Green with a similar item. It is the weapon of the chosen."
Loewen reached out and took the device, seeing the same cylindrical handle that Green carried on her hip. He saw an activation button and looked closer at it. As he did so, Qeritas reached out and flipped the device around in his grip.
"Don't ignite it with the aperture towards you," she instructed. "It will either run you through, or cut you in half. This is a lightsaber, the weapon of both Jedi and Sith. Yours is like Green's, cloud blue. Again, be careful when training with it and take it seriously. Many have lopped off limbs during training. You'll discover that as you train with it. The Core will help you with it as it will guide your body to do what is right in its use."
Hitting the activation switch, pointing it away from Qeritas, the snap-hiss of the igniting blade caught Sean off guard and he jumped in spite of himself. Taking in the cloud blue, blue-white blade as it thrummed in his hand, Loewen felt at that very moment that this weapon, this particular lightsaber, was meant for his hand. It was a tool, it was a weapon, it was a symbol. There was a rush of what he could only describe as power entering his body, a clarity of thought, of vision, and a control over his physical form he had never felt before. Blade still lit he looked at Qeritas, a crooked grin forming as they were both lit up with the illumination from the thrumming lightsaber. "This feels...right."
"That, my friend, is the power of the Force. I chose you, and now the Force has chosen you. A symbiotic relationship that will expand your horizons. Commune with it, listen to it, and be one with it. Sith try to control the Force, Green's Meji will do as the Jedi had done. They controlled it, but also allowed it to control them. It controls their actions, partially, but also obeys their commands. Symbiosis."
Closing the blade down, Loewen held the hilt down at his side. "So, what do I call you? Master, Friend, what?"
Qeritas grinned. "How about friend, or mentor. That is what Green and I are. I am her friend, and I am her mentor. Sure, I drive her crazy at times and she hates me for it, but she knows deep down I mean well for this galaxy as a whole. There are dangers on the other side of the galactic core you know nothing about, and if they happen to make their way here, you can kiss your way of life goodbye. They don't mettle, they conquer. You cannot reason with them and they will always seek the advantage even if you do. A trap, followed by deception, followed by a trap within a trap. The Klingons may finally meet their match when it comes to warriors. Be glad the Klingons are in your part of the galaxy, it gives you a slightly better chance to defeat them should they ever make it this far again."
Loewen heard the word at the end, locking onto it. "Again? These beings have been here before?"
"Yes," said Qeritas. "Earth history is full of stories about extra-terrestrial abductions, and as the Federation was formed, they found out that not one of the species here had ever abducted people. It was the others. They took Humans back to their empire and then genetically designed their own to be used as slaves and servants. Humans live in their own communities and are kept bereft of technology. Their only purpose is to mine resources for their masters, who are seen as gods by the populace. If they fail to meet quotas then the enforcers are sent in and mass executions take place as an example to work harder at all times to appease their masters. These are the evils that you organics must fight to keep yourselves free."
"I better get to training and studying, then." Loewen said. "Whoever these bad guys are I'll face them when needed, no matter what. Even all this aside. How I operate."
"Your heart was part of the reason I chose you," said Qeritas. "I suggest you have a talk with Captain Green. I'm sure she won't mind being called Master Ro once you tell her about this meeting, because she is the only master of the Core we have in this galaxy right now."
"Will do." Sean said. "I need to go change and shower, then I'll consider going over and having a talk with her in the next few days."
"Then we're done here." Qeritas vanished without a trace.
Loewen stood there alone for several minutes as he came back out of his mind and into the actual gym. Still no one was around. Carrying the two new items he'd been given, Sean left the gym for his quarters.