Station #59: Revels, Awards & Homeward Bound
Posted on Fri Nov 15th, 2024 @ 10:58pm by Commander Kehlani & Lieutenant Marz & Lieutenant JG Gavin Lasso {Honorary KDF} & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}
Location: Kor'Kang Colony
Timeline: Current
Gavin Lasso was quite taken by the victory celebration, it being far more than he imagined. The return of the Matriarch had been heralded as quite the victory, and hearing of the exploits and craftiness to which the Klingons had seen to for that outcome was next level in their hearts and mind. As he had suspected, Gavin had been subjected to feats of strength and had drank a few goblets of bloodwine down all the while. A few Klingons had come in and given him headbutts, but were aware enough even while drunk, that he was not a Klingon and did not have the cranium they had. So, the blows were followed by laughter and arms over his shoulder as she stumbled after the third one, needing to shake his head to get his vision back to focus. The revelers continued, but Lasso felt like sitting as alone as he could without leaving the party. Finding a low stool he carried to over to the fire pit, the far side of it away from the main body of carousers and placed it. Sitting down with a hmmph, sipping his wine, Gavin then stared into the flames. His mind wandered, bringing up flashes of memory of both the near present, and from days gone by over a hundred years ago.
As he sat and thought on things, reviewing his memories, the revelers let him be even as they passed by him. Even Klingons respected times when one wanted to be alone even among a crowd. So, Lasso's eyes watched the embers and coals roiling their in their heat and thermalytics; black roiling into hot red, orange and amber, over and over again as they produced the flames. Carbon based life providing warmth for life. The circle of life. Gavin kept coming back to certain memories, and one person in particular; Taavis. She seemed to be the memories that absorbed his mental imagination and past life. Not that he minded. She was, for lack of a better term, his muse. Though their relationship was not that old, and she had sent him off to play with the Klingons, Lasso would not let go of those memories. His chosen surname may have been Lasso, but it was Taavis who had put the lasso around his heart. He loved her. That revelation caused him to grin and lightly chuckle to himself, sipping wine and watching the fire. Gavin would make that abundantly clear when he returned to M-69 and got back to his Starfleet duties.
"May I join you?"
Recognizing the voice, Gavin brought his eyes away from the fire and looked up to his right, seeing Kehlani standing there holding a low stool of her own and a goblet of bloodwine. "Of course." He motioned to the empty floor spot next to him.
Setting her mug on the side of the fire pit momentarily, Kehlani placed her stool, then gathered her skirts properly and sat down, retrieving her beverage. "I'll give you a brick of gold-pressed latinum for your thoughts." She grinned and drank from her cup.
Another light chuckle came from Gavin, his eyes returning to the fire even as he responded. "Nothing too interesting to others." He glanced over at her. "How do you want me to address you? "Commander, Matriarch, my Lady? Wearing this uniform kind of limits my options."
She gave him a smile before he went to looking at the fire again. "How about Kehlani. We were friends before all this became what it is. The others need to maintain propriety, as would you if you were an official member of the KDF. But, you're not." She saw him look over, and then he adjusted his angle to more face her and look at her instead of the fire.
Lasso nodded along with all that, grinning at the end. "I love it here, I do. I have been honored by both the Patriarch and the House for simply being myself. But, back there at home, there's a girl waiting for me. If allowed, Kehlani, I will always return to aid my House when I can. However, honor must be maintained and my duties are to Starfleet."
Kehlani gave a knowing nod to that, having once split her own loyalties to both. And, honestly, she still did even if she now leaned more into her Klingon culture. "I understand. Been there myself many times over the years. Marz is quite taken with you as a warrior and a friend. He tells me it was your plan that made my extraction a success."
Giving a shrug and a grin, his eyes starting to bring back his lighthearted side. "I made that clear when we stood at the base of the steps to the razed Hall." Another light chuckle. "Not that I expect praise, sister."
"Pfft," Kehlani sounded. "We're Klingons, praise comes with the territory. Marz has been in and out of the CIC here in the Great Hall, speaking to the High Council and Chancellor Jarok. Your name was brought up during those talks and whether you want it, or not, praise is coming your way right here in this chamber fairly soon."
Gavin gave a pseudo-frustrated sigh as he dropped his head. Bringing it back up with a grin on his face he rolled his eyes more at himself than at anything said. "How soon?" He was not ready for more endurance tests and headbutts but, he would make do if need be. His forehead still showed a few abrasions and some swelling from the last few times.
"We have guests on the way." Kehlani replied. "They should be here soon and then the announcements and ceremony will be started."
"Ceremony? What ceremony?" He asked.
"The one your Patriarch has in store for you," said Kehlani, her face going more serious. "It would not bode well should you refuse such an honor in front of your own House."
"Whoa, whoa." Lasso held a hand up. "Not what I meant to do. Just wondering what it was about, is all."
Kehlani eased back into her relaxed self. "You'll see when it happens. That is the Klingon Way."
"Fair enough." Gavin responded.
A couple more hours went by with Gavin, Kehlani, and Marz coming together in a trio, talking about various things, with Lasso informing him of his desire to return to his Starfleet duties. Marz put a hand on his shoulder, telling Lasso that that was why he had chose to make him his brother. "Duty, honor, sacrifice; the very foundation of the Klingon Empire." He had said. After their conversation between the three, Lasso was told to stand with the others at the base of the dais. Doing so, with Kehlani stepping slightly away from Marz so the Patriarch could speak, a lone figure came through the entrance to the Great Hall. She casually strode up to the back of the crowd, with Kehlani directing them to let her through. Wearing her leatheris catsuit and weaponry, Taavis walked with purpose through the gap provided before coming to stand next to Gavin. She looked over at him and gave him a wink and a grin before her face went back to the Patriarch. Lasso, wanting to grab her in a hug, held back as he too looked to the Lord of his House.
Marz addressed the throng of Klingons. "I have been in contact with the Chancellor and the High Council and they have been informed of all that transpired here on Kor'Kang. Our quick resolution of the situation has impressed a few of the high ranking Houses. So much so that House Kehlani, every single member of the House, has now been awarded an Imperial Commendation. Warriors, farmers, laborers, servants; everyone." Cheers went up but died quickly as Marz looked to continue. "Lieutenant Gavin, come forth."
Gavin nodded and went to ascend the steps up to his lord, getting a slap to the back by Taavis and several Klingons as he did so.
"You all know that Gavin is R'uustai; my brother. He is a member of House Kehlani for the rest of his days no matter where he may serve. It was his outstanding tactics and planning that allowed a quick end to a threat while also extracting Lady Kehlani from the clutches of an enemy." More cheers went up, the word "Qapla'!" Being shouted all around, intermittently. Gavin stood beside his Lord and adopted brother, remaining stoic. His eyes kept meeting the eyes of his Par'Mach, Taavis, seeing her grinning and winking at his newfound reputation.
"All of that was passed on to the High Council," explained Marz. "Although we did not partake in bloodletting the way we normally would." That brought guffaws and laughter from the crowd. "The plan presented by Lieutenant Gavin was sound and did bring about success. Therefore, by the order of Chancellor Jarok, and agreed to by the High Council, Gavin is now an honorary member of the Klingon Defense Force. His rank in Starfleet will be honored as equal in the KDF!" Marz raised a fist in the air to cheer, the crowd following his example. Making the motion to settle down for more, Marz continued. "Along with that honor, Lieutenant Gavin is the recipient of the Honor In Battle Award, with a medal to denote such to be placed on his sash!" More cheering as Marz placed the medal on Gavin's sash, then raised a goblet and saluted him for his recognition and drank it down in one go. The crowd was ominously silent simply because they all followed. The amount of belching done after almost made Lasso break character and laugh. "The medal is awarded to warriors who face a treacherous enemy while following the precepts of honor. This involves coming up with an unexpected plan that finishes the mission and brings success." Another round of cheering.
Again, Marz got them to settle down. He was not finished. "Aside from his Honor In Battle, Lieutenant Gavin is also granted the medal for Exemplary Performance. His devotion to duty was an exemplary performance and he conducted himself as a Klingon for the duration of one standard mission. Qapla'!" Fists once again in the air, more wine down gullets, more belches, but everyone in the chamber was now at a whole new level of excited energy. Marz placed the Exemplary Performance medal on Gavin's sash, the metallic baldric now decorated with more than just a House symbol. Gavin was honored and proud to receive the awards, he too pumping a fist in the air as Taavis ascended the steps and handed him a goblet of bloodwine, holding one herself, as they drank along with the room, and the two leaders of the House.
Letting the crowd know that the celebration would go on longer, Marz got his House back to revels so he could speak with his brother, Kehlani, and Taavis as they stayed up on the dais to keep their chat more between their circle.
"Congratulations, Gavin." Taavis said, now standing directly to his right. "When I sent you here to serve I never imagined this."
Marz laughed. "We hit it off quite early. You have my thanks, Taavis, for doing so."
Gavin, his heart now pumping with more bloodwine through his system, reached out and grabbed Taavis around the waist and pulled her to him. The kiss he planted on her was deeply passionate and it lasted for several seconds before they broke the kiss and straightened up.
Taavis, ever cheeky, smiled at him. "Miss me?"
Marz and Kehlani laughed, with Kehlani coming in for a hug for her Vulcan friend.
"Yes, woman, I missed you." Gavin smiled. She sent him here so he responded like a Klingon would by referring to her as 'woman'. Not an insult to Klingon females, just how they were.
Marz chuckled, placing an arm around Lasso's shoulders. "You will be sorely missed, brother. Go out there and make M-69 proud. If it deserves to die, kill it. If not, beat it into submission." He laughed again, along with Lasso as he let go of him.
"I will bring honor to our House, Lord. You have me word." Lasso said. Taavis snaked her hand into his, holding it firmly as if he might turn to vapor and disappear if she let go.
"Of that, we have no doubts," said Kehlani, coming in to stand beside her own mate. "Don't be a stranger, Gavin. Visit when you can."
Gavin gave them both bows from the neck. "I will, when duty allows."
Taavis chimed in. "I have my own ship now, babe. Let me know when you want to visit and we can make it happen."
Lasso's countenance showed he suddenly began to think on something, enough to cause a bit of distraction.
"Something on your mind, Gavin?" Marz asked, recognizing a face in thought. "Speak your mind."
"Lord, Lady," said Gavin, to include them both. "Perhaps I am asking too much at this time..."
"Just say it!" Kehlani interrupted. "Humans." She shook her head cynically. "Always long-winded when they can just say what is on the mind. Speak, Gavin!" Lasso caught Taavis out of the corner of his eye trying not to smile or laugh, even giving a slight clearing of the throat as she looked around at the ceiling in a cheeky way.
"Fine," Gavin retorted in jest. "Could I claim some land? For a home; an estate of sorts?"
The two leaders looked at each other, with Kehlani shrugging at her husband as if to say she had no problem with it. "You've earned a plot, for sure." Said Marz. "Here, near to High City, or elsewhere?"
Lasso had already considered which land he wanted. "I was thinking all the lands for the abandoned village we just sacked to bring the Matriarch back. Appoint a mayor in my absence, allow citizens to set up there and farm, smith, whatever they wish. Turn a sour place into something to represent the House, and gives me and my Par'Mach a place to call home when we are here. A warm fire pit, studious civilians, hunting--you name it."
Marz gave a laugh. "I would love to hunt those mountains! You and I, spears in hand, taking on the elements and the wildlife. Done!"
Taavis gave Gavin's hand a few loving squeezes to show she was in agreement with the idea of a place to call home. A real home, on a planet, with people to mingle with. "We can invite the Matriarch out while she is with child, and after. Fresh mountain air, fellowship. It would be an honor to live here on Kor'Kang."
"Then, as my mate said, done!" Kehlani laughed and hugged Taavis again, while the men hugged each other and clapped their backs with each other's hands before separating.
A few hours later, Taavis had her man aboard the SS Harbinger and broke orbit. Gavin stood on the Bridge as he admired the craftsmanship of the craft. He was exhausted and still partially drunk. "Where's the bedroom, Love?"
"Step out the door, there." She chinned over her left shoulder to the exit. "Into the airlock corridor. First door to the left. I'll get us underway while you shower and climb into bed. I'll give the tour when you wake."
Lasso leaned in and gave her a kiss, then strode from the Bridge. Taavis looked over her shoulder as she watched him go, glad he had not forgotten her while among his Klingon House. It made her feel something she had not felt in a long time; needed and wanted. Setting her coordinates and her warp factor, the SS Harbinger jumped to light speed as it headed for M-69.