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Station #60: Various Interactions

Posted on Sat Nov 16th, 2024 @ 7:43pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Lieutenant JG Gavin Lasso {Honorary KDF} & Lieutenant JG T'Pri & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Cosmo

Location: various
Timeline: current/somewhere in between


Lasso and Taavis had spent time reacquainting with each other during the flight home. Ardent lovemaking followed by laying around naked together in bed, chatting each other up and laughing together. Once they decided to get out of bed, neither of them in any way tired now, they continued the lovemaking by showering together. Now, dry and clothed, they spent time together in the galley of SS Harbinger, cooking up a breakfast and moving about to upbeat tunes, their bodies doing jigs to the beat as they did so. Bellies full, each now holding a hot beverage each in a thermomug, his being a black Earth coffee and hers being a Cardassian red leaf tea, they moved to her Bridge.

Upon entering the control deck, Lasso stopped and let his eyes once again wander over the interior, giving an appreciative whistle. If there's one thing I've learned about you, Taav, it's that you like the best of everything." This was said not only about the interior of her ship, which was excellent, but the outfit she now wore. Again, she had gone with black, a catsuit. However, this one was cloth and had the look and feel of felt even though it was not, and it was form fitting as always. That outfit alone denoted that his lover liked the expensive things, because he knew that that catsuit did not come from a replicator but was hand made by someone who charged well for their labor. As always, she sported her unique twin phase pistols. Her entire get-up was in stark contrast to himself, now wearing his Starfleet uniform of the day, with his sash/baldric placed over his right shoulder and angling down to his left hip. They were fairly close to 69 and would be dropping from warp soon. After his whistle, Gavin looked over at her. "This ship is top notch."

Taavis grinned. "I know. I will owe some favors for a while for the construction, but it was worth it." She began to walk towards the center seat, but motioned for him to take a seat. "Want to give her a spin? Harbinger is quite maneuverable."

"Hell yes!" He said with excitement, moving forward and plopping down in the center seat. Gavin's eyes scanned the surface of the console. "Romulan, eh? No problem." His hands began to tap keys for the ETA readouts, hesitating a few times as he had to adjust to how Taavis liked her station. "Three minutes from outer markers."

Taavis had moved in on his left, leaning to her right with an arm up on the headrest as she looked over his shoulder. "Good. I had just come home when Kehlani called. I've got shit to do, which I need to tell you about when time permits." She blew on the blow hole for her mug, then sipped.

Lasso heard her, and the veiled admission that she had important information to pass on to him. That would wait for another time as he continued to tap keys for flight adjustments, watching the reader. "Here we go." His hand glided over the console, bringing the SS Harbinger out of warp and coming to full stop. They were almost immediately hailed.

"SS Harbinger, welcome back to M-69. Send you ident codes, please."

Lasso's eyes searched for that key, with Taavis leaning in and pointing to it before straightening up. "Codes sent, 69."

The voice on the other side of the transmission sounded suspicious. "Is Captain Taavis available to confirm your status, Harbinger?"

Gavin gave Taavis a cynical expression in regards to their request, raising a hand and motioning to her to offset their anxiety.

"M-69, this is Taavis. A voiceprint analysis would tell you that you are speaking with Lieutenant Gavin Lasso, Flight Control Chief for your installation. Please, allow us access." Taavis instructed. Having been a Starfleet officer had its perks when it came to protocol.

A few moments passed. "Voiceprint identified and approved. You may proceed, Harbinger. M-69, out."

With that finished the SS Harbinger set forth to land.


Captain Ro Green was in her office at her desk, the remodel having been completed. Instead of just a panoramic window to look down on the open center of the base and the Promenade, she had had them expand the outer wall, creating a crescent shaped veranda, with area enough for a club-like tall table with four high-backed stools with armrests in a tight cluster around it. It provided herself and any guests with a view of the populace, as well as, providing a place to sit and drink beverages and have a bite to eat while meeting. The veranda walls and flooring were stark white, the table and chairs black and silver with leatheris seat backs and cushions while the metal in them was made from hardened silver-alloy and giving them a stainless steel look. A modern aesthetic. Between the veranda and her desk, some three meters behind the desk, was a glass wall-door. The bulkhead portions of the wall were solid and stayed in place while there was a set of double glass doors in the center. They would split apart seamlessly and silently, joining their wall portions when open.

Green, reading reports from various departments that she was supervising, along with all starships assigned to the base, was leaning back in her chair with PADD in hand. As she read she saw and heard her office entry slide open and in rolled Cosmo, bleeping excitedly as he did so, being followed closely by another droid that was built to his own specifications. Where Cosmo had the orange circular areas, this droid had the same but with a noticeable difference. The orange circular areas were framed in a half inch of black paint, distinguishing between Cosmo and itself.

As the two droids rolled around to the left side of her desk, coming behind it, Green turned her chair that way and got on the edge of her seat, elbows on knees as she was in the pose of meeting a pet and a new puppy. "Well, who is this handsome fellow?" Cosmo gave a droid-speak explanation, and a name. "Rollo, huh? I like it, it fits." She smiled at the new droid. "Hello, Rollo. I am Ro Green, master and friend to Cozzy, here. I'm glad to meet you." The droid returned the salutation.

Ro looked to Cozzy. "Is he a member of the team, or designed for someone else? You often do things on your own, Cosmo, why I ask."

Cosmo gave a narrative to his master, all innocent-like but honest. Green responded. "Really? For her? I think she'd like that since she likes you so much."

As Cosmo went to reply the office door slid open once more, this time allowing Lt. T'Pri to enter. Both droids, in unison, leaned their domed head back to peek around the desk even as Green stood up. "Lieutenant T'Pri."

The Vulcan woman came in and stood at the proper spot for addressing a superior in their office. She did not miss the odd automatons who had peeked out at her but decided to save any queries on that for a better time. "I came to inform you, Captain, that the office you gave me as the Diplomatic Officer is now set up and ready for duty. The seclusion of an enclosed space will aid my focus while I research this region of space and the societies that live within it, or near it."

"Good to hear," said Green, coming around her desk to stand with T'Pri, with both droids following behind her feet like well trained dogs. Ro noted the arched eyebrow of the Vulcan as she looked at them before bringing her eyes back to the Captain. "Our Diplomatic office has been vacant since I arrived, and according to the duty logs, for quite some time before that. If we are to have a Diplomatic Chief I would have to run that by Commodore Sureth or Captain Callaghan."

"I am content to serve as I am, Captain." T'Pri said. "Should you pursue this endeavor then I shall perform my duties to the best of my abilities."

~To the best of her abilities~ Green thought, grinning inwardly, as she knew that Vulcans performed their duties with focus and intent, and did not slack; ever. "Your Vulcan logic may come in handy. Just remember that logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end."

T'Pri arched her eyebrow at the Captain, not expecting that to be said. "Well said, Captain Green. You are familiar with Ambassador Spock?"

"Everything that was ever written about the man," confided Green. "My own beliefs coincide well with the beliefs of Vulcans. Logic, patience, resolving conflicts without the need for violence, all of that. However, there are other cultures I find to my liking and can empathize with. When conflict erupts into violence then the clash needs to be ended quickly and decisively before it grows to encompass more innocent lives. Keeping the balance, as it were."

"A logical viewpoint," said T'Pri. "And, one I happen to agree with. As a follower of Jarok I do see different points of view better than my brethren, at times."

Green smiled. "As we all should. A difference of opinion can often lead to misunderstanding and negative feelings. Your input on these matters will be welcome, T'Pri, when such situations arise." She got a nod for that.

T'Pri, hearing the end of this particular topic, then turned her head to look down at the droids. "I have never seen their like before. Are they experimental Exocomps?"

"No," said Green with a smile, turning halfway so she could see both the droids and her Vulcan guest. "They are droids. Not androids, just droids. Mechanical servants with an immense amount of engineering, scientific, and computer knowledge within their memory cores. This is Cosmo," Ro casually pointed at him, then her hand pointed casually to the other one. "This is the newest addition, Rollo." Both droids made warbles that sounded very similar to the word 'hello'. "Cosmo is my servant, my helper, my buddy, and my friend. He is as sentient as his little droid brain can muster, so therefore I treat him as such."

Finding them both fascinating, T'Pri squatted properly so that her rather short Starfleet skirt covered everything important. She wore science blue bikini briefs covered by the black pantyhose/nylons. They were uniform articles, not undergarments, but they did leave one exposed to the leering eyes of those who could not control themselves. However, T'Pri found this mode of dress agreeable. It allowed for ease of changing should she need to for away missions or space walks. "May I touch you?" She asked Cosmo politely. He rolled forward and she ran her hand flat along his rotund body. "He is an amazing construct." Cosmo warbled and T'Pri looked up to Ro.

Green grinned. "He said thank you."

T'Pri stood up. "Perhaps he will prove useful to me, as well, during times of strife."

"Oh, he will, believe me." Ro said. "If he has one fault, Cosmo is always looking to help anyone and everyone. He likes being useful and he likes most people."

Once more the office door slid open and a new face walked in. Ro's eyes widened a bit at that face, not expecting to see it so soon, but glad it was here. "Lieutenant Lasso. Back earlier than expected." Her eyes went to the Klingon baldric across his chest and the medals there, seeing one was the symbol for House Kehlani. "I see you made an impression."

"Did I ever, Captain." Gavin said while coming up and stopping at the two women, dressed in his uniform of the day. "Member of House Kehlani, awarded for combat," he pointed out the medals in order of what he said. "And now, the adopted brother to Patriarch Marz. I'd say I had a good week."

"I would have to agree," said Green, not forgetting about her other guest. "Lieutenant Gavin Lasso, this is Lieutenant T'Pri, a science officer and diplomatic officer newly assigned to M-69." They gave each other greetings. "Like Captain Bjorgo, I am trying to help round out personnel for 69. With each passing week we find ourselves new civilizations and issues to deal with."

Lasso nodded in agreement. "Being on the frontier of the Unknown Regions tends to do that, Captain. I came to let you know I am ready to resume my duties to M-69. And," he said in a teasing tone. "To see what damage you've done to my department."

Green grinned at the cheekiness. "It's still in order. Had to use them a couple of times, but they performed well and know their jobs. Speaking of which, Sureth would like you to have runabouts on standby. We're going to have guests on the station who are coming to see the black hole; science types." A splendid idea came to mind, so Ro's eyes went back and forth between the two lieutenants. "The Commodore would like you to play taxi, and keep them from doing anything foolish like getting too close. This will be a good test for you, as well, T'Pri. Diplomacy and a shared knowledge of the sciences could make things go more smoothly."

T'Pri responded. "I look forward to the assignment, Captain."

As T'Pri said that, Lasso got an idea. "Ro, what if we used a privateer for this? Taavis has her new ship, plenty of room for up to six guests. Spacious vessel with up-to-date tech in every way. Just an idea."

Ro gave it a moment of thought. "I'm not opposed, but that kind of thing I would need to run by Sureth and Shauna. For now, stick with your runabouts, Gavin."

"You got it," said Lasso. He looked at the attractive Vulcan next to him. What was it with women that had pointed eyebrows and ears that he found so attractive. Not that he would ever cheat on Taavis, but he had this thing for Vulcanoids. He even found Ainkara attractive. "I'll call when I have a runabout picked out, Lieutenant T'Pri. You can come down and fine tune the sensors for observing a singularity."

"I find that agreeable." T'Pri answered, the looked to Ro. "Anything further, Captain Green?"

"Not at this time," said Green. "Carry on, you two." She watched the two officers turn and leave together, beginning a conversation between themselves as they did so. Ro looked to the two droids, grinning. "Alright, you two. Let's find his intended master." As she began to walk out the door both droids followed her along, eliciting some grins from the outer office staff as they went.



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