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Station #67: Setting Up Contacts

Posted on Wed Nov 20th, 2024 @ 7:38pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji}

Location: M-69
Timeline: Current


Having made her way to the airlock for the visiting Orion freighter, Taavis saw the four person team of Security personnel. They had set up a podium for scanning each passenger and crew member for the Orion vessel, all four of them armed with phasers on stun, ready to arrest any of them who might be wanted by the UFP. Taavis approached, all of them recognizing her and giving her nods of greetings. "Captain Taavis." The team lead said to her, his burly self showing he was no slouch at his duties nor his physical training. A Human who took his profession seriously. "Glad you're here. We can let them through, now. Just know, if they misbehave, and by your own words, you will be held accountable. Possibly even arrested if is is severe enough. Understood?"

Taavis had no issue with that. "Understood, Lieutenant."

Giving a curt nod he then tapped the key to open the airlock, signaling the Orions they could now come aboard. As the airlock on their own ship opened, the Orions began to cross the small bridge and step onto M-69. One of them, a tall, muscular male Orion Taavis recognized and gave a grin to even as he came to a stop to be scanned by Security. Once he passed the inspection he was waved inward, coming over to Taavis as she stood back against the wall. "Good to see you again, Taavis."

"You too, Klemyul." Taavis had spoked to him on her own transit aboard that vole-trap freighter she had used in her first leg to get to the Intel base. She gave a cynical expression, glancing passed him before bringing her eyes back. "What, no wife?"

"Please," said Klemyul, rolling his eyes with cynicism and what also appeared to be a bit of disgust. "She was never my wife. It was a cover to keep the dregs from mucking with her. A decent person but a bit short on brains." They began to move through the gangway corridor to the main base proper. The other Orions, all males, walked behind them and talked amongst themselves, not getting into Klemyul's business and friendships. Once at the base deck plates they went their own ways, while Klemyul stayed with Taavis as they walked towards a glass wall lift that would take them to the Promenade.

Taavis continued to grin. "She seemed a bit dense, but a hard life can do that to some." The small talk continued until they reached Club Bliss and went inside. Once there, the depth of conversation switched to a more business-like aspect, even while remaining friendly. "Klemyul..."

He raised a hand to interrupt briefly. "Klem, Taavis. Just Klem, please."

Manny was at his usual place behind the bar, it being a weekend and the club already filled with patrons there for various reasons. He extended a hand to the Orion since Taavis had bellied up to the bar with him and they now stood in front of him. "Manny, Manager for Club Bliss." His own position as a business partner was not said.

Klem shook hands. "Klem, free trader and entrepreneur. Good to meet you."

"We'll see," said Manny as he pulled glasses from the washer and set them on the strainer.

Taavis almost broke into a smile at Manny's antics. Perhaps he had a thing against Orions, something she had never asked him; who he disliked as a species. "He's gruff, Klem. But, invaluable. Here, in Bliss, trust and respect are earned, not given." Her own grin reduced greatly. She, herself, had qualms about dealing with Orions, But, if you found the right ones with the right character, money could be made and information gained.

Klem was fine with that, looking away from Manny and keeping his eyes on Taavis. Not only because Manny was keeping his eyes on him, but also because Taavis was way easy on the eyes. Was there a romantic connection between her and this Manny fellow? Time would tell. "I'll have to take your word for it, Taavis." He said in regards to Manny being invaluable, moving on from there. "When we first met we discussed business opportunities out this way, and also a chance to meet with Billi. Are those both still on the table?"

Taking a sip of her kali-fal, feeling it burn all the way down, and opening her nasal passages even before the liquid had hit her tongue, Taavis responded. "We can discuss things further. Set something up to see if your actions can match your words. As for Billi, she serves on the USS Nazgul. Meeting with her would be on her and her captain. I have no say in that since I retired from service."

Giving a slight shrug, Klem's face showed he understood. "I'll have to see what I can do. As for us, is there anything you need delivered or sent out. I'll be glad to transport it for you as a first step in proving myself."

"Come on," Taavis chinned for him to follow as she walked passed him, taking him to the privacy cubicle she had. "We can talk freely in here without fear of eavesdropping." The two of them entered the cubicle and got comfortable even as Taavis pulled out her personal PADD and activated all the anti-listening devices within it. She slid the PADD back into her thigh pocket as they began to talk business.



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