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Station Post # 66 " Times Tables "

Posted on Wed Nov 20th, 2024 @ 2:48pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Captain Jamie O'Connell & Captain Tore Bjorgo & Captain Rogue "Ro" Green {Meji Founder/Master} & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant JG T'Pri

Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


< OPS >

Was time altered in some way or had the away team of Captain Shauna Callaghan and O'Connell come back to the same time and space they had left with Ardoo?

That was the question on their and Commodore Sureth's mind as he saw the duo together for the first time.

Warchief Loth had returned first and had beamed over to report to the armada leader. His testimony and weight hopefully would sway the Assul to stop hostilities.

" Welcome back Number One. I can't wait to read your report." Sureth greeted Shauna. " Captain O'Connell thank you for your assistance as well."

"Any time Commodore, happy I could help" then Jamie paused "May I say Sir, you have a fine officer in Captain Callaghan; she's a credit to the uniform" he stated with sincerity.

“Thank you Captain, I appreciate that” Shauna smiled warmly at O’Connell. “I was just doing what any of us would have done to save others.” She looked towards Sureth. “I’ll explain what you missed later Sir.”

O'Connell just smiled and gave a nod of anytime.

Sureth then walked to the back side of OPS and then entered the ready room. But before making an announcement two junior officers entered and stay a few minutes.

A few minutes later Sureth then called aloud.

" All Senior staff please report to the briefing room "

Hearing the announcement O'Connell figured that was his exit point. Tapping his Comm "Peel this is Captain O'Connell lock onto my signal, I'm ready to come home." Moments later the Captain was gone.

< Briefing Room >

Having heard the summons, Green got up off her stool in Club Bliss, still wearing her Jedi garb that she now considered Meji garb for the new Order she would begin to work on during her free time. Standing, she removed the the cloak and folded it twice, setting it on the end of the bar near to the wall. "Watch this for me, Manny, please." He gave a nod. "Can I use the replicator?" She chinned at the unit behind the bar. Manny said she could and to come around. Ro did so, creating a rank pip to apply to the high collar on her Meji 'robes'. More than a few people had seen her sitting at the bar as she sipped whiskey, neat, but none had had the courage to come over and speak with her. ~Oh well~ she thought ~their loss~ Now, with rank able to be seen Green left Club Bliss and headed for the OPS conference room.

While in his quarters alone, Bjorgo had heard the summons, not sure if Sureth meant for him to attend since he did have his own command, or if it was intended for station personnel only. Not one to make multiple calls to find out he told the computer to lock on and give him a site-to-site ride to the corridor just outside of OPS. conference room. Arriving in a shimmering signal he noted Ro coming toward him as he solidified. "Good day, Captain. After this soiree I have a few things I need to run passed you." His eyes looked her up and down, not familiar with the cultural aspects of the outfit, but liking how it looked on Ro. He was sure that Ro Green could wear a plastic trash bag and still look good.

"No, problem, Tore." Green responded. "We'll go for a drink and discuss it." The two of them walked into the room, with Tore giving her a slight lead ahead of himself out of politeness. Both of them gave their greetings as they made their way around the table and found some chairs next to each other.

Hearing the request from Sureth, Doctor Williams grabbed his padd and his Tri-corder then stopped in sick bay proper "Doctor Daniels, I have a Staff meeting so please hold down the fort for me" he ordered with a smile. "No problem Boss" Daniels replied with a smirk.

Ramvek entered the Briefing Room at the back of Ops "Commodore, Captain Callaghan, everyone" came his greeting before grabbing a seat. He did notice a couple of Officers he wasn't familiar with; especially the one dressed in some sort of robes.

" Thank you for coming swiftly. Doctor Williams please use you medical tricorder and scan each individual that arrives to this meeting. I will explain after this meeting." Sureth whispered to the doctor.

Green and Bjorgo exchanged a furtive yet casual glance. Both were augments and it would be detected on the scans, even though both their medical records were on file with Starfleet.

Isabelle entered the room with a big smile having found her husband was indeed alive, and now back on the station with her. She would have to answer for leaving station without permission, but it was a price worth paying to be reunited with John again.

Shauna offered Isabelle a warm smile it was nice to see the Counsellor so happy.

" All please take a seat. Under my orders Dr Williams will be scanning each of you. I will explain after this meeting." Sureth added.

Rising from his chair Williams commented "This will only take a few minutes" as he approached each member of the Senior Staff and scanned them going from one to the other until all had the scans had been completed. "Commodore I will have myself scanned by one of my Staff when I return to sick bay" then he sat giving the floor back to Sureth.

Isabelle gave her father a curious look, wondering what the scans were all about.

" As you all know we've have engaged the Assul Empire in battle. The reason of which was because of a tradition they employ to crown a new Queen. I received word the Warchief Loth has brokered a peace treaty with us and the Empire. They have also decided to elect their first male leader to become their King. It will be a contest between Warchief Loth and Warchief Zoll. Captain Shauna Callaghan I have been asked to allow you to become the temporary Federation Ambassador to the Empire. Apparently you made a great impression on Warchief Loth." Sureth reported.

“Me?” Shauna offered a questioning gaze. “That’s probably because their Queen was a Trill woman, however I’m happy to do whatever I can to assist.”

"Captain there is danger to accepting this role. You can say no." Sureth replied.

Green paid attention to the conversation between Sureth and Shauna. There was always an element of danger whenever diplomacy was to be had. All parties must feel that they have gained something in return for giving up something else.

Bjorgo, still a bit nervous over why these scans were necessary, remained quiet and allowed it to happen without complaint. The conversation between the Commodore and Captain Callaghan was now where his attention was focused. To hear that the Assul could be reasoned with was a relief.

" As for the scans....I have asked Dr. Williams to scan all of our blood for a potential element. Many years ago I was stationed on Platonia. It was there Star Fleet learned about a potential element that was in the planets soil and food which availed the residents with certain pituitary glands the abilities to use telekinetic powers." Sureth began.

Green's brow scrunched a bit at hearing that and she sat forward and placed her arms on the table. Nothing too abrupt, but a definite focus on what was just said. It seemed that the predictions Qeritas had made to her those many years ago were coming true. The Milky Way galaxy was evolving like those far older than it was; those so far away that they were impossible to see by any conventional means known to science. She remained quiet as she listened. Through the Core she now knew that a part of that elusive feeling she had been having had come from this revelation.

" When Doctor Williams analyses comes back we will see if my theory is correct. " Sureth added.

Bjorgo had noticed when Green sat up and forward, though it seemed to have been casual, as if she was merely intrigued by what Sureth said. Now, out of the corner of his eye he began to perceive that Ro seemed to be looking through Sureth, not just at him.

Ro continued to maintain a casual appearance, yet there was something about Sureth that seemed different. As she had been taught; trust your feelings. She really, really needed to discuss this with Qeritas.

"Are there any questions?" Sureth asked.

~There~ Ro thought to herself. Sureth was correct, Whatever element had entered his body had caused changes, and the Core was telling her so. It was unfortunate, she thought, that it was a form of telekinesis, a power that fell under the auspice of Alter. The abilities under that umbrella could easily send a being down a dark and terrible path. "Have you used this power, Commodore?" Green asked, even as she continued to sit up straight but relaxed back into her chair. The auspice of Sense was on high alert now, with Ro calling on the Core to enhance her perceptions. She was now beginning to wonder why she called it the Core. It was, and forever shall be, the power of The Force, no matter which galaxy it was in.

Isabelle looked towards her father curiously. “Have you been affected by it from your time there Sir?”

" We were warned to not eat any items from there. However reports of its people exploiting themselves with it is documented under Captain James T Kirk's command of the Constitution class Enterprise. I witnessed something like it earlier by a new member of my staff and it concerned me." Sureth replied.

Ro knew he was talking about her, and the act of pulling the Pakled ship to safety with the power of the Core. A very strong display of her control and use of telekinesis. She had heard the rumors while on the Promenade earlier today, before she came to this meeting. She decided to let her own query go unanswered as Isabelle had attracted Sureth's attention with her own question.

" On other notes...several ships have started arriving. One of our very own 2nd Lt John Dallas has returned to us. A Yacht from Earth is expected very soon with passengers wanting to study the Black Hole closer. I will need shuttle escorts for them Captain Green, to keep them a safe distance from the hole." Sureth added.

Lieutenant T'Pri had sat off to the side during the meeting, remaining quiet, observing the interactions between staff officers and others. Her focus had been on Green, the one who had requested her here to aid the Fleet Captain as a part of her office staff, as well as, to aid the station as a whole. To say this was an interesting group would have been an understatement.

"We'll see to it, Commodore." Green said with confidence. "Mister Lasso should be returning from his Klingon exchange duties in a few more days and I will get him up to speed."

" Also Captain Green a Vulcan Lieutenant named T'Pri over there is here to assist us in numerous capacities. Please take her under wing after this meeting." Sureth added.

Ro looked at the Vulcan, recognizing her from the personnel file she had read before choosing her to come to M-69. "Greetings, Lieutenant T'Pri. Apologies for not meeting you properly, there have been issues that have kept me busy."

T'Pri gave a slight bow from the neck in respect. "I am honored to be here, Captain Green. From what I see," her eyes went around the table. "I will be working in good company."

Sureth then concluded.

" We are all tense from this encounter with the Assul but thanks to Captain Callaghan and Captain O'Connell we have avoided a war. I still plan to investigate the Overwatch hand in all this but in the mean time do try to enjoy your lives on M-69. We may be distant from the action in the Alpha Quadrant but I would trust my life with all of this crew. Dismissed."

Green stood up as he gave them permission to leave, glad that Sureth had not gone any further into the telekinesis talk for the time being. They would have to talk about that before including others. Not that they would not hear of it from the populace around the base and all the gossip. Going over to T'Pri, Ro got the new Vulcan officer to get in step with her so they could chat while heading to her office. She had been so busy that she had not considered that T'Pri might get here a day or so earlier than expected. They left Sureth's office together, Bjorgo following them out and going his own way once clear of Admin and OPS.

Getting up Isabelle was only too eager to get away and spend more time with her husband. John was going to need counselling, but as his wife Starfleet wouldn’t allow it to be her. She would have to arrange a visit from an outside counsellor.

Shauna stood ready to depart wondering about her new role as temporary Ambassador to the Empire.

Sureth joined his first officers side.
" A penny for your thoughts? If you need me I always have time to listen Numb....Shauna."

“Thank you Sir” Shauna offered a polite smile. “I’m just wondering about my temporary Ambassadorial duties.”

" Loft asked if you would represent the Federation. He is bidding to become the Assul leader. He and a Warchief Zoll. Do you trust Loth?" Sureth replied

“To a point” Shauna nodded. “He’s naturally loyal to his people.”

" As are you Shauna. Takes some time off and then we will readdress this issue." Sureth urged.

Shauna nodded. “Thank you Sir” with that she headed out to go and enjoy some time to herself.



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